Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 01, 2014 14:28

Thank you for writing for me! I hope you have fun with it. Here are a bunch of ideas and things I'd be interesting in seeing, but they are just suggestions and jumping-off points. Write what you're inspired for, whether or not it has anything to do with these optional details. I'm pretty open in my fic-reading interests as long as it avoids my do not wants (see just below this). Some of these write-ups are much longer than others, but rest assured I would be happy with fic for absolutely any of these canons. And if you've matched on a request with multiple characters, you don't need to include all requested characters in a single story. Any one (or whatever combination works for the story) will suit me fine.

Please do not include: non-canon character death where it's not specifically mentioned in a prompt, rape where it's not specifically mentioned in a prompt, infidelity, fisting, pet play, scat, humiliation, detailed torture (references to it are fine), zombie apocalypse where it's not specifically mentioned in a prompt.

Attack the Block - Moses

Preferences: I'm down with any ship, but no porn, please. I mention specific crossovers, but as long as I know the other canon anything would be interesting. If you happen to see something I'm into that would make a good crossover, feel free to go for it.

It always gets me how the kids were ready to go straight to war with the aliens without involving anyone else, so it would be great to have something pre-canon that goes into the everyday incidents that prepared Moses to think that way. I'd also like to see how he became leader of the gang. Post-canon would be great too - with a reasonably happy ending, please! As happy as it can get while in line with the events, premises and social commentary in the movie. What happens to Moses, and everything about the aliens and the kids' role in stopping them? How much of a hero does he get to be - in the public eye, to his friends, to other people living in the block? Maybe more aliens come by at a later point. I'd also be happy with a story that just gives him time recuperating with the friends he's got left (I figure it's the closest this fandom could get to fluff), because that was a lot to go through.
I'd also be interested in crossovers or fusions, especially with Moses and the others dealing with potential end-time scenarios from other canons. Possibilities: 28 Days Later, Doom (2005 movie), Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) - Ronan, Meredith Quill, Drax, Nova Prime

Preferences: Canon setting, except that I wouldn't mind an all-human AU that kept the characters in suitably dramatic roles. If you want to write porn, go for it. Crack is welcome (this is probably obvious from the requests), although I prefer it to still be taken somewhat seriously. I don't know the comics, but if you do, feel free to draw from them so long as things still makes sense within the movieverse.

General ideas (pick any of the characters to explore them)
Kree/Xandar War - How did canon characters experience the war, and how did they experience the peace process? The Xandarian city in the movie looked to be in good nick though Xandar only recently signed the peace treaty from a war that lasted for about 1000 years (if I remember correctly), which makes me wonder where the bulk of the fighting took place. If it was elsewhere in Xandarian territory, did it ever get close to the home planet? What effect was there on space travellers and other planets?

Characters having each other's backstory/role. For example, say Ronan is in Groot's position. He could pull off a mean "I am Ronan" (cue OMINOUS SILENCE). Maybe Nova Prime is now a Ravager captain. Or maybe Meredith Quill gets out in space and becomes Nova Prime.

Crack pairings. Anyone/anyone, or even everyone/everyone. I love most of the characters and the universe enough that any combo sounds like fun. No incest and no Thanos, that's it.

If by chance you know the show Justified, a crossover would be great if you're so inclined. All the southern accents in space made me interested the idea, whether the Justified cast is part of the GOTG setting or aliens end up in Kentucky.

Character-specific ideas
Meredith Quill and anything with music, Peter, or her space boyfriend. Having a band. She and Peter both get abducted by the Ravagers. Favourite-music battles with other members of her family where they can't stand each other's genres. Last-resort alien medical tech built into her saved her life shortly after she flatlined (curing the cancer, but feel free to go into a "but at what cost???" scenario there), and she and Peter eventually reunite. The making of the awesome mix tapes. Was the space boyfriend a pretty normal person, considered a weirdo, or did everyone know that Meredith Quill bagged that nice alien hottie who crash landed in the area? Xeno is good in all capacities, including sex. Did she just love the guy a lot (I enjoy fluff), or did deliberate manipulation or uncontrollable alien powers leave her convinced of his wonderfulness and angelic qualities (but also creepiness and some dub-/noncon)?

