Ohno Satoshi x Ohno Mamoru

Oct 03, 2016 02:25

I’ve compiled episodes of Ohno’s sister previously, so I thought of compiling episodes of his dad too. There are actually still a lot more than this but they’re without a clear source so I didn’t include them. It’s so nice that he shares these sweet moments with us, that’s one really cool dad he’s got there. Please do not repost any part without permission.

*since he talks a lot about his mother and most of those episodes are already quite famous, I’ll skip compiling his mom’s for now.


Nama Arashi 2003.05.31

Sakurai: The both of us kept talking about Mamoru in the van. “His name is Mamoru (lit. guard/protect) but he doesn’t guard!” (laugh) Mamoru-san doesn’t have his front teeth anymore right?
Ohno: Yeah the top row, he’s only got 2 real teeth at the back I think. He’s wearing dentures.

How’s It Going 2003.09.28

This (Danchicchi) looks like me. Or rather, it looks like my dad Mamoru. Like Mamoru!

One 2005.08.24

Sakurai: What’s the one thing you would take with you during an earthquake?
Ohno: …my mom.
Sakurai: So Ohno-kun you’ll be dragging your mom as you run?
Ninomiya: I guess your mom is light and compact (as in, luggage).
Ohno: Ah, and Mamoru.
Ninomiya: Mamoru might not fit (into the luggage bag) I’m afraid.

Arashi ni Shiyagare 2012.01.01

(Magical Banana) Speaking of protect (mamoru), it’s my dad.

One time during a pre-2005 concert MC he said that he actually calls his dad by name since young because that’s how his dad wants it to be, but he gradually started using the term “tou-chan” when referring to his dad publicly because apparently some people thought he was being disrespectful, which he really wasn’t (I’m so sorry I forgot which concert exactly, I will edit this post when I find it again).

Bug catching

Arashi Discovery 2011.07.22

I’ve caught beetles before, stag beetles, I caught lots of them. I went with my dad, there was a specific tree. My dad picked it out among the rest, saying “Satoshi, I’m telling you, you’ll definitely find some here”. Then, we went out at 6am. There was a beetle at the back of that tree, and, in front there’s a stag beetle. There was even a beehive on top of the tree. We caught them slowly and quietly. The bees didn’t fly out. How lucky. That was exciting. I still remember till now. So that day I caught stag beetle, sawtooth beetle, beetle… and another giant stag beetle which fell off when dad kicked another tree he picked out.

Arashi Discovery 2012.07.12

I used to go into the woods with my dad all the time, the beetles will be at the smaller trees, my dad will take a deep breath and kick the tree, and they’ll fall right off. The female sawtooth beetle and stuff. For some reason my dad called it “bu-chin”. “Oh this is bu-chin, bu-chin”. What bu-chin? (laugh) I still don’t know why. (bu-chin is apparently how they call a female sawtooth beetle in Gunma prefecture)


Bakumatsubanpuu closing greetings 2005.10.29

Today is a wonderful day. It’s my mom’s birthday. October 4th is my dad’s birthday. October 29th is my mom’s birthday.


Arashi Discovery 2010.03.30

I can’t take tomato juice. It’s not that I can’t drink it but… I just don’t like it. Yesterday I drank tomato juice and ate tomatoes. Watermelon… I suppose I wouldn’t drink it if it’s made into juice. I want to eat it not drink it. By the way my dad loves tomato juice.


Arashigoto 2005

My dad likes fishing, he always brings me along. The night before that, when I see my dad packing his fishing equipment, I’d be very happy, thinking “we’re going fishing tomorrow~!”. I like those nights.

TV Guide 2013.03.15

I walk exactly like my dad. Though it doesn’t sound right relating everything to genes, but there’s just something in it. I suppose there are things that surpass such dimensions.

Arashi Discovery 2013.04.18

Speaking of my dad, he loves fishing and figurines. Because these are the things that my dad likes, I tried them for myself too, and am heavily influenced by him. I went to the fishing pond to fish, my grandpa went too. Bruce Lee too, because my dad loves him and often rents his shows.

