Mar 29, 2012 18:42
A local celeb is pressing charges against her bf for domestic violence that has reportedly been happening since 2009. What I want to rant about here is the attitude of the entertainment news show that reported it just now. I felt they made fun of her by adding some silly, old song (lyric is more or less 'how could you...' sang in funny way) when they narrated what happened to her. They also interviewed the celeb's friend or something and she said something along the lines of 'well, we don't know why the abuse happened. If it's because of an argument that shouldn't end up in abuse, then we should feel sorry for her.' THERE IS NO ARGUMENT THAT SHOULD END IN ABUSE!! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU??
Also disappointing was how my mother reacted to that. She said the celeb probably reported it now after 2 years because the bf no longer gave her money. That's so... idk. I can't talk to her right now without feeling enraged. I want to show her that article in reader's digest where a woman couldn't tell her family that she's abused for a long time by her husband because the family ignored it when the same happened to their housekeeper. Too bad my mom couldn't read English.
*takes deep breath*
I think here in Indonesia, we try too hard to lighten things up on TV. I think the producers watch too many Asian reality show with its colorful backgrounds and funny moments. They don't seem to realize that some topics are to be taken seriously. Just because they're not 'serious' news show, doesn't mean they could make fun of some sensitive topics like that. Maybe they try to draw more viewers with their jokes and lighthearted moment. Idk. They seem like a bunch of insensitive jerks to me.
story of my life