[2002.08.06] Here We Go in Osaka MC (AM)

Aug 13, 2016 00:20

This MC report omits the regular greetings at the beginning at ending. Please do not repost without permission.

Tennen karaoke talk led to Aiba finding out that Yama-pair once ditched him to go for karaoke, and Sakuraiba showing their butts all the way in the rehearsal video recorded for Nino.

Sakurai: This concert ties up with our album “Here We Go”, so can I just see a show of hands of people who bought the album?
Audience: Ha~i!
Aiba: And those who didn’t?
Audience: (some people responded)
Aiba: What? Why didn’t you buy it? Go BUY!! (in Kansai dialect)
Ninomiya: Why are you speaking in Kansai dialect?
Aiba: Cause we’re in Osaka.

Sakurai: Recently Matsujun’s “Gokusen” has come to an end, and Nino is in the midst of film-shooting…
Matsumoto: What about Sho-kun? What have you been up to?
Sakurai: I’m dancing every day! (thumbs up with a big smile)
Matsumoto: Aiba-san?
Aiba: I went for karaoke with Ohno-kun…
Sakurai: So the both of you went for karaoke, did you sing Arashi songs?
Aiba: That’s kinda embarrassing so we didn’t.
Ninomiya: Was it really just the two of you?  
Aiba: Our managers were there too. But you start by singing those low-spirited songs when you’re at the karaoke right?
Sakurai: Imagine singing eccentric songs immediately (laugh)
Ohno: We didn’t sing that right?
Aiba: We didn’t. Well usually we’d start with the low ones first right? Then we’d sing rock songs together right? I’d want to sing together with everyone!  
Sakurai: (to Ninomiya) If you went for karaoke with everyone will you sing rock songs?
Ninomiya: I guess I won’t even sing?
Sakurai: (to Aiba) So do you start with rock songs?
Aiba: Yes! ROCK!!
Members: “Jidai” !? (the intro of “Jidai” where they shout “ra!”)
Aiba: Everyone was so high-spirited and this guy (pointing to Ohno) sang Matsuyama Chiharu… man it was so dull. What song was it again? Try singing it again.
Ohno: Hey~ don’t make me do it…
Aiba: He’s really good I tell you, he sounds exactly like the real person. If you close your eyes you wouldn’t even know.
Audience: (claps and cheers)
Ohno: YOU GUYS!!
Ninomiya: He said “you guys!”. Please close your eyes everyone.
Ohno: Look! (points to the audience) Their eyes are still open!
Sakurai: They want to see Ohno-kun!
Ohno: (sings)
Audience: …   
Ohno: See? You guys don’t even know him!
Matsumoto: I suppose more people just decided to listen to Matsuyama Chiharu-san after you sang.
Ohno: Please buy his album!

Sakurai: Before this, when we went for karaoke after we were done with “Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san” he (Ohno) was super groovy the whole time
Ohno: Ah! We sang a lot!
Sakurai: When I was singing halfway he was all “nori nori come on~”
Ohno: And we made a CD at the karaoke too~
Aiba: Wait wait! Eh? “Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san”??

(Sho pointed towards Ohno as if it’s all Ohno’s fault, Aiba caught hold of Sho’s hand while Sho tried to run away in slow motion, then Aiba sat down at the stairs and pretended to cry)

Matsumoto: “Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san”, the 3 of you did the TV version together right?
Ninomiya: Am I right in understanding that you guys agreed to go without Aiba-san? (laugh)
Aiba: When was it!??
Ohno: Wait, no, it’s not like that!
Aiba: The 3 of us worked till late night right? “Aoki-san” was delayed so it was tough for all of us! Then, I said “otsukaresama” and went home right? And then? You guys…
Sakurai: …went for karaoke? (connecting his sentence)
Matsumoto: Wasn’t it because Aiba-chan is in Chiba so he couldn’t come? (laugh)
Sakurai: Let me explain. Satoshi-san left for discussion with his manager. I went back actually but couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d go for karaoke, I called him up at 1.30am and he was all “nori nori come on~”, alright let’s go, so we went… 
Aiba: Hey you could’ve just just just called me up…
Sakurai: You wouldn’t come even if I did, would you?
Aiba: I guess not.
Sakurai: You’re really not coming!?
Ninomiya: Hahahaha
Ohno: But we went together before, the 5 of us
Sakurai: All 5 of us!
Matsumoto: Yeah we did after the discussion for our movie.
Aiba: It was so wonderful~
Ninomiya: That was super tiring. We were sweating!
Sakurai: You know, (Okamoto) Kenichi-kun memorized “a Day~” including the rap part in front, Kenichi-kun did the rap “zenshin~ mezashiteku WAY!” and the rest of us said “WAY!” at the side.
Matsumoto: But, when we were at the karaoke it’s kinda dreary, our melody part is in (brackets) right…
Members: …
Ninomiya: Well…
Sakurai: That can’t be helped…
Matsumoto: You know how the words’ colour changes when you’re at the karaoke, but there’s none for our part…
Sakurai: Eh? Are you not done yet with that topic?
Aiba: (to audience) We’re sorry for this topic which is heading nowhere.
Sakurai: Last night, the 5 of us gathered at my room after dinner and talked till about 4am, and Matsumoto-san kept bringing up things that are pretty pointless, it’s happening again this endless loop…
Aiba: Let’s make it count this time.
Matsumoto: This isn’t an endless loop, what do you mean by “count”?
Aiba: Your point.
Matsumoto: I will keep bringing it up.
Sakurai: Honestly it doesn’t matter how many times you bring it up.
Ohno: It’s fine even if it’s pointless as long as it sounds amusing.
Sakurai: I don’t get you.  
Aiba: I really don’t.

