Big day tomorrow!

Jun 22, 2016 19:21

I am really worried about this EU referendum - like, really worried. I think there's a real chance the Leave vote could win, and I just think that would be so bad, for this country, for the EU, even the world. If Britain leaves the EU there'll be huge economic ripples, and it could start a domino effect in the EU, destabilise the entire European ( Read more... )

politics: britain

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Comments 17

cabooklover June 22 2016, 18:26:20 UTC
I really hope the Remain vote wins. I leave the UK tomorrow evening on a 22:30 flight, do you know when the results will be out?


denorios June 22 2016, 18:28:27 UTC
Not by then, certainly. Probably the following morning, maybe later. I don't think the polling stations close until 10pm and then there'll be counting through the night. And if there's a larger than normal turnout, it may take longer than usual for districts to report back.


cabooklover June 22 2016, 18:30:47 UTC
Oh boy. I'm flying to Australia so I'll be traveling for 25 hours, I won't find out whether the UK is in or out until I land in Melbourne! 😱


ext_426508 June 22 2016, 18:46:59 UTC
5:00 AM at the earliest. I'm a count supervisor, and the briefings I've had have not envisaged finishing before that. The turnout is expected to exceed the last General Election. At least the count will be simpler, since there are only two choices. Though there'll still be some people unable to comprehend the idea of putting an X in one box. The amusing thing is the people who write lengthy diatribes on their ballots, as if they think that anyone is ever going to read them.


sherrilina June 22 2016, 18:35:20 UTC
I am super worried too, and a British friend of mine says she can't sleep these days because of her anxiety over it. It's just so stupid, there shouldn't even be a referendum in the first place on something like this (what other treaties get ratified by popular vote??). John Oliver had a great segment summing up the idiocy of the Leave movement ("FUCK THOSE EGGHEADS WITH THEIR STUDIES AND DEGREES. I GET MY ECONOMIC FORECASTS FROM CLEVER OTIS, THE GDP-PREDICTIN' HORSE!"). I sincerely hope that people see sense, and recognize the foolishness and xenophobia behind "Leave." (I hope that the death of Jo Cox was a wake-up call to some too). At least polls are looking a bit more hopeful now, and I'm also remembering when the Scotland polls looked close and that turned out to be a landslide. *fingers crossed*


denorios June 22 2016, 18:40:38 UTC
Well, it's not a treaty, it's about our membership of the EU - so there damn well should be a referendum on the issue, because the alternative is just our government deciding whether we're in or out. We had a referendum on joining back in the day, so there should be one on leaving. But I just disagree with the entire issue, because I think it's just a knee-jerk reaction to the refugee crisis and it's more about immigration and 'controlling our borders' than anything else. There are other issues and concerns, we've always had an arms-length, love/hate relationship with Europe, but that's what's brought the whole thing to a head. And it's largely what the campaigns are being fought over.

I just hope people do err on the side of caution when they come to vote, that they decide 'better the devil you know', but I'm still pretty worried!


sherrilina June 23 2016, 02:06:00 UTC
I mean when it comes down to it it's basically a treaty (or series of treaties) at heart, but fair enough. But given how uninformed many people seem to be about just what EU membership actually entails (and seem to think that actual experts in economics and foreign relations don't know anything, go figure), it seems a shame for such people to be deciding this kind of delicate international relations issue right now. *shrug* But such is democracy I suppose.

In any case, good luck!


eurydice72 June 22 2016, 18:40:24 UTC
I've had to listen to my FIL rant about this for ages now. Unsurprisingly, he's in the wanting out camp, convinced all the problems in the UK are because of EU interference. Nothing we say to him gets through, and when we dared to compare him to the same blinkered mentality of American conservatives, he actually took offense and said it wasn't the same thing. I hope for yours and the UK's sakes that the leave vote fails (even if it means I have to listen to him for years to come, lol).


tellshannon815 June 22 2016, 21:05:46 UTC
That sounds like what I've been hearing from all my relatives too.


dancingdragon3 June 22 2016, 19:38:06 UTC
As an American worried about Trump, you have my sympathy. I hope Britain stays in the EU.


enigmaticblues June 22 2016, 20:07:38 UTC
I was just going to say this very thing.


denorios June 23 2016, 06:57:01 UTC
Yeah, I'm not sure which is a worse prospect! And if both end up and cover!


trepkos June 22 2016, 21:10:35 UTC
Hear, hear.


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