"Are you gonna remember any of this tomorrow?"

Sep 24, 2008 17:07

This was the question I was asked by ravin_raven at team trivia last night, my answer to it being "Of course I am!"

I have, however, forgotten exactly what it was either she or I said* that prompted her to ask the question in the first place. Lol awkward.

This week has been pretty busy so far, as my lack of updating has probably led you to surmise. Most of it has involved time with Guild, so I'm not complaining.

Monday was Involvement Fair, which I arrived at about 10 am to help set up, only to discover my services weren't really required on that end, as we'd all forgotten that the tables and chairs are already in place on the Oval. So we were pretty much all stuck milling about for two hours until the actual Fair started and the new crop of freshmen arrived, fresh and bewildered from Commencement.
This however, gave me, at first, a chance to procrastinate putting on my garb in the semi-blistering sun, and then to eventually wind up jumping ship from the Guild table to join sinceralaine at the Council one instead. This ended up being much for the win, as I got to remain in shorts and a t-shirt, sit instead of stand, and leave the table several times to find food, snow-cones, steal a Jesus Plant**, and look at other tables (people, we have a Quidditch League. Why am I just hearing this now??). Though I'm sure fun was had over at the Guild table too, considering the presence of fun flier goodies and a large balloon dragon.
Afterwards we re-congragated at Jan and Amanda's, and then went to Bob Evans for dinner.

Then I went home and watched the premiere of Heroes which...okay, you know what? That was about the two most WTF-filled hours of my life, and that's honestly about all I can trust myself to comment on at this point. On a surface level, my knee-jerk is first to be inclined to agree with all the commentary I've been hearing about how the acting was terrible, the storyline was jumpy and all over the place, the plot threads made no sense, nobody was in-character, etc etc.
But in the end I realize that I can neither confirm or deny anything, because I feel so bombarded by all sheer amount of crap that happened in those two hours that I just can't really process anything. So I think we're going to have to wait for next week for me to actually weigh in on the new season. Dear Heroes: Slow the fuck down, plskthx.
The only thing I will concretely say that I feel any conviction over is this: generally speaking, I think that the series premiere episode should give you more questions, the series finale episode should give you more answers, and that every premiere and finale in between should be about an equal mixture of both. Monday's episode(s) were way, way, way more question than they were answer.

Tuesday morning a few Rennies came over for breakfast (pancakes, bacon, some scrambled eggs) and hung out for a bit. Later in the evening we had a demo of our mad skillz and what-not in the open air of the Oval in hopes of scaring up a few more converts (emphasis or not on the "scare", depending on your perspective), followed up by a lot of us venturing downtown on the bus for team trivia night.
We took up four tables, most of us still in garb, called ourselves "King Arthur's Court" and wound up winning...probably at least partially thanks to the two-point bonus we got for every trivia newbie we brought with us, which was I think about nine. Also, considering the prize was a twenty-five dollar gift card, it was more about the socialization at that point.
Also also, I had two martinis (mangotini and a blue velvet) and got quite warm and happy. Steve due to unfortunate proximity got petted some, everything was just a bit funnier than usual, and while waiting for the bus I recall nuzzling vuvarys and telling him I "do the weird stuff" (in the apparant Guild recasting of Dr. Horrible, he's Captain Hammer and I'm a fangirl, so, not quite as awkward as it sounds, right?) while we all cheated at the Adjective Name Game.
I did not, however, get lost, maimed or die on the way home. So there.
I did miss House, though, since we didn't even leave the bar until after ten. Oh well.

Today was the start of classes. Luckily I only had one. Unluckily, it was Calculus. Blech. Fingers crossed I can get at least a C this time (hell, fingers crossed I pass this time).
Also unluckily (or, at the very least, unfortunately) I also had to buy textbooks (three for one Anthro class? wtf, college), and mail Dad's car keys back to him (uh...don't ask). And I got the zip code wrong on the address label, realized it later, and had to go back and ask the nice postal clerk man to bring my package back out so I could fix my mistake. Sigh.

Tomorrow should be ridiculously busy, as I have to get up early, go straight from work to three almost back-to-back classes, and then from there it's pretty much right to the Guild and Council info meeting.

As for tonight, on top of planning to watch Project Runway I have thirty-seven pages to read for a class tomorrow. And at some point I thought I wanted to get some writing done. No promises, though.

*My best guess is that it probably involves some previously unknown by me historical fact that she rattled off in answer to one of the trivia questions. (What I also remember from last night, relatedly, is learning that she was apparantly born to be a history major, as she related the tale of her lil' eleven year old self going to see Titanic in theaters and bursting into tears at the beginning, because, as she explained to her baffled mother, "Everyone's gonna die!!")

**One of the religious organizations gives away small potted plants at Involvement Fair every year. Many people I know go to recieve them every year, despite the fact that they apparantly always die. Because Jesus is against watering your plants, evidently. I snatched up a succulent, which is somewhat like a cactus in that it needs theoretically less water. We'll see how this works out.

guild, real life, drinking, money, heroes, college

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