The TV 2016.05.28

My dad isn’t a scary man, but he’s someone who will get mad if anyone touches his hair (laugh) I guess he has an image to keep. He wouldn’t let his kids spoil that image. I think he got a hair perm, it was super curly (laugh) And we kids were so curious and tried to touch it, he was like “hey! stop!” (laugh) Other than that he’s a very kind and gentle person. When I was young, well because I was a kid I was a bit scared of my dad so I didn’t try anything funny with him. So I’ve never actually got punished severely and I’ve never fought with him. I never did anything for him during Father’s Day, it’s the same for Mother’s Day. They don’t think much of these things. Even if I tried to do something for them, they’d just say “forget it” and reject me (laugh). The way we walk is quite similar. My dad is a bit bowlegged too. Rather than leading people, he’s always just quietly standing in the midst of the crowd (laugh) There’s nothing special about him, but we just know, he is the head of the family. He has his own spot. There’s a place in the house that only he can sit at. And right beside him, is my animated mom who has quite a strong character. I guess at this age it’s not that strong anymore (laugh)


Arashi Discovery 2010.03.18

I’m not interested in cars, but my dad is. Dad bought a car, and we drew his car on a postcard.You see, if you’re picked you could win a prize of 500,000yen. So he sent it. We were so excited. But nothing came. I was wondering what he did on the postcard, and was told that there wasn’t just a car drawing on it, he also wrote “this car is quite okay”. That was uncalled for.

Arashi Discovery 2015.12.23

My dad bought a car last time, he wanted an antenna at the back of the car. Apparently you can choose is you want a real antenna or a fake one. They both look similar, he said “Satoshi how’s this?” “Oh good”. “(imitates) But this thing is fake, it looks real doesn’t it?” (laugh) My imitation of my dad is exactly the same. Then he went on about changing the wheels, he kept checking out catalogues at home. “Satoshi how’s this? How’s this wheel?” Yeah. “It should make it stand out, it’s cool I tell you”. So he wants to be cool. Well my dad loves cars. Even when he was considering to buy a car he went on and on. But I remember him buy a cool car. He was quite particular about the colour too, “it looked nice on the catalogue but the real thing doesn’t seem right. It’s a little off. Do you have this colour? This colour?” things like that. He kept saying such things. One time he made me draw his car. “Satoshi, dr… draw my car” I was told. He wanted to send it in to win some sort of prize or something. And he told me to write “I won’t let you say it” at the corner (laugh) He said we’d definitely hit if I wrote that. Anyway it’s just a phrase my dad used a lot at that time, “I won’t let you say it”. “I won’t let anyone say anything”. He meant to say it’s so good no one would complain about it, I think. So I wrote it. We weren’t picked. (laugh) I refused to draw another one though.


Pikanchi Double secret talk 2004

Sakurai: Ohno-kun your dad came to our concert wearing sunglasses right? Why?
Matsumoto: Is he shy?
Ohno: He’s trying to be cool.
Sakurai: (laugh) So he thinks people might look at him?
Ohno: Seriously, he wore a blue one.
Ninomiya: Ohno-kun’s dad is really young at heart.

Monthly The TV 2015 July issue

Matsumoto: Your dad looks exactly like you when he wore that pair of tear-shaped sunglasses.
Ohno: Yeah. But too bad, he doesn’t wear sunglasses anymore recently (laugh)

Curry udon

Arashi Discovery 2013.06.04

(Mom pressing on what he wants for lunch) Miso ramen or curry udon … I only get to choose among these 2 (laugh) “Alright I’ll eat” “Which one?” “Curry udon” “Curry udon? Your dad’s good at it. *calls out* Otousan~ Satoshi says he wants curry udon!” “Coming!” (dad) will suddenly appear (laugh) “Curry udon coming right up!” and he’ll start cutting up spring onions. If I wanted miso ramen then mom would be making it. “What ingredients do you want?” like this (laugh) I guess only my mom says it like this. “So?” forcing you to answer (laugh) “Otousan! Are you done cooking yet? Make it quick!”. This is how it is in my family.

