
May 16, 2008 10:24

Oh God, they are trying to kill us, aren't they? Reusing 'Carry On, My Wayward Son' like this? *flails*

Oh Sammy's little hopeful earnest determined face! This episode is just going to break my heart.

Woah, what the hell was that? I don't even wanna see Sammy looking like that again!

Bobby, why are you so awesome? I love Bobby.

I love that Dean is so willing to do anything to be saved except put Sam in danger. Oh DEAN, baby. And so Sam goes and does it anyway. When will these boys ever learn?

Dean never looks at Sam like he's a side-show freak!

Come to the Dark Side, Sam... HA! Dean was thinking the same thing.

Is it bad that I find Ruby and Dean fighting kinda hot?

Oooh, Dean, you magnificent bastard, you! Nice work!

Oh BOYS, just stop, okay? You're breaking my heart here. "All I'm saying...Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot. You are. And I'm yours." *wails*

Dean, do you really want to know what a demon does for fun?

Hahahaha, Bobby, I love you! "Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?" LOL! And "Family don't end with blood, boy." Oh Bobby.

"If this is my last day on earth I do not want it to be socially awkward." "Bon Jovi rocks. On occasion." That right there is exactly why I love Dean. And Dean and Sammy singing along to 'Dead or Alive', with Sammy doing the harmony. Oh God. So this is what laughing through tears feel like.

"Piercing the veil..." Would that be gay love piercing the veil?

When Bobby calls Dean 'son' my heart goes all flippy-floppy. *sniffles*

You know what, Sam's face is scaring me.

Is Bobby holy-watering the sprinkler...oh. Yeah, he is.

Oh Sam, don't hesitate! Oh yikes, Dean, good call!

"I'm sorry. I mean, this is all my fault, I know that. But what you're doing, it's not going to save me. It's only going to kill you... Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you, okay? And remember what I taught you."

Oh DEAN, no. DEAN!

Oh God, Dean. Dean...oh God.

You cannot leave it there! You cannot leave Dean in hell screaming for Sam. Oh God...

Jesus, this summer is going to drag. No holiday, no football, no TV, probably no damn sun either, knowing England. *sighs* How long until September?

ships: sam/dean, tv: supernatural

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