I am so ridiculously conflicted...

Apr 19, 2016 19:42

On the one hand, it's a new Magnificent Seven movie - and it has Denzel Washington in it. That's a yay. And it doesn't have Tom Cruise in it, as was being bruited about back in the day. Double yay. Major yay. Ecstatic yay.

But then...it's a new Magnificent Seven movie - and I am so utterly wedded to my TV Mag7 boys that I just cannot quite wrap my head around a different cast, even though I know that the TV series was a remake of a movie that was a remake of a Japanese samurai movie, and how can I therefore get all loving and defensive?

But... *points to icon* ... that's my Seven right there. And I'm sure Denzel Washington and Chris Pratt will be Chris and Vin, because who else would they be? And Chris and Vin, Mag7 Chris and Vin, are like my OTP to end all OTPs, and I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. Although I vaguely recall that they're using new characters, so maybe they won't be Chris and Vin. In which case I will feel a lot better.

tv: the magnificent seven, ships: chris/vin, movies: westerns

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