Person of Interest...

Jun 22, 2016 18:36

Now that is how you end a show! That's how you do it.

But oh, my emotions... *insert overly-used but entirely apposite gif here*

John. Oh, John. Somehow this was always going to be his fate, he was always living on borrowed time, and it made so much sense he would sacrifice himself for Harold, that he and the Machine would conspire always to protect Harold.

Didn't stop me sobbing like a broken little baby, though.

And the Machine survived, and Fusco survived, and Shaw survived, and Harold reunited with Grace, and it was all so much more hopeful and positive than I could ever have hoped for. But...John...

I am going to miss this show so damn much. It's criminal how under-rated it's been, when it's been so smart, so incisive, so heartbreaking, so well-rounded. I can't believe it's really done now. No more Person of Interest.

I need a re-watch.

tv: person of interest

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