Sakurai: Nino how’s you’re filming going?
Ninomiya: My filming…
Nino fan from the audience: It’s very tough!
Ninomiya: Right~~
Aiba: Your friend? (laugh)
Ninomiya: Yes it’s tough. And it’s basically night scenes, which makes it early morning when we’re done. We were shooting at Yokohama, which is 70km from where we’re from. Even so, we had to gather at 3am… I don’t even know when I should leave the house.
Sakurai: 3am!? At the filming location? Ha!?
Ninomiya: But even though I couldn’t attend concert rehearsals I received videos from everyone and practiced myself while watching those. As a result, during the “don!” effect at the beginning (of the real concert) I forgot to dance… I was just standing there alone (wry laugh)
Sakurai: WHY!?
Ninomiya: I wanted to keep up but it was too fast! So I though I’d just give up… but I really shouldn’t.
Aiba: You could’ve just tell us in private afterwards, you didn’t have to expose that now! (laugh)
Ninomiya: That “don!” is quite scary… it’s surprisingly close.
Aiba: Yes it’s close.
Ninomiya: Back to the video, you and you.
Matsumoto: Who and who?
Ninomiya: Green and white (pointing to Aiba and Sho)
Sakurai: (Ohno’s outfit is white too so Sho tried to point at Ohno instead)
Ninomiya: YOU, white! You were just sitting down when you first appeared (in the video) right?
Matsumoto: The very beginning.
Ninomiya: The very beginning when we’re supposed to come out like this, you 2 came out butt first.
Aiba: That’s not me
Sakurai: That’s not me
Ninomiya: It’s definitely you guys! Are you stupid? I heard someone say “stop it already”. Ohno-kun left me a message at the end of the video wishing me well for my movie but you 2, showing your butts, and being all so happy about it.
Sakurai: No it’s not like that! It’s because Nino couldn’t join us for concert rehearsal. You only have 1 week left after you’re done with your movie.
Ninomiya: Yes.
Sakurai: Because you couldn’t join us so we took a video of the full choreography to help you remember. And thinking that we haven’t met in a while, we wanted to make you laugh so that’s what happened… we only thought of showing our butts (dry laugh)
Ninomiya: It doesn’t matter if I watched it at 4am or 9pm it’s all your butts! Thanks to that I couldn’t remember anything else… and you guys were fooling around so much you didn’t get the choreography right! Green-kun (Aiba) couldn’t do anything right at all!
Aiba: I was trying to cover my butt!
Ninomiya: Just pull up your pants!
Aiba: Stupid, then it won’t be funny anymore! We were just pressing our pants while dancing so we couldn’t use our left hand anymore, so we were just dancing with our right hand… okay it’s hard to explain (laugh)
Ninomiya: Surprisingly you couldn’t do it at all (laugh)    
Sakurai: So were you amused?
Ninomiya: Yes yes I was.
Sakurai: Did we cheer you up?
Ninomiya: Yes you did, it was really funny.
Matsumoto: Hey, that video, you didn’t show that to those people at your film set right??
Ninomiya: I showed everyone, you guys are so over.
Aiba: You stupid! My butt isn’t cheap!
Ninomiya: Then don’t just show it like that! (laugh) Well, there’s my manager and stylist and the guy in charge of promotion, he used to be in the Major League. The stylist was the same guy for “Pikanchi”. We play games together every day. There wasn’t any filming that night so we finished at about 4pm and we were actually free from 5pm till 3am the next morning. When we were playing games I thought, hey I can memorize the choreography today! Then when I played the video these 2 kept showing their butts. So they were saying “oh there’s butt…” I guess they were pretty shocked (laugh).
Matsumoto: Don’t worry, it’s normal. Everyone (audience) is shocked.
Sakurai: Well okay I’m fine with it. As long as Nino laughed my job is done.

♥ translations, ♥ 嵐

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