Ohno Satoshi x Ohno Mina

Sep 30, 2016 00:06

I’ve compiled some episodes (in no particular order) of Ohno Satoshi and his elder sister Ohno Mina. A younger brother who is a little protective, a little proud, a little helpless when being ordered around; from a playful and mischievous boy, he has grown to become a fine young man who has proven himself that he will always be there for his family. My heart was beaming with warmth as I compiled this, I hope it’ll do the same for you too. Please do not repost any part without permission.


Ohno: I have an elder sister. Her name is Ohno Mina.

Birthday wishes

VS Arashi 2011.03.10

Sakurai: It’s 10th of March now.
Aiba: We haven’t won at all.
Matsumoto: Not even once this year.
Ohno: (suddenly) Happy birthday~
Sakurai: Wait excuse me, what’s going on?
Matsumoto: What?
Sakurai: Personal…?
Ohno: It’s my sister’s birthday today.
Sakurai: So VS Arashi is becoming a program for Ohno-san to convey messages to his family, his dad Mamoru and whatnots.
Ohno: This program is the best.
Sakurai: Since you said that, carry on.
Ohno: Dear sister happy birthday. Please live well from now on.
Ninomiya: Why does it sound so heavy?

Arashi Discovery 2016.03.10

It’s 10th of March today, I just want to say… (goes back and continues dragging on the subject) Well everyone please be careful. Big doesn’t mean good, you’ll be stuffed. Oh it’s alright? (laugh) Okay… With that, it’s my sister’s birthday today (laugh).


Arashi First Concert 2000 MC

Matsumoto: Ohno-kun, you bought an ostrich toy for your sister right?
Aiba: How old is your sister?
Ohno: …21
Sakurai: But Ohno-kun’s sister is quite peculiar. You bought a “Scream” doll for her before didn’t you?
Ohno: She loves that.

Duet 2002 May issue

Walking aimlessly along the lakeside path, Sakurai found a variety shop, “Ohno-kun is going to love this”. Ohno who entered the shop smiling exclaimed “I might be able to stay here forever”. Sakurai was right! Then, saying “my sister likes this a lot”, he bought an eerie-looking doll.

Arashi Discovery 2003.03.11

I had 2 days of rest day, and I was thinking what I could do, anyway I woke up at 8am, then my mom and my sister were at home. I asked them what I should do. They laughed. Then my sister said “make some clay figurines? Make ET!” she said. Oh okay. And I made ET. I took 1 day to make the eyes, then the 2nd day I finished making and painting the whole thing. I finished it in 2 days. ET. The size is about the size of my palm. Well it’s quite small. It looked quite realistic though. My sister was so happy. And, it’s my sister’s birthday yesterday. So ET was a good present for her. I am Ohno Satoshi-kun who is always thinking about his sister!

Arashi Discovery 2007.02.20

I bring a bag with my when I work. It’s a very plain hand-carry bag. My sister bought it for me. “Satoshi, use this”. Nah, I’ve got my own… “but your bag is so dirty” she said, and she bought a new one for me. “This is very popular now,” she said. I thought, is it really that popular? I haven’t heard anyone else saying that! Or for example… on the train, nobody stared at my bag! None at all! Dear sister (laugh) Is it really that popular? This bag! Whatever… though I’d be quite embarrassed if people were to stare. Yeah. I don’t get it. But since I got it as a gift, whether if it’s popular or not, I’ll use it till it’s popular!

Josei Jishin 2007.05.29

I bought a car, for my sister. It’s not an expensive car. She’s been wanting it for a while now, a small compact car.