Tokyo Walker 2014.07.01

The curry udon which my dad makes is super good! Though my dad doesn’t cook, but it seems like he’s focusing on making just curry udon lately. When I go to my parents’ house, he suddenly said “Satoshi, do you want udon?” (laugh) “Okay” I said, and he shouted “alright!” while going on to prepare it (laugh) He seems to be careful with spring onions. For soup he’d cut rings, for toppings he’d cut them slanted. I’m so touched by his careful service, it’s still so good no matter how many times I’ve eaten.

Drinking together

Arashi Discovery 2013.01.31

(Brought his parents for vacation) They were so happy. My dad said he never thought he’d be able to travel overseas, and said that this will be one of his best memories. The sea was really beautiful too. My mom loved it as well. It’s addicting to see them being so happy. Especially my dad. We went fishing. Apparently it’s his first time fishing using a lure. At night, the 2 of us talked for about 2 hours at the hotel, it’s all about fishing. My dad seemed to be enjoying himself and kept talking and talking (laugh) He was a bit drunk. I just listened.

More 2016 May issue

I’ve been drinking with my dad more compared to before. No matter what we’ve been talking about previously, we’d always end up thanking each other. My dad says “I can’t look you right in the eye anymore (you’ve become so great now)” and I say “what the heck are you talking about”. When I go back to my parents’ home the more we drink the more we thank each other, my mom would laugh and say “you two, saying the same things over and over again, are you stupid?”.

My dad said so

Arashi Discovery 2003.03.20

Honestly, I hate crows. They killed the dream of a young child. I used to love beetles. Well I still love them now. I used to go into the woods with my dad to catch beetles. We caught one actually, but it was gone halfway. How come!? I asked my dad. “(acting) Ah, so it’s them again” “Who? Who?” “The crows. Look, there’s only the horn left right? How cruel” “Daddy crows are such bad creatures huh” “Yes. So, Satoshi. You have to hate crows, I tell you. Continue hating crows even after becoming Arashi”. (←that final line is absolute nonsense cause he was still so young at that time LOL)

Orista 2008.02.25

(artistic talents) It’s really nothing, I’m just doing what I like. Please stop praising me. I will become proud when I get praised and my parents often lecture me because of it.

Potato 2009 November issue

I want to turn 30 quickly, I’m sick of my 20s (laugh) Because I have lived without regret. I suppose I won’t get tired easily during concerts either. Perhaps things might change only when I’m over 40. My dad said, “you’re still fit as ever, Satoshi” (laugh)

Lessons from dad

Arashi Discovery 2013.02.05

(Childhood games) There’s “turn the eraser” right? I could do “cross the string”. I’ve been trained by my dad. He is super good at it.

Arashi Discovery 2013.06.06

I watched Olympics. It was nearing Sports Day for me then. My dad said “Satoshi, the starting point is really important. Watch, you’ll see”. “Okay” I said. “Dash right after the you hear the ‘bam’. This is where you can increase the distance gap, and this distance can intimidate your opponents,” he said. Then, I think I was running 50m. Or was it 30m, I don’t remember. “Ready, set go!” and I dashed out with all my might. But apparently I was going the wrong way. For some reason I was running sideways (laugh) I was out of the line since the start. I still have that photo. But I was facing the side (laugh) I was running towards the side so I ran outside of the line. Then my dad laughed at me. “You ran sideways out of the line!” (laugh) “You didn’t tell me!” How nostalgic.

Arashi Discovery 2014.09.18

My dad taught me how to spin the top. He also taught me how to dry myself properly and get dressed after taking a bath, he practiced with me. Somehow he taught me things I should do after I’m done bathing (to avoid catching a cold). And he taught me how to catch beetles. He also thought me the trick to the “ready-set” position before a race. Then there’s this “○×game” right? One where you draw 2 horizontal parallel lines and 2 vertical parallel lines. He said to me “Satoshi you know how to play the ○×game right?” “Yeah we play that in school” “let’s play” but I couldn’t win at all. “You won’t win” he said, “why? why?”. He said there’s a secret to it, and laughed at my face. “Well we start by janken and I usually win, so if I start the game by drawing here, my opponent will definitely draw here”. So I went to school with what I learned, and suddenly I became popular. Some guys asked “how’d you do it?” but they figured it themselves before I said anything, like “oh, I see”. What? So fast!


