[2002.08.17] Here We Go in Saitama MC

Aug 31, 2016 21:15

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The “Arashi” kanji Ohno wrote on Aiba’s shoulder, Sakumiya being blown away by Sawada Shin, funny incidents during the filming of “Pikanchi”, Ohno cutting his own hair 5 minutes before concert, Ohno practicing “Ao no Honoo” lines with Nino, Sakuraiba singing weird “USO!? Japan” song, Arashi’s event which somehow Ohno wasn’t asked to attend…

Ninomiya: Hello! Wow you guys are so high I’m getting worried.
Sakurai: Saitama, we haven’t been here since last Spring.
Aiba: Yes last spring.
Sakurai: People on the top rows you’re very close to the rail, are you okay?
Ohno: Please don’t fall off.
Sakurai: If we say “jump” please just ignore us (laugh) Right, something really sad has happened. Before we started, our Aiba has got “Arashi” written here (right shoulder)… but it’s partially gone now…

Aiba: (shocked, kept checking his shoulder)
Ninomiya: Right now since Aiba-san is facing here (central stage) it would’ve provided the best view… but all there’s left is “yama”.
Sakurai: The “Arashi” written by Satoshi-san…
Aiba: I’m so shocked… I just knew!
Ninomiya: There’s only “yama” now
Matsumoto: It’s either you have it in full or have it fully erased, this situation where it’s half-way erased is kinda half-assed huh?
Sakurai: You will have to carry this in shame till the end.
Aiba: (tries hiding his shoulders even though he’s wearing sleeveless outfit)
Sakurai: You should be more careful since Satoshi-san wrote it for you  
Ninomiya: Which means it got on your outfit?
Ohno: It’s okay I’ll write it for you again~!
Aiba: Alright!
Matsumoto: If you have time for that then get over here (on stage)!
Sakurai: I was sleeping before concert and he woke me up to show off!
Aiba: Yeah~ I really loved it… Ah I’m so shocked, and I’m too hyper now I’m tired. Must’ve jumped too much, just me alone.
Sakurai: Then you stopped jumping?
Aiba: I kept jumping till I’m too tired to jump anymore.
Sakurai: When I was heading towards that direction from here (right to left) he was there, when I came back he was also there! (laugh)
Ninomiya: Aiba-san don’t you think you should at least move a little?   
Aiba: No it’s not like that! You know when Matsujun shouted “jump!” I did jump okay
Ninomiya: It’s not like he directed that to Aiba-san alone
Aiba: Really? I thought I shouldn’t move
Ninomiya: You can jump while moving
Sakurai: (laugh) When people tell you “jump!” you can do nothing else but jump?
Aiba: Yes yes.
Sakurai: You can’t move around?
Aiba: I can’t move around.
Sakurai: Well it’s true that people don’t usually tell you to jump (laugh)
Ninomiya: Yeah you’re right (laugh) It doesn’t come by often.

Sakurai: We have some announcements. I believe the promotion video has been played just now, our movie called “Pikanchi” has started showing…
Audience: (claps)
Sakurai: Thank you! … and then?
Ninomiya: I think there are some people who have watched it already but let’s help them refresh their memories again!
Matsumoto: Play it back in their head!
Ninomiya: Yes!
Aiba: Sub… sublisa…
Matsumoto: Subliminal effect, you mean?
Aiba: Yes! Subliminal effect.
Ninomiya: You can’t even say it right. So everyone, please watch this trailer like everyone is watching the movie together! Though it’s just a trailer Arashi will also sit down and watch.

(Audience watched trailer together with Arashi, when a member appeared on the trailer they each turned around and made a pose, Matsujun looks really embarrassed while doing his pose)

