YouTube Will Be The Death Of Me

Sep 28, 2008 12:10 my latest new tag. Because face it, it's true.

Friday after I got out of class, I called a couple of friends hoping they woule be interested in seeing Ghost Town. They were all busy, broke, had other plans, etc. So I turned to the internet to comfort me in my loneliness.

And, quickly discovered you could watch the entire series of Batman Beyond on somebody's YouTube channel.
I spent the rest of the day watching season one and partway into season two (causing me to both remember that Blight was actually a pretty frickin' sweet villain, both abilities and characterization-wise...even as Derek Powers, he was sort of a Magnificant well as be mildly irritated and baffled that they didn't bring him back after the first season, particularly when they gave him such a textbook supervillain "he'll be back!" death but then never followed through on it).

Then about seven o'clock I was saved when ravin_raven called saying that she and skylark913 and vuvarys were planning on watching the Presidential a drinking game.
Needless to say, I was all over that shit.

Roomie merry_raven drove us both over (with a quick stop to pick up a bottle of sangria), and we were eventually joined by Liz and Brittany as well. Jan's boyfriend Tom was also in residence, though he was feeling unwell and mainly there for moral support.
Some of our rules (there were, I believe, twelve of them, and we added a few as the hour wore on):

- every time McCain calls the audience "his friends", shout "You're not my friend!" and take a sip.
- every time someone talks about change, switch drinks with your neighbor and take a sip.
- every time someone mentions Iran or Russia, shout "Viva la Revolution!" and take a sip.
- every time either canidate mentions his voting record (or his opponent's), take a sip.
- every time someone mentions the environment and/or alternative energy, take a sip and pantomime clubbing a baby seal.
- every time a canidate mentions his family, take a sip.
- every time bipartisanism is mentioned, cross arms with your neighbor and take a sip from your own drink (this gets...progressively trickier, once "voting record" has been mentioned a couple dozen times).
- every time Obama smirks, yell "Oh snap!" and take a sip (he actually didn't smirk all that much, we were disappointed to see...McCain, on the other hand was grinning like a five year old on pixy stix every time he formulated his responses).
- every time McCain brings up his time as a POW, loudly sing the first line to "God Bless America" and take a sip.
- if either canidate explains in complete detail how they plan to safely and effectively get out of the Iraq war, finish your drink.

We also considered adding a rule for the future of taking a sip and yelling "IT'S NOT YOUR TURN!" every time one of the two debaters attempts to talk over each other, and at some point Amanda got out a piece of paper and attempted to list every country they had managed to bring up at some point through the course of the evening. By the time the hour and a half was over I had gone through three glasses of sangria, two glasses of grapefruit juice mixed with passionfruit rum, and one straight shot of rum. I was also sitting on Kurt with no pants on while Ingrid took pictures (relatedly, does anyone know how to get sangria stains out of khaki?).
Before we left, Ingrid played Mario Cart to sober up and Jan got me to drink three glasses of water, since I had work in the morning. (Though watching Ingrid try to tease Jan into biting her fingers would have pretty hilarious even if stone cold sober, I say.) I got into bed by about midnight and was up, fairly tired but hangover-free, at six.

Work was another football Saturday breakfast buffet. Joy. Though it was actually fairly slow, at least by comparison to some of the others I worked. Strange since I guess this was supposed to be a big game.
I did see Jim Tressel, though. He came down to the restaurant for a little while to meet with somebody. (When I walked through the floor to check if any tables needed to be cleared, I looked at where he was sitting and everyone else at the table had pulled their chairs back as if to create an aura bubble between him and them. Heh.)

Got off work, didn't do much for the rest of the day. Despite the fact that I probably should have been working on some homework. Then I went for a walk in the evening and fell down twice, skinning/banging the ever-living hell out of both my knees.

Yep. I'm still me.

politics, good times, drinking, cartoons, friends, youtube will be the death of me

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