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Comments 5

wickedground April 25 2010, 14:27:48 UTC
This may be an unpopular fandom opinion, but I don't really like River Song.

lol unpopular? I think that's like 90% what fandom thinks about her. Personally, I don't mind her. She's an HBIC. I like that she knows more than the Doctor and how much it frustrates him xD Though I don't think she's really his wife.


denorios April 25 2010, 14:32:41 UTC
Really? Oh, I don't feel so bad now. I don't dislike her, I just don't especially like her either.


nebula99 April 25 2010, 19:23:39 UTC
I agree with all of this - I really like Eleven, and Amy, and I find River annoying for the very same reason.

And the Weeping Angels scare the bejasus out of me and the kids. They have to have a sleepover in H's bedroom after watching this and sleep with the lights on!


suzie_shooter April 26 2010, 12:58:26 UTC
I don't like River either, but if she turns out to be some form of baddie then I may revise my opinion, hehe

I especially liked the "Hug Amy!" "What? Why?" "Cos I'm busy" bit :D


weird_fin May 30 2010, 14:57:26 UTC
And the way he pressed his forehead against her and said she was magnificent.
Okay, yeah, must admit that bit got through to me. Though I still don't particularly care for them together in any way as yet. And yes, I thought most people disliked/hatd River. I loved her at first, but now she's getting on my nerves a bit, still trying to stick with her a bit because of Alex playing her. Being a villian would be awesome. I hope she's in the last episode of the season any which way it happens.

OH! Your mood theme! The guy from those Western movies with Katherine Heigl 'Loves Come...' ^^


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