Matsumoto: Ah it’s such a good movie.
Ninomiya: This is a good movie to watch together with someone from the movie right? Makes you all hyped up right?
Members: … (look confused)
Sakurai: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Ninomiya: I’m saying, if you get to watch it with someone appearing in the movie it’ll be great right?
Sakurai: But that wouldn’t be possible in reality…
Ninomiya: So I’m saying it’ll be great okay!? Don’t you wanna go? It’s showing in Tokyo!
Members: …
Ninomiya: Com’on, talk!
Matsumoto: No no, I really don’t get you.
Ninomiya: This is a really interesting movie.
Sakurai: It’s interesting!
Ohno: Interesting! “I became a man…” (movie line)
Matsumoto: That’s a good line~ Wonder what happened~
Ohno: What led to that I wonder?
Aiba: So what happened!? Hey you!
Sakurai: There are quite a lot of ridiculous scenes.
Matsumoto: Yes there are. Please keep that in mind when you watch it.
Ninomiya: I wonder why, when the 5 of us are acting together Ohno-kun plays the youngest character
Ohno: I always get these kinda weird characters
Sakurai: But Ohno-kun you’re so suited for amusing characters
Ohno: Like “I became a man”?
Sakurai: (laugh) Not just that part, as a whole. Well everyone has their own personality
Ninomiya: But I like everyone. Leader too Matsumoto-kun too. Matsumoto-kun’s one is really…
Matsumoto: Stupid! Don’t say it! Don’t say it yet!
Ninomiya: I can’t say it yet?
Matsumoto: Not yet!
Ninomiya: … then, I like “that part” (laugh)
Matsumoto: Wait it shouldn't be like that!
Ninomiya: But you said don’t say it…
Matsumoto: Very well then, say it! (laugh)
Ninomiya: Matsumoto-san, it’s the festival thing… His character is very festival-like. But there’s nothing much to see about Matsumoto-san’s character… (laugh)
Matsumoto: Eh? Nothing much to see?
Ninomiya: Matsumoto-san is your character even interesting?
Sakurai: Well but I find his appearance amusing, people who entered the set for the first time and saw you (Matsumoto) for the first time got shocked. This guy who’s been Sawada Shin (imitating Sawada’s walk) is now like…

Ninomiya: He was really cool in “Gokusen”
Sakurai: You know!? First episode! I was really surprised! Yeah!
Ninomiya: Yeah Sakurai-kun!
Sakurai: Matsumoto-san walked in! The camera crane zoomed in on him like do~~n!
Ohno: Ah~ right!
Sakurai: I saw that and was just blown away! Ma~tsumoto-san is so amazing~ (laugh)
Ninomiya: His character is like a strong hidden leader
Matsumoto: What’s interesting about him is that people stay away from him (laugh)
Ninomiya: It’s like, he’s just walking, is he really going to hit people?
Sakurai: (laugh) And a more interesting thing is, that guy who does Taekwondo, Ishi…
Matsumoto: Ishigaki Yuuma?
Sakurai: He was caught in trouble and Matsujun went to save him but he was beaten up! He’s no good! No use! (laugh)
Ninomiya: He went there to save people but got beaten up
Sakurai: That’s new
Ninomiya: Like, oh finally help has arrived, wait what you’re knocked out! (laugh)
Matsumoto: Saying really manly things like “don’t touch my Dachi!” then the next second “doosh!” (get punched)
Sakurai: And after getting beaten up real bad you rolled on the floor by yourself! (laugh)
Ninomiya: (to audience) But that’s cool too right?

