May 15, 2008 13:51

Aww, so Reed didn't die. *sighs* Never mind, eh? I found him annoying and irresponsible, but he was pretty smart, giving Mac the clues he needed to find him. And maybe I'm glad he didn't die, because I don't know what that would have done to Mac, losing the last bit of Claire left in the world.

Thing is, that wasn't the season finale. So what on earth is going to happen in the last episode if they've wrapped the cabbie killer storyline up? That would a perfect place to end the season. Hmmm.

On a side note, Stella telling Mac she couldn't stop the bleeding because her hands were too small broke my heart just a little bit. I love Stella. I honestly think Stella is my favourite female character on TV right now. She's just awesome.

tv: csi new york

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