First of all, I'm sorry if the format is effed up. I'm still in hate/hate relationship with LJ >.>
Previous Entries:
1.1 ~
1,2 ~
1.3 ~
1.4 2.1 ~
2.2 Last time in Yamato Legacy, so many fails happened. Someone got into the wrong career track, another grew into a beast (and not in a good way) and couldn’t find a willing partner, another sims got fired, and yet another sims was so boring she only appeared in one pic. I had enough of the fail and sent the heir to college for some loving!
I couldn’t believe it, but Mamoru actually looked ok in this pic 0__0 Too bad the hair gotta go because Dmitri had it first.
Mamoru’s former blind date was in the same dorm and was now interested in him. Too little too late, honey.
As usual, the heir got a makeover. I like the previous hairdo but I couldn’t find it in another color and Dmitri looked hideous in anything but that *weeps*
Mamoru’s first crush in college was this girl, who wasn’t so bad IMO. Get her, Mamo-chan!
Unfortunately, Mamoru shared his mother’s fate of being ignored by good-looking sims.
Second crush! … Who was an adult and… As much as I’d love to have a blond in the legacy I didn’t really want anything else from this sims got into it.
Well, that’s it with the girls! What about the boys? Max here was nice and good-looking but was only looking for friends.
Ok, I was glad that Mamoru’s horizon just broadened. But couldn’t he have a better taste?
Mamoru invited Max to the dorm but the non-date was interrupted by a phone call from his cousin, Beryl, who was obsessed with him for some unfathomable reason. Max got turned off by the incest and Mamoru lost his chance to get laid with a hottie.
Next crush was a stern-looking adult that he met at a cemetery. I would consider if not for the fact that he looked like he had been drugged.
Next crush (yeah, that soon. Boy had a lot to get out of his system). Mamoru was hot for him but seemed like this one just didn’t swing that way.
*headdesk* How did she become a cook in the first place? She burnt everything she touched!
Moving on. While on the prowl (because the dorms keeps getting burnt), Mamoru saw this one.
Woman-in-black: AGLOW! HE IS AGLOW!!
Oblivious-waitress: Girls literally kill each other to have a chance to make out with him. It was this long! Anyway, are you ready to order yet?
Uhh… all right. Whatever. Mamoru immediately tried to get to know this Vincent and they talked until morning under the supervision of Mamoru’s uncle, Yukito *points to the butt of the man sitting on chair*
Vincent is nice. So Mamoru invited him to the dorm.
Mamoru: Allow me to give you a makeover so you could gain the approval of my creator.
I could think of a number things to do to improve Vincent’s look. This wasn’t one of them. Having a good taste, Vincent agreed with me and threw a tantrum.
This was as good as it could get. Now if only we could remove that boring t-shirt…
And that was Beryl calling again. Mamoru did the right thing and ignored the call this time *high five Mamoru*
Vincent: You are good with your hands *purrs*
Mamoru: Uh, okay. Are we boyfriends now?
The date was interrupted by a fire, as usual. I finally had enough of the nonsense and sent Mamoru packing to…
A house of his own! No more clumsy cook and communal showers and escaped dates!
He could still get unwanted guests, though. Btw, Mamoru had a bolt with this girl. Too bad she didn’t appear sooner.
Couldn’t trust him with complicated menu. So salad it was!
Predictably, we celebrated the moving with a date.
And an intense make out session. Outdoor! Mamoru sent Vincent home after this XDD
This cougar just wouldn’t give up. She visited the house, like, everyday! Thank god Mamoru was at a class.
Somehow he managed to escape from the stalkers and went on a date where they finally fell in love *sighs of relief*
A romantic dinner followed the dance. Who could say no to a free dinner? I surely couldn’t.
And while we’re at it… And don’t you just love the nervous look on Mamoru’s face?
He said yes! The free dinner trick worked!
WTF PC. Come on!
The original target was the PC at the second floor but porn magazines would do as well, I guess.
Mamoru’s sanity just couldn’t take more fail.
Mamoru: I want my mommy!
Shrink: Now tell me what you see.
Mamoru: I see a flying man…
Shrink: Hmmm… This might be more serious than I thought.
Shrink: Now tell me about your parents!
Mamoru: Umm, my mom is… and dad is…
Shrink: Cured!
Meanwhile, the robber won *headdesk*
You’re such a failure! Go stand in the corner and don’t make a sound for an hour!
Phail-cop: He looks troubled. I’ll just leave him alone to cope with the loss.
*multiple headdesk*
I didn’t want to consummate the relationship before the wedding but Mamoru needed a pick-me-up. Plus, they had been dying to do it for ages now.
Cherry was popped and all was right again in the world!
Soon, Mamoru graduated. Being the only son, he had a party to celebrate the occasion.
Dmitri: OMG, look at him. Why didn’t we just adopt a child back then?
Mamoru: Umm… I hope that’s alcohol talking, Dad.
Sakura: *dancing obliviously*
The only time Sakura wasn’t dancing, she made out with Dmitri.
Mamoru: Oh, come on, guys! I’m the one with the raging hormones here! How come you’re more horny than I am?
Dmitri: It’s called stamina, son. You should get it in a bottle.
Some things did go right. Mamoru introduced Vincent to his parents to prepare them for the big move-in… like, the next day. Let’s hope they didn’t mind his casual clothes.
Vincent: You’re the chick who made out with Mamoru’s dad just now!
Mamoru: … And this is my mom.
Vincent: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Yamato.
Prof. Cougar: I think I’ve seen that woman… a generation ago. How old am I? And more importantly, where could I find a young man to make out with?
After a successful party attended by his parents, boyfriend, former/failed loves, a passerby, and a stalker, Mamoru grew up! Gen 4, here we come!