Big day tomorrow!

Jun 22, 2016 19:21

I am really worried about this EU referendum - like, really worried. I think there's a real chance the Leave vote could win, and I just think that would be so bad, for this country, for the EU, even the world. If Britain leaves the EU there'll be huge economic ripples, and it could start a domino effect in the EU, destabilise the entire European power bloc, prompt another Scottish referendum, lead to the breakup of the UK. None of these are good things!

Ugh, I hate how selfish this entire campaign has been. Whether it's Leave or Remain, every campaign has been about what we can get out of the deal, what's best for us, what we can take or leave. It's all been so selfish and short-sighted and nationalistic, and I hate it. This issue, this campaign has been the most vicious, divisive, disruptive, aggressive political campaign I can ever remember. And quite frankly the stakes are bigger than any general election or political issue I can remember.

And I'm worried. I don't want to leave the EU. I don't want us to retreat to our little island and sit lost in reveries of some mythical glory days when Britannia ruled the waves.

I'll be up and voting before I go to work in the morning - I suspect turnout for this will be bigger than a lot of recent general elections. I just hope the usually apathetic younger generations vote this time - it really does seem like there's a generational divide with this issue: the young want in, the old want out. And the baby boomers have screwed up enough, leave us this, if nothing else!

politics: britain

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