Myojo 2010 December issue

When we went on a family trip to Lake Kawaguchi after more than 10 years, I bought a teddy bear for my sister. I think it was limited edition or something, it’s so expensive I was shocked. But, my sister was really happy, so it’s okay ♪

Weekly The TV 2012 Vol.23

I bought my sister a dress for her birthday. She must be so happy (laugh)

Arashi Discovery 2014.08.04

My sister sent me a mail the other day. “There’s a soft toy that I like, buy it for me” she said (laugh). Wait, what’s going on here? Well alright, I said okay. Then my mom too. So the both of them went to buy. And they sent me a photo of it, saying “thank you!”. Oh, it’s cute. It looks quite realistic too, it’s a bear. I think? Then they asked me “Satoshi would you like one too?” (laugh) I shouldn’t have said that it’s cute, it looks real, it’s actually cool. It’s cool. I thought, so they have such soft toys now huh. I said I want one too. They told me they have dogs too. Since I’m painting a dog now, I said I want a dog! Then… they asked “what about gorilla?” (laugh) What? (laugh) “Why don’t you want a gorilla?”. Well… (laugh) they attached a photo of it too, “would you like a gorilla?” “yes!” “I’ll buy it too!” (laugh) So I’ve got them now. My mom, for some reason, every time, she gets the gorilla for me. Long ago, during Valentine’s Day, she said “Satoshi, I bought chocolates” “alright” and it was a super realistic gorilla figure chocolate. “Isn’t it cute?” she said. No it’s not! (laugh) I’ll ask her next time, why gorilla? I guess I do resemble a monkey. Gorilla, because of that? Well I don’t dislike it, but I like orang utan the most.

Her likings

Arashigoto 2005

It was my mom who wanted me to enter Johnny’s, I’ve said that I don’t want to, she’d say “you’re gonna get kicked out anyway”, so she sent in a resume. My mom was also with me during the audition. When I reached, I realized that Katori-kun was there, I was shocked! Because my sister likes him, so I always see him on TV, “wow, the real person!” that kind of feeling.

Arashi ni Shiyagare 2013.11.02

(Fukada Kyoko’s “Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake”)
Ninomiya: Ohno-san, tell us a bit about this drama.
Ohno: Umm, Kaneshiro-san? He fell in love right? I want to call my sister now. My sister knows a lot about this one! My sister loved this.
Sakurai: Can’t we call her now through the telephone?
Ninomiya: No telephone!

ZIP! 2013.07.30

Ohno: My sister is your fan.
Fukada Kyoko: Ooh~ I’m very happy~ *waves at the camera* Hi sister~
Ohno: *waves together* Hi sister~

Arashi Discovery 2012.07.05

My sister and my mom, ah, my sister? She loves the American band Linkin Park. And, before this, she sent me a mail saying “Linkin Park is coming to Japan, they’re going on Music Station!”. “Oh I see~ but we’re not appearing on Music Station that day” “Owh”, our mails went on like this. Not long after, she said “Satoshi listen up! There will be audience crowd for Linkin Park’s appearance on Music Station, and I hit the ballot~!!” (laugh) Apparently my sister balloted, and she said she hit. “Really?” I kept sending her mails “wow that’s amazing!”. “So com’on tell me what should I look out for while I’m there?” she said. “Umm, since it’s a live recording, they have to change the set really quickly so be careful not to trip…” (laugh) “and there are a lot of people so keep your bag close” and she said “hm~ I’m still worried but I’ll do my best!”. Yeah, so I talked to my sister. Right, after quite a while. That person~ she’d occasionally send mails to me. I’d be surprised. Then those occasional mails, would usually carry a surprising message. It’s interesting. Yes. I’m really looking forward to these surprising occasional mails from her.

Arashi Discovery 2012.07.16

I went back to my parents’ house. I had some time to laze around. It was a very calming atmosphere. I heard about Linkin Park. Oh right, live show? I was at home, coincidentally. It was quite surreal. I mentioned before that my sister will be participating as part of the audience when Linkin Park goes on Music Station right? I was at home, my sister said “I’m going off” and went out, it’s usually the other way round. Usually (laugh). It’s really interesting indeed. Then the program started. My mom and I kept staring at the TV, “how do we know?” we kept looking for my sister. When my sister came back, we watched the recording carefully together, and she pointed “here I am, here”… oh there she is! (laugh) Surrounding by big tall men, she’s kinda drowned out but she’s there alright! I thought Linkin Park is great so I’ve been listening to their music too. So, I’ve heavily influenced by my mom, and my sister~


Arashi Discovery 2014.08.22

I live at the residential area too. So I know about wall cabinets and whatnots. For me, I have a study desk built into the wall cabinet, there’s a desk lamp. I turn it on, not to study though (laugh) I think I was drawing. I shared the room with my sister, it was like my personal space. So we had wall cabinets too, though I didn’t sleep in one.

