[An An 2009.07.30] A Bond Called ARASHI-Ohno’s part

Dec 10, 2016 00:00

I feel like I’ve translated this before, but I can’t find it so I did it anyway LOL Please do not repost without permission.

“Gratitude” of these 10 years and “Determination” of moving towards tomorrow.

A Bond Called ARASHI

Slowly, carefully, this trust and bond is built up progressively as the 5 of them walked together with time.
This autumn, we have Arashi who will be celebrating their 10th anniversary.
They will be talking about everything from thanking fans who have been supporting them all the way, the messages they have for each other, to their expectations of themselves 10 years from now.

“Walk through each and everyday day steadily without rushing. It’s great that Arashi is like this I suppose?”

His sunburnt fearless face shows he’s ready to get serious, Ohno Satoshi-san. This 10th year for him started with “Uta no Onii-san”, a busily grand opening.

“It was tough throughout the 3 months of compact filming schedule, but when it was completed I felt really accomplished. I was greatly blessed by my co-actors, the crew, it was a really wonderful team. But, recently, there’s something I realized. The more busy I get the more I want to go fishing without being realistic. Rather, as long as I have a little rest time, I want to go straightaway. Which means I want to go fishing all the time (laugh)”

Ohno-san laughs as he admits not being accustomed to busy schedules. Who’d have thought that such a my-paced guy is an ultra popular super idol!?

“Everyone keeps saying ‘Arashi is amazing’, but I still can’t catch up. Even our 10th anniversary I only thought ‘oh so it’s been 10 years huh’. Because we walked each day slowly, with steady steps, and this is the result, so I guess it’s great that Arashi is like this? Even I used to be very stoical back then. My blood is A-type after all, I care too much about small details, and I worry too much. But now I’ve learned to say ‘let’s do this slowly and steadily’. Perhaps my blood has changed to O-type? (laugh)”

Ohno-san who is the eldest in Arashi is turning 29 this year. Is there any change in your feelings as an adult man?

“As someone nearing 30? (laugh) Nothing at all. I actually think I should just turn 30 straightaway because it feels pretty troublesome. But I’m really still a child inside. Though I am like this, the other members are really up to their game. I’ll be fine just by following right behind them so I don’t have to worry (laugh) On the day of our 10th anniversary. I shall perhaps cook up a large dish of fried rice and plan a party. While everyone is busy eating, I’d be like ‘guess I’ll just take a nap’.”

While being filled with embarrassment, warmth is beaming through his eyes which showed how he has been watching over the members. So it’s true that it’s because of Leader that Arashi is what they are today. He is also deeply true to himself in private.

“About fishing, I feel happy just by being at the sea, and it’s a time I spare to do nothing. Recently, I stopped painting. I couldn’t think of anything watching that blank piece of paper. I’m going through such a phase right now. I might paint again some day, I’ll just wait for that day patiently. It’s tiring if you try to rush things (laugh)”

Ohno Satoshi to members

to Sho-kun

I meet Sho-kun a lot in private. And it’s usually coincidence! Osaka’s Tenjinsai, in a crowd of over a million people yet I still met Sho-kun, I was really shocked. Perhaps our brain waves are similar? You kept saying “I want to be a newscaster” and when your dream came true, I was really happy too. Each time I watch Sho-kun reading the news on TV, because it’s something I can’t do, I still think “you’re amazing” even now (laugh) Yet you act so stupid on variety shows… what’s with that difference!? But that’s just what Sho-kun would do, so please keep it up and never change. Sho-kun’s drawings too, I love them. If I were a girl, I’d fall for you because of it. Because just by looking at your drawings I can laugh from the insides of my tummy (laugh) We went fishing before for a magazine project, but we said “let’s go fishing again in private” didn’t we!? I did not forget that promise!

to Aiba-chan

During our debut when we were going everywhere for work and staying at hotels, I was always in the same room as Aiba-chan. Even when we had about 10hours of free time, the both of us were just lying on the bed, watching TV without saying anything to each other. Aiba-chan is someone I feel comfortable with without having to talk, and it amazes me. I think Aiba-chan brings in the God of Laughter (God of Comedy) in variety shows. It’s great that you haven’t changed a bit throughout these 10 years. When we practice dancing, you’re always the last to leave and you take extra effort to get it right, I know that. I’ll take this opportunity to tell you, “don’t push yourself too hard”. Speaking of which, we went to a bar at Ginza 4-5 years ago didn’t we? I still wonder why we picked Ginza which is a place for mature adults. And I even left early without paying (laugh) Let’s try going again next time shall we? This time I’ll pay properly.

to Nino

Nino’s charm, is everything, that’s all I can say. If I were to create a catchphrase it would be “Almighty Man”! That’s what I think especially when I see Nino’s awesome magic tricks. Everyone would be focusing on Nino’s cute fingers instead of figuring out how he did that trick (laugh) The most memorable moment I had with Nino, is of course “Ohmiya SK” (Ohno and Ninomiya’s legendary unit). We were so full of life back then… But my passion to revive “Ohmiya SK” has never changed! What if we got some off time right now? Right, I’ll ask Nino out and we’ll go to a fashionable variety store. I’m curious what “Almighty Man” would buy. And, though it rarely happens, sometimes I find myself competing with Nino. For example, if Nino is going to Roppongi Hills for a date, I’ll pick Midtown which is much newer (laugh) What’s wrong with me?

to Matsujun

When I first saw Matsujun, you were still growing and you were so small. And you spoke to me using polite form, so shy too. But you just started using casual form with me one day and that’s about it (laugh) Long before this, we were acting in a stageplay and we were rivals. I remember clearly, every day 5 minutes before the show, we stared hard at each other without saying anything to get into character. We were so serious back then, but we’ll definitely end up laughing if we do that now. Matsujun looks cool at first glance, but you’re really kind and sensitive. The lunchbox’s disposable chopsticks, you’d line them together nicely before using. If a girl saw how elegant Matsujun is, she’d definitely fall for you! If our rest days matched, I’d like to bring Matsujun to a park and we’ll play badminton together. And you’ll be showing me this unwilling face while mumbling “man this is troublesome” (laugh) but somehow you’d still play with me while smiling happily. You’re such a guy I tell you, Matsujun.

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ translations, ♥ 嵐

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