Ronan the Accuser - what he does on an ordinary day that isn't 'making war paint out of the blood of his enemies'. Or maybe how the Kree justice system works and what his take on it is. Or just him being dramatic at full blast. Or political manoeuvring, including making allies with Thanos & Co, which probably stuck in his craw given his fanaticism about the Kree way. A retrospective view on him could be cool - the Guardians took on a name that he gave them, and what do they think of that?
Ship possibilities: Nebula/Ronan (angrily, as lovingly as plausible, full of denial because wackjob xenophobia vs. stacks of body & worthiness issues, anything!), Gamora & Ronan (they worked together closely enough for long enough that Drax considered them family, which intrigues me), Korath/Ronan, Ronan/Nova Prime (in very, very special war talks), Peter/Ronan. Any of aforementioned romantic ships written as platonic interaction is good too. More Drax & Ronan interaction would be great, even if it's just fighting.

Nova Prime - She's authoritative, passionate, in charge, but also an approachable person judging by Dey being fine with delivering the dick message. I'd love more of all that. Rebuilding Xandar, dealing with the aftereffects of the war, policing space, interacting with other political leaders. Interactions with the Guardians would be great - that "bit of bad, bit of good" attitude could drag her into problems by association at times. Maybe Xandar kinda-sorta owing the Ravagers a debt comes into play for her, even if simply in spurious news stories about how Nova Prime cultivates criminal contacts.
Ship possibilities: Nova Prime/her assistant (as consensual and equal as the power imbalance at the job allows for, please), Nova Prime/Nick Fury (while negotiating Earth's debut to the wider galactic scene, perhaps?), Nova Prime + any ritualistic political d/s or service kink type thing you can make up an excuse for, especially if it involved Gamora & Peter (acting as dual spokespersons for the Guardians), Ronan (consensual! But hate-filled is very OK), or Drax (bonus points for crying about Hovat).

Drax the Destroyer - Drax doing terrible, awesome, stupid, and/or hilarious things (e.g. drunk dialling Ronan, laughing his ass off in enjoyment as the ship he's on is potentially about to crash), or dealing with his feelings about his deceased family, or his communication troubles. He used a metaphor when he called that one species "paper people", so it'd be interesting to see him try out more. Where did he pick up his title? How long has he been going around fighting for his wife and daughter while barely letting himself say their names? Something with his daughter Kamaria being alive and adopted by Thanos would be amazing.
Ship possibilities: Hovat/Drax, Gamora/Drax (they kept touching!!), Gamora/Peter/Drax, I'm kind of at a Drax/Rocket/Groot place but probably not in an explicit porn way, and let's bring everyone together for Guardians OT5. More Drax & Ronan interaction would be great, even if it's just fighting. Sapling Groot & Drax, because what's with hiding the dancing, little Groot? And because I like the scene on Knowhere where Groot officially adopts Drax as a friend when he'd been beating Drax up a short while ago.

Gunnerkrigg Court - Surma, Ysengrin, Red, and the technically unnamed blue fairy

Preferences: canon setting, though AUs are welcome as long as they're recognisably within the same basic world. No porn, please.

Surma Stibnite - Things I'd like to see explored: What shaped her between school-going age and adulthood? Surma making peace with pregnancy/motherhood and the fact that it means her death. Why the hideous make-up? Seriously, this page where Annie talks about using make-up still makes me wonder if there are issues going on. (Or maybe it's just what Annie does to feel closer to her mother.) The period between the Court and the hospital - there could be adventures there. Something where she discovers her heritage, or learns more about fire elementals or her powers.
Ship possibilities: Annie & Surma family interaction (and possibly Anthony too), Anthony/Surma, Surma/Anja, or Surma/Anja/Donald/James.

