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ayebydan April 19 2016, 19:13:10 UTC
anytime I see white people try be cowboys my historical heart breaks.


denorios April 19 2016, 19:20:00 UTC
Okay. But...they're not cowboys? Western does not automatically equal cowboys.


ayebydan April 19 2016, 19:51:09 UTC
I grew up on the original and it is clearly a rip off of cowboys while being whitewashed horror. the fact that they are remaking it the way they are is only more problematic to me.


moonpupy April 19 2016, 21:31:11 UTC
The original Magnificent Seven movie? Or the original Seven Samurai movie?


linderhill April 20 2016, 02:25:14 UTC
exactly, The Magnificent Seven were never "cowboys," they were hired guns, just like the original seven samurai weren't herders or shepherds. Just because its a western doesn't mean the characters are cowboys.

I too am kind of worried about how the movie will turn out. There was a certain magic in both the original movie and the TV series.


denorios April 20 2016, 07:30:00 UTC
Reading more it sounds like they won't be the same characters as the first movie and the TV series - so no Chris, Vin etc. Which actually makes me feel a lot better about it all, because there won't be the same parallels or comparisons for me. I can just enough it as an all-too-rare big screen western!


moonpupy April 19 2016, 21:22:52 UTC
Because there were no white people raising cattle? Because there were no white people settling land? Or mining gold? Or trapping beaver? Or hunting buffalo? Is American history becoming so after-the-fact p.c. that all the actual white people who were there being wiped away to make room for native americans or blacks or pick-a-race?

Granted, I'm only second generation American born, but my foreign born grandparents mined coal. In Colorado. And the community they lived in was white - in as much as irish and welsh and polish and italian and germans were considered white. (And mexicans, who weren't.) What were they actually referred to as? Ethnics. Those damned ethnics that were here to take the low paying jobs and work for the rich whites, like the Fords and Rockefellers.

So, don't give me no shit about 'white people trying to be cowboys'. White people were part of historical america, just as much as native americans - who were never, actually, cowboys, and blacks, who were.


ayebydan April 19 2016, 23:37:23 UTC
I cannot even begin. Yes there were. But, the fact remains that the majority of 'cowboys' were black so the whole 'cowyboy' trope tends to be false and so I cringe when I see it because 99% of the time it is shown in the wrong way.



moonpupy April 20 2016, 05:16:28 UTC
tsk tsk tsk

i cannot even

::wipes off hands::


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