My boom

Aug 31, 2016 15:52

So after all my existing hobbies, I’ve found myself another one recently LOL Cooking, and more specifically, bento-making.

I bought a new fridge in May, which marked the start of my cooking journey. Of course I’ve cooked before this, but not much, and it was mostly just instant noodles and simple stir frying stuff. Not that I’m making any sophisticated food now, but I’m cooking way more than before.

For my bento-packing style, I’m just putting my food together in a neat manner, not decorating my lunchbox. I don’t like kyara-ben (bentos with cute characters) because I feel uncomfortable fiddling with my food.

I’ve got 3 types of lunchboxes, I’ll just share some pictures of what I did with each of them.

I had another microwavable container which I’ve only used it twice, packed dinner for someone else and hadn’t heard of it since LOL

Meals at home put me off a little because I don’t have any nice tableware so it’s always the same LOL

I actually don’t have a stove at home so I’m basically surviving with just a rice cooker and a lightweight electric hot plate grill. It’s troublesome, but I’m having fun. I’ve ordered a very small toaster oven and it arrived a week ago, so I tried making these!

With this newfound interest, I started following a lot of cooking accounts like Cookpad, TastemadeJP, TastyJP etc. I didn’t really make anything with their recipes though I pretty much spend my free time watching their videos on instagram, which I somehow find very satisfying.

The thing with living alone and to have cooking as a hobby, is that I’ll have to finish everything myself (though I sometimes push them to my colleagues) XD Most of the time I’m already bloated but my hands are still making another meal! Somebody stop me!

p/s: if you're interested in my bento and experimental food escapades, please follow my instagram "hitoribento" ^^


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