Arashi Discovery 2015.07.21

Chuchu-ice, I used to eat that everyday during summertime. I’d play janken with my sister. You know, when you break it into 2, one of it has a part which you can hold on like a handle? I wanted that. I thought I could eat a little bit more! So I really wanted to win! If I don’t get that part, my hands will be cold and I seem to finish eating faster. Yeah I’ll go and buy it next time. Now, I can break it in half and eat both parts myself, left and right. My sister isn’t around anyway. Alright!


Arashigoto 2005

When I was in my 1st year of Elementary School, I liked Bruce Lee. My dad is a big fan of his, every time he brings back some of his tapes, I’ll feel “Wow! Cool! Fantastic!”... Since then, every time I come home, I’d be “Wacha~ wacha~!” (the sound that Bruce Lee does when he’s doing some of his kicks), fooling around in the house. If I get my older sister as my target when I do “Bruce Lee roleplaying”, we’ll surely start fighting. “Oh, can’t stand you guys. Just a little closer and you’ll fight again” this sentence seems to be mom’s pet phrase at that time.

Arashi Discovery 2007.02.23

It might sound surprising, but when I was young I used to run around and was very active. I would run wild barefooted. I was such a kid (laugh) And even when I stayed home because I was down with fever, I will still go out and play (laugh) I have a sister, whom I used to fight with all the time. “My my, you both fight every time you see each other!” this is already my mom’s slogan (laugh). My sister and I really fought the moment we get anywhere near each other. But it’s always my fault (laugh). The toys that my sister likes, or the tea set that she has arranged nicely, I will definitely destroy them (laugh). But, I can’t imagine fighting with my sister now. When I go overseas or to other towns, I will definitely get a souvenir for my sister (laugh) We are your typical close-knitted sibling-pair. So, it’s okay. Fighting among siblings is very common, and it’s just for a short while. Let your kids fight, they’d get sick of fighting one day. …I don’t sound convincing at all (laugh)

Arashi Discovery 2012.02.28

The good thing about fighting is that you get to make up. I see. I don’t really fight. I used to fight with my sister when we were young. I fight with my sister every day. And it’s all me (laugh) When my sister is playing with her dolls I’ll go and create chaos, that’s what I do (laugh) When I disturb my sister she’d say “stop it already (mou, yamete)” I’d mimic her “mou mou”, then my mom will say “you both fight when you’re around each other! Saying ‘mou mou’, are you cows!?” even my sister got scolded. Because we said “mou mou” (laugh) It happens all the time. It’s always my fault. I did it knowingly (laugh) My sister didn’t do anything wrong at all (laugh).


Arashi Discovery 2014.07.07

I used to like racquets. I think that my seniors looked really cool holding racquets. I thought “that’s nice, I’d want to own that one day”. I was still in middle school. My sister was in badminton club, and she passed me her racquet.


Arashi Discovery 2003.12.04

I… (laugh) felt dizzy. It’s been quite a while since this last happened. There’s a kind of CD player which you can use in the bathroom right? I’d listen to the CD while sitting in the bath. Usually, I’d sit through one song, about 3 minutes, then I’d get up. But that day, for some reason I sat through 2 songs. Then, the second I got up, I felt dizzy. I thought “owh man this is bad, I’ve got blood rush”. Immediately I opened the bathroom door and pulled the doormat in, then laid down (laugh). I was naked. Really, for about 10 minutes, I laid there without moving at all. Then (laugh) if you asked me what I was thinking in that 10 minutes, I kept thinking “sister don’t come in! Don’t come in!” (laugh) It’s just ridiculous. I’m fine with just one song, then this happened when I sat through 2 songs. What’s with my body? (laugh) So, from now on, I’d like to become more healthy.

