Mar 31, 2006 07:48
"Let the prisoners pick the fruits," Mr. Rohrabacher said. "We can do it without bringing in millions of foreigners."
This is quotes from MY government, what a bunch of conservatist bullshit. Now mind you, I do not get involved in anything remotely political, why you ask? Well, firstly because i am an immigant. I am a proud citizen of the US and a proud citizen of Ireland. I myself, am very open to the life in both countries. I earned it, i work it and i surely love it. I just choose not be political on either side for fairness to myself.
However, when you have 1700 students from local high schools seeking revenge on a government that is trying to seport 3/4 of many of thier family members and yet they don't know why they are protesting, it angers me.
This country was founded by immigrants, less us forget we killed of many of the actual, real citizens of this country due to our self destructive, need for control and need to be so freakin perfect, so here we are the imigrants of the world, stating we are citizens because we proclaimed so on a bible in some small room with a flag or because we fell from the vaginal opening from the womb into this country. Is that how we determine rights.
Let's do one better then kicking all the immigrants out, let's build a wall (oh, that worked so well for germany didn't it). I say screw it, if you are gonna wall out the mexicans, you might as well wall out the canadians. One better, let's just build a wall around the entire country and not let anyone in and we can self protect this little bubble we like to call the US.
In the mean-time we can let countries who are starving starve, people who are being murdered because of race, religon or sex do as they will. I say survival of the fitest...he who is the biggest, badest conservitist can be king of the hill....and i bet you 10 to 1 they are from alabama, white and have a sheet in thier closet that reads in big red letters "KKK"
Thi country is fucked. We have a moron as president, states that vote the STUPIDEST mother fuckers in the world as thier voice in the senate and the majority rules? Well Mr. President, the last time i checked the majority was the citizens of the united states, not your white, upper middle class, born with a silver spoon in thier mouth, mammas boy named chad telling me how and what i should think for teh sake of the betterment of this country....want are some from the majority (2000 people polled):
1. 40 percent said they should be granted some legal status that allows them to stay in the United States.
2. 65 percent of immigrants mostly take jobs that Americans do not want
and then there is this little fact:
3. In 1970, there were 9.6 million foreign-born residents in the country, census data show. By 1980, that figure had surged to 14.1 million. Between 1990 and 2000, the number of foreign-born residents jumped to 31.1 million from 19.8 million
and of thise 19.8 million born immigrants in the country how many pay taxes, work and feed this machine we call the USA. Kick em all out. Hell if you are are estimating the total # of immigrants here illegaly, estimate how much tourism money you are going to loose, how much work is done that not one middle class white boy/girl would think of doing.
There are bad sides of the immigration but to sit in a chair made of gold, pointing your platinum and bejeweled sceptor at the masses and puking words of conservatist bullshit just and only point out the bad with the other side makes you no better then the right wing facist dictators that build a country on drugs, war and human opression....oh wait, we do that here already but we just think we have rights.
Hell let's move to cuba, atleast there we know where fucked!
I am so tired of all the daily grind of this persons view and that persons view on what is right and wrong. I was taught to question everything, value wht is truly important (family, my health and love) and to be grateful for what i had (earned through hard work and persaverance). These are values that many of the mexican families/person(s) i know believe too.
I am saddened by the state of this usa and no i am not proud to be american...i am proud to be IRISH-AMERICAN!!!!!