Aiba: Yeah so Matsumoto-san who acted as such a cool character, his character in Pikanchi is amazing. He speaks in a totally different language even,
Ohno: Mixed with English too.
Matsumoto: My character is nicknamed Bon after Bon Bon which means rich, and he’s supposed to speak good English
Sakurai: What was it again, there was a scene that I found really funny. You kept speaking English all the way…
Ninomiya: For me the funniest part is “I promise”.
Sakurai: (laugh) Yes yes! It was “yakusoku suru” in the script…
Matsumoto: I promise (Japanese) something something…
Sakurai: Then on the set Tsutsumi-san changed it
Ninomiya: Try saying “I promise” (English)!
Matsumoto: “Yakusoku shiyou~ I promise!”
Members: (burst out laughing)
Matsumoto: That’s my best scene! (laugh)
Ninomiya: It’s an attraction. Also there’s Mr. Fullbody-weapon (Chu)
Sakurai: That was so much fun.
Ninomiya: Could you please stop doing that (shown breaking tiles in the trailer) in Harajuku? (laugh)
Sakurai: Man was there ever such a fun scene at Harajuku? We went to-and-fro Harajuku about twice. Everyone had to avoid us as they walk. I thought it’s quite an experience.
Ninomiya: On my off day when I didn’t have to film Pikanchi I so happened to pass by Harajuku and Ohno-kun was just sitting there!
Aiba: In Harajuku!?
Ninomiya: In Harajuku! At one of the roadside boutiques at Harajuku (laugh) There’s this rail thing right? Ohno-kun was just sitting there. I thought he was filming but no one paid attention to him. Of course pedestrians wouldn’t give a damn but even the staff are ignoring him. I was thinking, what was he waiting for? (laugh)
Ohno: Nobody noticed me. When I entered the set, I greeted “good morning” since it’s supposed to be my scene next but nobody seemed to have heard me I didn’t know what to do… so I sat down (laugh) Then Nino saw me.
Ninomiya: I was shocked!
Aiba: I had a shocking encounter too! I was filming at Yokohama and met Sho-kun with this Rizan… Rizen
Sakurai: Regent (hairstyle)!
Aiba: Ah ah (mic test)
Sakurai: Don’t act as if it’s the mic’s fault! (laugh)
Aiba: He was wearing the regent hairstyle and I met him on the streets on Yokohama.
Sakurai: I wanted an MD Walkman.
Aiba: He went to buy a new MD Walkman. Then when he came back he said “let’s go and take purikura photos”… I was so embarrassed so I said no! The he dragged me into this place which has a lot of purikura machines, how to call that?
Matsumoto:+Sakurai: Purikura no Mecca! (laugh)
Sakurai: I went in wearing that regent hairstyle and the place was full of gyaru (sweat)
Matsumoto: Eh you mean you don’t have those in Chiba?
Aiba: No it’s not that! We do have it! In places like Tsutaya! Just 1 machine though, I take those pictures sometimes! (laugh)
Ninomiya: But in the movie you’re pretty much the lead guy!
Aiba: No no I was told I’m just a regular character. When we went for a meal with Inohara-kun he said “Shun-kun is a regular guy” didn’t he? But when I started filming he wasn’t so regular after all.
Sakurai: His pants are super skinny, like Mojimoji-kun (laugh)
Aiba: I’m sure he bought it from Daiei.
Sakurai: Well it’s how he should be.
Aiba: Yeah… Well he’s not just another regular guy! He’s interesting in his own way.
Sakurai: Yeah…  
Ohno: I suppose Nino was the most normal?
Sakurai: Nino got a good manly character, he’d be popular!
Ninomiya: Th… thank you! The skateboard’s great huh
Sakurai: This guy is so lousy at it! (laugh)
Ninomiya: What!? Okay I was pretty bad (laugh)  
Sakurai: At first all 5 of us tried skateboarding. Just to see how we’d do. Since we could play baseball and other sports so we thought we could do it. Then when we tried out for real we couldn’t do it (laugh)
Ninomiya: We were so bad it’s really shocking! I was shocked that I was so bad at it… But surprisingly Ohno-kun could do it.
Sakurai: He’s good at skateboarding, Ohno-kun
Ninomiya: Ohno-kun is surprisingly good! Skating and kicking, the stepping on it to pick up the skateboard,
Aiba: Ohno-kun is really cool.
Ohno: But I didn’t even get one of such a scene!
Members: (laugh)
Ohno: And my outfits were pretty lame.
Ninomiya: Like it’s only till your calves right? Ohno-kun is pretty much quite fashionable right? Since he’s got money.
Matsumoto: His clothes match well too.
Ohno: I thought through a lot, like cutting my fringe straight or something
Sakurai: Oh, I see!
Ohno: Because Haru’s character is kinda stupid I thought it’ll be better to make it (fringe) straight so I cut my fringe at home.

Sakurai: He’s amazing isn’t he!? Since coming back from Hawaii Satossan has been cutting his own hair before filming. He just cut off his Hawaii hair…
Ninomiya: When he thinks he should cut his hair he’d just cut it. Without telling anyone.
Sakurai: Before this he suddenly cut his hair in Osaka.
Aiba: Yeah! The sink was covered with hair!
Ninomiya: Well it’s fine if you wanna cut your hair
Aiba: Yeah it’s fine but at least throw it into the trashcan
Ninomiya: Yeah! It’s like he got so impressed by himself when he’s done cutting his hair then when the next person comes in it’s like the sink has been clogged with ramen.
Ohno: No it’s not like that! Because it’s 5 minutes before the show…
Matsumoto: So don’t cut hair 5 minutes before the show
Sakurai: Isn’t this excuse a bit too lame?
Ohno: Because I only have 5 minutes it couldn’t be helped. Speaking of which, how did you know it was my hair?
Ninomiya: (laugh) cause if someone uses a normal drawing paper and stationery scissors to cut his hair, it’s definitely Ohno-kun
Aiba: I even saw him cutting his hair but pretended that I didn’t see him.
Ninomiya: Yeah we didn’t want to talk to him at that moment (since he’s cutting his hair)

