Arashi Discovery Special Week 22.03.05 - 2/5 Sho

Jul 13, 2014 09:30

transcript source
*kanji is only included for the Question & Answer and omitted for the dialogue.

今週は嵐のメンバー全員が出演するARASHI DISCOVERY。
This week we have all Arashi members appearing on Arashi Discovery.

Today’s question is about graduation. What is the certificate graduates get from their school?

次の4つの中から選んでください。Please choose from the following four:

  1. 二宮:運転免許 driving licence 

  2. 相葉:卒業証書  graduation certificate

  3. 松本:贈る言葉 wise words of advise

  4. 大野:第2ボタン second button

櫻井:答えは②の卒業証書です(←大野のマネっこ)The answer is 2, graduation certificate (←imitating Ohno)

Ohno: To commemorate with Arashi releasing a new single this week (Sakura Sake), we’d like to convey it by having all members appearing together! …So Sakurai-san…
Sakurai: Yes? (←imitating Ohno)
Ohno: Fufufu (laugh) Because you always listen to my radio show…
Sakurai: Yes? (←imitating Ohno)
Ohno: I am very happy… you get lots of me early in the morning…
Sakurai: Here’s today’s question! I like you very much (laugh)!! (←imitating Ohno)

Ohno: Um, do you have any memories regarding graduation?  
Sakurai: For me, I went to all elementary school, middle school, high school and university graduation ceremonies.
Ohno: Oh, amazing!
Sakurai: Yes, thank you.
Ohno: That’s amazing. What do you remember the most?
Sakurai: Last year’s graduation. A lot of people from the press came…
Ohno: Ah, that’s nice~
Sakurai: Ah, there’s such a graduation ceremony too… I felt quite surreal like that
Ohno: So you got a lot of photos taken?
Sakurai: Yeah it was like soldier march, they just keep coming
Ohno: That’s nice… I didn’t attend high school~ The last graduation ceremony I had was during middle school
Sakurai: So did anything happen during the middle school graduation ceremony? Anything at all?
Ohno: It was totally normal (laugh)
Sakurai: Did you have girls asking for your second button?
(During graduation, girls ask for a button on the uniform of the guy they like for keep’s sake. The best choice is the second button because it is closest to the heart. If the guy is very popular, he may have given all his buttons away)
Ohno: Nah… all my buttons were very well intact. I buttoned up till the very first one on top.
Sakurai: Oh, how neat (laugh)

Ohno: And then, two of my friends, they came to my house to eat cream stew
Ninomiya: Fufufu, cream stew… you really like it don’t you!?
Sakurai: When do you eat cream stew?
Ohno: In times of celebration
Matsumoto: So, basically the way of celebration for the Ohno family is cream stew?
Ohno: Yes yes. You see, when we’re doing tour concerts I don’t get to go home at all
Sakurai: Yes I get it
Ohno: So whenever I go home, cream stew will be waiting for me
Sakurai: So, if we talk about mom’s dishes, it’s cream stew for you?
Ohno: It’s none other than cream stew
Matsumoto: I want to go to Leader’s house to eat cream stew…
Ohno: It’s delicious I tell you
Ninomiya: Com’on let’s go to Leader’s house
Aiba: Will we stay over? Let’s stay over!
Matsumoto: Let’s go let’s go let’s all go
Ohno: Hey… forget it… don’t come…
Sakurai: Ahahahaha (←laughing alone)

Ohno: Well, it’s graduation (theme) this time, to those who will be graduating soon, I hope you have wonderful memories of it. If you eat things like cream stew, and get to have good memories, that’ll be wonderful wouldn’t it?
Sakurai: That’ll be great
Ohno: Okay, we’re do~ne for today.
Sakurai: We’re do~ne (←imitating Ohno)
Ninomiya: That’s quick…
Ohno: That’s all…
All: from Arashi!!

♥ AD, ♥ 嵐

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