Merlin: The Labyrinth of Gedref

Nov 30, 2008 02:09

This icon has never been more apt.

I consider the first 35 minutes of this episode to be mostly filler. The hardcore awesome was confined to five minutes near the end, but I will briefly touch on the rest first.

That is an ugly unicorn. Seriously, Merlin, get some glasses, because that is not the most beautiful creature you've ever seen. Because, obviously, that's Arthur, but I digress.

"Don't be such a girl, Merlin." xD

RATS! This brings back horrible thought of my own room infestation. I couldn't watch it come out of Arthur's boot, but the light relief of the chewed leather and the rat stew was worth it.

"You cannot trust a single word a sorcerer says" - oh dear...

Oh, Arthur. Prat to awesome in 0.3 seconds - letting go of that thief was great, and a brilliant first test. Too bad he then messed up horribly because of his pride - though it led to some truly stunning shots of his eyes.

More battlements - clearillusion will be pleased, I thought. And Bradley does sad so very well.

"You have faith in Arthur." "I trust him with my life."

And then we commenced the SCENE OF WIN!
"Let him go"
"I thought I told you to stay at home."
"I had no idea you were so keen to die for me."
"I'm glad you're here, Merlin."
"No! I will drink it!" "As if I'd let you."

That terrible fall...

"Please...please...just let me take his place..."

Arthur is pure of heart...because he loves Merlin! The logic is WIN!

Arthur apologises to the dead unicorn! And it lives! WOO!

All in all, apart from the ratscepades, why bother with the first 35 minutes? THE BEACH SCENE KILLED ME DEAD! This show no longer needs slashers with canon like that.


review, merlin

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