Sakurai: I’m changing the subject here, Nino’s movie…
Ninomiya: I’m acting in a movie too! There’s something I shouldn’t say myself, but I called the director just now and asked him if he’s coming today he said “I can’t go today”, I asked him why not cause he’s been saying he wanted to come! Then he said it’s because he’d editing the film. Anyway he said I was superb.
Aiba: Like how!?   
Ninomiya: This character is 17 years old. This 17-yr-old committed crimes in order to protect his family but those crimes are really sad. When he realized that the people he killed didn’t deserve to die, it was just plain sad. It’s a very pitiful character. I’m putting a lot of effort in this and dyed my hair 4 times! Pikanchi’s (hair colour) couldn’t be covered up I had a tough time! But all is well, and Ohno-kun said he’s come and watch it’ (proud smile)  
Sakurai: You mean we can see it already?   
Ninomiya: Eh? Yes you can!
Aiba: We’ll go to the premier we’ll go!
Matsumoto: Bring us!
Aiba: I’ll go! And I’ll write my thoughts after watching! 3 pages! (laugh)
Ninomiya: Eh!? You mean I have to read all of it? (laugh)
Aiba: If you won’t read it I’ll send it to your house (laugh)
Sakurai: By fax (laugh)
Ninomiya: That’s fine (since he can just ignore it that way) But can’t you just tell me in person?
Aiba: Nah it’ll be embarrassing
Sakurai: But even if you said 3 pages I think it’ll just be 3 pieces of the small memo pad paper (laugh)
Ninomiya: Like “ooh that was fun”? (laugh) But that film will be shown in over 300 cinemas.
Sakurai: That many!?
Aiba: Amazing
Sakurai: Isn’t that too much?
Matsumoto: Please… please let us have one~ (weird tone)
Ninomiya: Nah you guys have one all over Tokyo! But I have over 300 all around the country! (show off)
Matsumoto: By the way Pikanchi will start showing in October right? When will “Ao no Honoo” start showing? 
Ninomiya: Next year’s spring!
Matsumoto: I see~   
Ohno: I can’t wait I can’t wait~   
Ninomiya: I remember very clearly when I practiced my lines with leader.
Matsumoto: For the movie?
Ninomiya: “Ao no Honoo”. And the first line was “Kushimori looks scary recently” and I made him read it but he was stuck at the first “Kushimori”… and mumbled to himself “I can’t read this…”
Ohno: Cause it’s full of kanjis I can’t read I couldn’t move forward…
Ninomiya: He was like this cell phone with super bad connection (laugh)
Ohno: And my lines were so long~  
Sakurai: Ah! I saw it!
Ninomiya: You saw us!? (proud)
Aiba: But you memorized everything before you started filming right?
Ninomiya: I memorized everything
Ohno: You are one amazing guy
Sakurai: Amazing
Audience: (claps)
Ninomiya: Th… thank you!
Sakurai: Unlike Aiba-san who finally manages to remember his lines when the filming is almost over~
Aiba: Hey you’re bullying me too much today
Ninomiya: Ahahahahaha….
Aiba: Bullying me so much it’s like real bully already
Sakurai: I’m sorry!
Aiba: It’s okay as long as you understand!
Ninomiya: As long as you understand, he said (laugh) Well the movie will be shown next year… please do watch it.
Sakurai: I’ll go I’ll go! Let me watch it!
Matsumoto: Please let us watch it.
Ninomiya: Please come. To the cinema!
Aiba: Will it be showing in Chiba?
Ninomiya: Of course! If a nation-wide movie leaves Chiba out that’s shocking!
Aiba: Yeah we can sue them!
Ninomiya: The other way round? (laugh)
Aiba: Cause it’s so troublesome to travel to Tokyo on my off day
Ninomiya: For someone from Chiba  
Aiba: Yeah