Ysengrin - It would be interesting to see him explored through that line "You saw three Ysengrins tonight: the way others see him, the way he sees himself, and the way he truly is" (here). Something detailing how he went from antagonism to friendship with regards to Annie would be great. Interaction with any other supernatural wolf/fox/doglike creatures, because I just like how Gunnerkrigg has a bunch of them around. Ones not in canon are welcome too - like, a werewolf showing up would be ace for how it might work on his sensibilities about the split between human and beast/Forest denizen. Ysengrin and Parley interacting as protectors of their respective domains would be really cool, or maybe Smitty could bring him luck? He needs some.

Blue & Red - fairies being odd and being jerks. All I want. Gen or shipping is welcome, and feel free to write both or only one of them. Ideas: Hanging out with Forest residents now that they're human. A contrast to how they were back when they were properly fairies vs. how they are now (as people, in their relationship, with regards to social structures, anything). Graduating from Gunnerkrigg Court and being unleashed on an unsuspecting world ... or whatever it is that happens when former Forest-dwellers finish school, but I would really like it to include being unleashed on the world. Showing Shadow the ropes and thus probably being stalked by Robot, too.

Midnight in Paris - Ernest Hemingway

Preferences: canon setting or AU are both great. I don't have any specific AU ideas but I'm pretty sure Hemingway would be enjoyable regardless. Porn is welcome if you want to go for it, especially if he narrates aloud. No crossovers or fusions for this one, please.

He was hilarious. The way he spoke and the things he said, like he was his own walking short story, cracked me up from start to finish. So pretty much I want more of Hemingway being a good-natured parody of himself. It could be cool to see him end up in the future somehow, possibly reacting to acclaim and criticism of his works. Or he could travel to some idealised past time of his own - which could be Paris as in the movie, or elsewhere. If he ends up wrestling sabre-tooth tigers or something I'd be so into that.
Feel free to bring in any other characters from the movie, especially Gil, Gertrude Stein, the Fitzgeralds, or Dalí, and go for any ship that sounds interesting. Historical figures that didn't appear in the movie are fine too. I saw a tumblr post that I unfortunately can't find, which had an excerpt from one of Hemingway's letters where he was kind of running around after several friends who were having trouble, and thinking of movie Hemingway having to take care of someone experiencing serious issues is a wonderful one. Would he even be any good at it?

Potion Seller - Knight, Potion Seller

Preferences: ridiculousness.

So here is where my love of crack taken more or less seriously comes out flying its flag. (In this case, it's probably 'less'.) The vid is so thoroughly silly I find it completely endearing, and the fanart is also a problem - I can't help but find the knight impressive when I look at this, and this makes me want a more high-stakes confrontation that becomes a contentious relationship. Or at least the knight goes away crying much harder. A modern AU also appeals - the potion seller might just be selling the kind of drugs that do such a number on this magnificently bechinned dude that he thinks he's a knight. Or I'd love to see what happens when the knight goes into the battle he mentions, or maybe fights a dragon. How did the potion maker learn his craft and how many people keeled over before he became so deeply sure about the strength of his potions? Is he perhaps not quite human, the way it looks here? If you want to slash them, well hell, sure.
Also, having seen another meme that I love too much nominated for Yuletide, it occurs that a Spiders Georg crossover could make a terrible amount of sense. Eating that many spiders all the time could involve the supernatural, why not.

The Queen's Thief - Sophos, Attolia, Magus, Eddis

Preferences: canon setting or AU are both great, though if it is a modern day AU, I'd prefer for there to be the occasional fantastic element, similarly to the gods in canon. Porn is welcome.

General ideas (pick any of the characters to explore them):
The Medes take over the three countries or are on the verge of doing so. How do the characters fight back, and does anyone advocate for accepting it? Minimal to no deaths for canon characters, please, however unlikely that might be! I'm more up for political manoeuvring.

