The Weeping Angels really are the scariest Who villains. The Daleks, the Cybermen, they do nothing for me, but these things scare the crap out of me.
Eleven really is growing on me with every episode. Amy doesn't need to grow on me because I love her. She's awesome. That whole "I don't need to die for me, Doctor, I'm not that clingy" part...I LOVE HER SO MUCH. And the way he pressed his forehead against her and said she was magnificent. Oh God, I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM.
I do find the whole 'Oncoming Storm' thing silly and a bit tired, but it is effective. I love the Doctor when he's hardcore and badass and pissed off.
This may be an unpopular fandom opinion, but I don't really like River Song. I find her a bit smug and superior. I don't like the way she holds her future knowledge of the Doctor over his head. She just grates on me.
Having said that, the little bit about how the Tardis makes its Tardis-noise because the Doctor leaves the brakes on? *giggles* Maybe she's just one of those characters who needs to grow on me, and because she's just a guest rather than a regular she's not getting that amount of time.