Ninomiya: So I have that… and we’re doing “USO!?” too. 
Sakurai: The previous filming of “USO!?” was really crazy.
Aiba: Crazy!
Sakurai: We did concerts in Sapporo, Aiba-chan and I stayed behind for “USO!?” location filming. Then there was this guy… ah but should I say it?
Aiba: Can we say it?
Sakurai: This guy, how should I put it… he’s part of this idol unit “Tennaikko Club (?)”… ah I can’t explain it properly please watch the on air.
Aiba: It’s really interesting! Very very interesting!
Matsumoto: No no we didn’t say anything! (laugh)
Sakurai: Ah okay, then I’ll sing instead! (looks at Aiba)
Aiba: Sing? Really!? Why are you making me sing alone?
Ninomiya: Should Aiba-san say “Sakurai-san shall sing!”? (laugh)
Sakurai: I’ll sing!   
Aiba: Then sing! Well that “Tennaikko Club (?)” has their own song… this isn’t going anywhere, everyone looks puzzled
Sakurai: Sorry! That was a miss.
Ninomiya: A miss? (laugh)
Sakurai: Right anyway let’s do it! Just the first part!
Matsumoto: Just the chorus would be fine!
Aiba: Really? If we’re gonna sing we might as well sing the whole song (laugh)
Ninomiya: Please step forward towards the middle!
Sakurai: We’re shy…
Ninomiya: It’s fine!
Matsumoto: We’ll give you spotlight too
Sakurai: …then we’ll take it please! (Spotlight focuses on the 2 of them) Well there’s not much difference…
Ninomiya: What do you want? Would you like to have the stage lights dimmed out instead?
Matsumoto: Then let’s do that.
Ninomiya: Let’s just leave the spotlight on (lights dimmed, 3 members went to hide behind the props)
Aiba: Sho-kun Sho-kun what now!?
Sakurai: (soft voice) Let’s get it going~
Ninomiya: Alright then just go according to your own timing!
Sakurai: 5, 6, 7 and 8 (starts singing with Aiba, then Sho made a mistake and just stopped)
Aiba: You didn’t have to be so upset! I still intended to continue singing
Sakurai: Could you please just let me off the hook already?
Ninomiya: Eh!? (pretending that he couldn’t hear)
Sakurai: Please turn on the stage lights
Ninomiya: Then let’s move back
Sakurai: I’m sorry, honestly I can’t really remember
Ninomiya: Hahaha so you can’t really remember huh
Ohno: But Aiba-san was perfect
Aiba: Yeah I was perfect right!?
Ninomiya: You were really hyped up! (laugh)
Sakurai: He kept singing during the recording
Aiba: Yeah! I love this song! (sings again) 
Sakurai: Well it’ll be aired on the 7th or 8th of September, please watch it!