Life after the volcano blows. Character death and things going terribly wrong is more welcome here, though please don't kill everyone.

Superhero AU - modern day, rather than characters developing powers in the canon universe. A "with great powers comes great responsibility" type philosophy could make for a fun way to explore all the duty and loyalty these characters have to their country and people.

Inception fusion - the countries are giant corporations, and people are trying to steal or implant ideas between them. Also it would be cool to see someone (Relius? Eugenides?) train Attolia in defending herself from mental incursions, because it would probably be a huge challenge for her to let someone in that far even for protection.

Character-specific ideas
Attolia - I'm a sucker for how she doesn't realise she can in fact be loved, for how she's learning to be a fully-realised person, and for the years when she was near to a monster. I'd be equally happy to see crushing tragedy or a happy ending (and outright fluff), because she's so close to personal precipices for a lot of her life that it's easy to see her going either way. AUs where things go differently for her - not becoming queen, having different allies, etc. - that explore the effects this has on what she makes of herself would be great. Canon scenes I'd be interested in seeing more in-depth from her POV: that time she probably told Eddis to just go and kill a bunch of people who would definitely try and ruin her new reign, Moira telling her how to nab Eugenides in Queen of Attolia.
Ship possibilities: Eddis/Attolia (hateship? A more normal romance? Who can say), Eugenides/Attolia, Dite/Attolia, Relius/Attolia(/Eugenides. Tender loving d/s would be so welcome whether it's the pairing or the threesome.)

Eddis - Eddis being chill and smart and dry in her humour and good to most everyone, despite tremendous responsibilities and the terrible things hanging over her head, renders me all ♥. I would probably be happy with a fic that's just a string of people going SEMPAI NOTICED ME as she passes by. Canon scenes I'd be interested in seeing more in-depth from her POV: experiencing the effects of Hamiathes's Gift, that time Attolia probably told her to just go and kill a bunch of people who would definitely try and ruin her new reign, Sophos telling his epic tale in A Conspiracy of Kings. I'd also love an exploration of how she takes the male title for a leader in her country and gets everyone to accept it.
Ship possibilities: Attolia/Eddis (hateship? A more normal romance? Who can say), Magus/Eddis (discreet pining on top of an entirely practical understanding that they can't get together would be great), Sophos/Eddis (fluffy or with the impact of how politics affects them, or both!)

The Magus - The fact that he still isn't named by anything except a title fascinates me, because it feels like an implication that he is just that dedicated to his role. And this series is full of people like that so someone like the Magus must be THAT dedicated. I'd love seeing how it impacts on him, as well as those times it doesn't quite - Eddis and Gen know what to expect of him and vice versa, so they get along well even though technically they're on opposite sides.
Ship possibilities: Eddis/Magus (discreet pining on top of an entirely practical understanding that they can't get together would be great), Eugenides/Magus (if the Magus were to consensually take out some of his frustrations with Eugenides while they're in bed, A+), Magus & Sophos, and Magus & Sounis (original flavour). I've also seen someone say they ship Magus/original Sounis because the Magus is the only one to see anything good in the guy, and I could be convinced. Maybe Magus & the Eddisian Minister of War, purely because of both of them being characters who aren't really named.

Sophos - I think he is history's most unassuming James Bond and would love more of him being tough as hell while also being a giant marshmallow. I also like the way he would be content with things completely adjacent to what becomes central to his daily life, so I'd be into an AU where Sophos becomes or has to pretend to be a scholar, actor, or similar and gets to work with that side of himself. And uh virgin kink could be pretty hot/sweet in case of porn. It would be interesting to see anything that has him dealing with his role as leader with regards to his relationships with Eddis and Gen, especially since he's still got a lot to learn in comparison to Eddis especially.
Ship possibilities: Sophos/Eddis (fluffy or with the impact of how politics affects them, or both!), Sophos/Eugenides. He could possibly make good buds with Costis. Magus & Sophos.

yuletide, marvel cinematic universe, books, fanwork fests

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