Three episodes is not long enough, dammit!

Apr 25, 2010 21:59

So, were they implying that James Devereaux was Foyle's son, or was I imagining that? Surely not? Either way, that little romance with James' mother and Foyle was so sad. Poor Foyle. He really doesn't have any luck at all. But why's he off to America? And will he come back? He has to come back for Sam's wedding!

And Sam! Oh Sam. Somehow that proposal was so perfectly Sam - Adam down on one knee in an exploded house with the walls about to fall down any minute. I wouldn't have expected anything less for Sam. And she and Adam will have fat babies, and she'll name their first son Christopher. Obviously.


No more Foyle's War. Hopefully not forever, but who knows? Still, at least Lewis starts again next week. My Sundays won't be completely barren.

tv: lewis, tv: foyle's war

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