Arashi Discovery 2010.08.19

I don’t do hair treatments. I just shampoo my hair. If I do treatment, my hair will be soft, then it’ll just lay flat. I don’t. But, shampooing, conditioning, some people do more than that. People like my sister. When I walk into the bathroom, what is this thing? What’s all these stuff? (laugh) Face wash? When I checked, nope. She uses everything. Then, my sister uses about an hour to bathe. So long! (laugh) It’s only less than 10 minutes for me, make it 5 minutes. She takes so long, and sometimes when she goes into the bathroom before me… then I’d be wondering what I could do in that 1 hour. Yeah, like that. Dang I should’ve talked about shampoo, but I ended up talking about my sister.

Selling her secrets

Arashi Discovery 2015.07.145

My belly button is concaved inside. Well everyone's belly button is different in some way. My belly button doesn’t really get dirty, it’s easy to clean. Cause I can see everything. My sister however, her belly button is protruding out. Nah it’s okay, my sister, she won’t get mad. She doesn’t even listen to my radio show (laugh)

Siblings spirit

Arashi Discovery 2014.02.20

When my sister is 1 number away to reach Bingo, it’s the same for me, I only needed number 56. Well every one is reaching Bingo anyway. Then my sister is 1 number away. When I asked her what number she needed, she said 56. I thought, wow we’re really siblings. It happens really often, coincidences like this. Or, 1 number away to get 3 Bingos. Well me too. We’re siblings after all.


Myojo 2008 May issue

(Watching people from behind the walls during Freestyle 2008) Then I saw someone, I think I’ve seen her somewhere. Turned out that she’s my sister! And my dad, and my mom came too, and they kept saying “this is wonderful!”

When she started dating

Hanamaru Café 2002.02.06

My family came to visit me at my work place, that guy from my dad’s office was there too, and he keeps following my sister everywhere. They’re practically glued together. I was thinking “what the heck!?”. Then I asked my mom and she said “they’re dating”, oh I see… wait, what, since when!? Well yeah they’re dating.

When she got married

Here We Go in Nagoya 2002.08.28

Sakurai: Ohno-kun your sister got married right?
Ohno: Yeah. Autumn last year. She got married secretly.
Matsumoto: Did you go to her wedding reception?
Ohno: No, she had it in Hawaii.
Sakurai: Wedding in Hawaii? Like Arashi!
Aiba: How old was your sister when she got married?
Ohno: 23.
Members: (surprised)

Hanamaru Café 2002.02.06

I’m not close to her husband nor do I distant myself from him. He’s someone from my dad’s office. I knew him since I was in elementary school. People from my dad’s office come to our house quite often. So I’m just like… nothing has changed.

Being proud of her

Arashigoto 2005

There was once when I was drawing at home, I felt quite bored, so I asked my sister to try drawing too. In the end, she drew so much better than me! It’s so…. Hey, she never exactly drew anything before. I was thinking “Oh no!”, so I said something like “drawing is so tiring~” to let her not to even think of drawing another picture (laugh). Something that is unbelievable, our parent’s don’t even know how to draw.

Arashi Discovery 2009.08.03

Recently there are many people doing it, my sister too. Flower art. And, my sister… is licensed. She is apparently an instructor. What? For real!? (laugh) I’ve never seen her do it though. Sister, is that true? How are you doing recently? When I go home, we don’t really talk either. It’s always been like this. We just don’t talk much. Really. But we’re quite close. Just thought I’d talk a bit about my sister today.

Non-no 2010 April issue

My sister loves sweets and desserts, she makes them quite often. And they’re really good!

Arashi Discovery 2014.03.04

I went to my parents’ home the other day, and I saw my sister. My sister, she looks like a typical 24-yr-old. We all look young.

Note: Ohno moved out of his parents’ house around summer 2009. It is rumoured that his sister is divorced because she appears at their parents’ home too often for a married woman, especially after Ohno moved out he seems to meet her every time he goes to his parents’ home. The AD 2009.08.03 episode does fit the situation if it was during the period of his sister’s divorce. This is all just speculations, so please just take it with a grain of salt.

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ AD, ♥ translations

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