No, Tom Cruise! Bad, Tom Cruise!

May 23, 2012 11:17

Oh dear God, no.

Tom Cruise to star in Magnificent Seven remake

No. Back away, Tom Cruise. Back the fuck away.

I love The Magnificent Seven. I love the movie, I love the TV series. I love westerns. I would love to see Hollywood make more westerns. I would love to see a Magnificent Seven remake. But not with Tom Cruise.

Because, let's face, he'll want to be the star, which means either playing Chris or Vin, since those are the two big roles in the movie. Tom Cruise taking a role made famous by either Yul Brynner or Steve McQueen, and associated in my head with Michael Biehn and Eric Close? Hell to the no. Tom Cruise having any kind of association in my mind with my Chris and Vin? Oh, HELL NO.

tv: the magnificent seven, movies: westerns

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