Arashi Discovery 2008.10.10

I used to look like my dad. Used to. That’s what people said. When I grew up… actually I’m not sure when, but I think since I entered Johnny’s I started to look more like my mom. This is what people said too. And recently when I wear spectacles I look exactly like my mom. Hahaha. My friend told me that. He said we looked exactly the same. So who do I resemble now? My mom I think? Sometimes people would say that my side profile looks like my sister. So far I’ve never met anyone who said that my sister and I don’t look alike. So my face is like the combination of both my mom and dad. My eyebrows are like both my mom and dad, my eyes are like both my mom and dad, my nose is like both my mom and dad… I think so myself! My mouth, if I act a little, it’ll look like my dad’s mouth, and I can imitate my mom’s mouth too. So I think my face is the perfect combination of both my mom and dad! Thank you dad, mom, for giving me a nice face!

Arashi Discovery 2011.07.01

When I was young, I looked like my dad. Then after I became Arashi I looked like my mom. Recently I resemble my dad more (laugh) And if I wear spectacles I’ll look like my mom. And if I cut my hair short I’ll look like my dad. So yeah, I’m really their son.

Arashi Discovery 2014.03.04

Look at my dad, I’ll look like this when I’m 60? Though it’s weird to talk about my dad like this, but I suppose I’ll turn out to be like this.

Dad’s first big shock

Tetsuko no Heya 2014.04.18

My dad let me ride at the back of his bicycle, and despite him telling me to spread my legs, I fell asleep and my feet got stuck inside the bicycle wheel. I got about 15 stitches. It was the first time my dad ever saw a child being severely hurt.

He cares

Myojo 2007 February issue

The TV set in our living room is broken, my dad said he’d buy a new one for us. When I went home tired after my stage play, my whole family was gathered around in excitement. Especially my dad, he looked really happy. “I’ll get one with high resolution, what do you think?”. I think it’ll arrive around mid of December. Seeing everyone so happy, I’m really happy too.

AAA Kokuritsu 2008.09.06

I went home at around 10pm and my dad was crying. I asked him what’s wrong, and he said “Maou” (laugh)

Ohno: My dad watched all of them (AAA06) for some reason
Sakurai: All 3 discs?
Ohno: All 3 discs and “Arashi no Shukudai-kun” too he watched all of them.

Arashi Discovery 2015.10.19

My dad has a bag he takes to work. It’s just a normal bag. When he comes home from work, he’d take his wallet out and stuff. Sometimes during summer, when he says “I’m home”, he’d open his bag, and slowly put his hand inside the bag, and there’s definitely a beetle or a stag beetle (laugh) My dad says there are a lot of trees at the place where he works, so there are lots of beetles too. Because I love beetles, my dad went and caught them for me. When my dad comes back saying “I’m home~”, I’ll stare at him quietly watching his actions (laugh) If he opens his bag and puts his hand inside slowly, I’d think “which one is it? Ah~ stag beetle~”. “Satoshi, come here” ah I really looked forward to it. If he put his hand inside quickly then I know, there’s none today. I was so happy. My dad’s so kind. I want to talk to him about this when I go back next time. I’ve never talked to him about this before. Now that I remember. My dad gave me lots of happy memories. I’ll go catch a stag beetle for him too.

ESSE 2016 May issue

My dad has changed to be a more well-rounded person. Though he wasn’t a scary man but there is still a selfish part in him. Recently he even started praising me. But I said “it’s so gross please stop” (laugh)


Popolo 2009 April issue

My dad knows every corner where beetles can be found, he can do everything I couldn’t. He is a hero to me. Ideally, a father should be a heroic figure to his children. If that isn’t so, he will not be respected in the family. Occasionally showing another side of him when he’s not just relaxing at home, playing and fooling around with his kids, I think my dad is really cool. I want to be like him some day.

By the way, my dad’s name is Mamoru too XD (but different kanji)

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ translations

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