Filters, health, & fly-by hi's

Feb 17, 2010 20:54

First health, it'll explain my hi & bye, stupid sciatic is back & ow! I'm not looking forward to next couple of days--stairs *pout* Not too mention this week is-has been crazy. Booked everyone I could this week since next week I'm leaving early Thursday morning for Escapade. I'll be happier once I'm there. Right now I'm going through the stupid anxiety thing...

Anyhoo, filters, I created 2... The first filter will be anything & everything related to my SPN bigbang, who knows if I'll actually complete it this year. Anyhoo if you'd like to be on it please lmk... I'd like a place to discuss, but don't want to bother my entire flist (SPN Gen John pov with Wee!chesters).

The second filter is for anyone who might be interested in Family Pack... it’s weird to say, but I started writing it again. For now I'm only going to post here, but it’s going to be locked under the filter, and un'beta'd until I find someone to work with. Eventually I'll unlock it as its beta'd and completed. For those who don't know FP was the first fic I posted- sadly it’s still a wip (initially I had 29 chs). I won't get into all the various stalls & problems I had, but will say I'm no longer stalled. FP is BtVS/AtS, the main pairing is Angel/Spike/Xander/Wesley, other pairings involve het/slash/fems slash/3some. Again just lmk if you're interested, if not seriously no worries ;)

theeverdream I think your package arrived; my mother left me a message that I have something. I'll be picking it Friday- I'll let you if it is *I’m excited!*

hearts_cries ♥ U thank you for the teddy *smooches*

drkcherry sweet chocolates my favorite with zero calories thank you! *smooches*

I owe a couple more responses, but it'll have to wait- promise to get back to within the next couple of days- especially those who answered this morning’s questions- it helped a lot, and will get back to you both on my John's background ;)

Okay off to brush teeth, and off to bed hoping meds kick in soon.
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