Ninomiya: Ah!?
Sakurai: Ha?
Matsumoto: Ha~!?
Ninomiya: Ha!
Matsumoto: Ha?
Sakurai: What the heck, what do you want!?
Ninomiya: (covers his mouth and looks up without saying anything)
Matsumoto: What’s the matter why are you so grumpy?
Aiba: Cause he did a mistake?
Ohno: (walks close behind Nino, looking unhappy)
Ninomiya: Eh? Now why are you unhappy? (laugh) Okay now, we did the balloting event for Pino right?
Members: Ah yes we did
Ninomiya: There’s something I find really weird, I couldn’t go that day because I had another job to attend to… but Leader why didn’t you go?   
Ohno: What? (unhappy)
Aiba: I heard that he had to work
Ohno: No I wasn’t asked to attend (laugh)
Ninomiya: So you weren’t given the offer?
Ohno: Nope, nothing came. I would’ve attended if I’d been told to, but
Sakurai: But!?
Ohno: No one told me anything. I went for recording…
Matsumoto: Yeah so Ohno-san had been working, it’s true
Sakurai: That’s what I heard too!
Ohno: Then when I went for recording, it has been cancelled…
Aiba: What?
Ohno: Hm…
Ninomiya: Please go! It’s your job as Arashi so please do!
Ohno: Hm…
Matsumoto: The both of you had work that cannot be postponed so even if they wanted all 5 to attend together there were only 3 of us…
Ninomiya: I’m sorry I really had something on I couldn’t attend… and, well you?
Ohno: I didn’t know and just went for recording, but it was cancelled…
Ninomiya: Cancelled?
Ohno: Then it was my day off (laugh)
Ninomiya: Well I’m sorry (sarcastic) But it’s amazing… 20
Matsumoto: About 220,000 applications came in
Ninomiya: 220,000 people wanted to play dodge ball with Arashi… it’s nationwide right? So if we’re just walking we’d get hit!
Sakurai: I see, wow that many huh
Ninomiya: 220,000 people from around the country!
Aiba: 220,000 is amazing.
Ninomiya: Amazing! This place holds about 30,000 people right? It’s 7 times of this!?
Sakurai: Really. Not since Takeshi’s Castle
Aiba: Takeshi’s Castle??
Sakurai: You don’t know about it?
Matsumoto: We know of course! But I don’t get why you brought it up
Sakurai: Well you’d jump off the bridge right?
Ninomiya: How nostalgic
Sakurai: Some people know and some don’t…
Ninomiya: So you picked out the participants?
Matsumoto: I did!
Sakurai: So did I!
Ninomiya: From the 220,000 applications?
Aiba: Each of us picked 5, so it’s 3×5=15.
Ninomiya: I know that okay? I’m not stupid (laugh)
Aiba: We picked 15 people ourselves.
Ninomiya: A team of 15 people?
Matsumoto: Yes 15 people.
Ninomiya: Matsumoto-kun said on TV that he’s anticipating 100 vs 100 or something… (laugh)
Sakurai: What’s more amusing is that when Matsumoto-kun was asked if he was good at dodge ball, he said he likes Dodge Danpei (laugh)
Ninomiya: Can we have you answer this properly? Are you good at it? (laugh)
Matsumoto: Eh? (pretends not to hear)
Ninomiya: Then you guys played dodge ball right?
Matsumoto: Yes we did.
Ninomiya: Like a demonstration (laugh)
Aiba: Uhehehe
Sakurai: You watch too much TV!
Ninomiya: Cause it’s the only thing on TV!
Aiba: So what do you think of it?
Sakurai: How was it? Com’on! Com’on!
Ninomiya: At first you guys came in by bicycles passing through the audience right? Then after that the press conference started… then (pointing at Jun) “100 vs 100 I don’t know exactly how big it is but I’m excited! I’m Jun!” he said something like that, then S-kun said “well I heard that we, Arashi has hit first but we don’t know where we’re going” something like that… “I’m Sho!” (with a thumbs up) he said that I think (laugh)
Sakurai: I didn’t do that (thumbs up)!
Ninomiya: Oh? You didn’t? I’m Sho! I’m Jun! I’m Masaki! (laugh)
MSA: We didn’t do that!
Ninomiya: The Masaki-kun’s comment was… I think it was left out on purpose? No! I don’t remember a thing about it! (laugh)
Aiba: (wry laugh) Oh I see
Ninomiya: Masaki-kun what did you say?
Aiba: I said quite a lot of things
Sakurai: Yeah he did
Aiba: I said so much, but they didn’t put it in!
Ninomiya: No no (playfully uses his own fingers as scissors to cut Aiba’s finger) it’s not that.
Aiba: This!? (finger scissors action)
Ninomiya: I said it’s not that! But I think you said something. Leader you didn’t watch it right?
Ohno: (holds the mic close to his mouth but only nodded without talking)
Ninomiya: Can we hear you speak? That’s a mic by the way.
Ohno: Well I thought I’d better not say anything… but I saw the news!
Sakurai: Ah really?
Ohno: I used to ride that kind of bicycle, and I was wondering how come I wasn’t there… (laugh)
Sakurai: That’s what we were wondering!
Ninomiya: Then  you did the demonstration thing… then you’ll do it here right? The real thing…
Sakurai: The stadium beside this arena.
Ninomiya: Oh really!?
Sakurai: The stadium near Saitama SA.
Ninomiya: You mean side arena?
Sakurai: Yes yes.
Aiba: It’s not just some car park area
Ninomiya: It’s not possible to do that in such a place!
Matsumoto: If we’re going to do it at a carpark area we might as well do it at a hall or something
Ninomiya: So when is it again? September… 10th? Wow you guys are cool, doing all sorts of stuff.

Sakurai: We do all sorts of stuff! Speaking of which… this guy (Ohno) has drawn something during his solo again and it’s amazing   
Matsumoto: It’s not about the drawing
Ohno: …then I’ll go and draw! (laugh)
Ninomiya: You’re going to draw now?
Ohno: I drew something astounding… but stupid (character presses button for automatic door, the door opened but when the person walked in the door immediately closed and hit his shoulders)
Ninomiya: He got stuck! (laugh)
Sakurai: Enough with the gag! (laugh)
Aiba: It’s interesting though it’s so normal
Sakurai: Better than last time.
Matsumoto: This time it’s in colour.
Sakurai: Ohno-kun has never drawn using colours before. This turned out great
Matsumoto: You’re so good it’s really shocking. I would’ve thought it’s a photo… (upset at the audience being so quiet) I guess you don’t understand…
Ninomiya: They will when they see it.
Matsumoto: Yeah
Aiba: And Ohno-kun is really good at singing too! He sings great songs!
Ninomiya: You’re right
Sakurai: Why are we praising Ohno-kun? I don’t get it (laugh) So please stand up! Ah please stand up, though it’s not compulsory. We’ll move on to the second half.
Matsumoto: Let’s have fun till the end!
Sakurai: Are you ready? This is “All My Love” by Ohno Satoshi!

♥ translations

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