Rarepair Fest 2014 letter

Jun 01, 2014 20:29

Thanks so much for making a fanwork for me! If you want any extra info (a lot. A lot of extra info) on what I'd like to see, here it is.

I'm pretty much an omnivore in terms of fanwork consumption. I'll give a lot of things a shot, so don't take these prompts as demands - they're things I'd like to see, but they're very far from the only things I'd like to see. I came up with prompts because it was difficult to specify more general tropes when I enjoy so many. So if you have a specific idea you're dying to use, please use it! There's some division here between art prompts and the fic prompts, but if you see an art prompt you want to write fic about or vice versa, feel free.

A lot of the ships here have characters that are already in relationships, and in splitting those relationships up I'd prefer there not to be much focus on why Canon Ship X doesn't work. Just mention that it didn't work out, have it as an open relationship or similar, or make it an AU where they were never together.

For hard Do Not Wants, all I can really think of to avoid is:
- Serial killer AUs, especially in fic
- Deathfic
- Rape (except in Star Trek mirrorverse, since fandom so frequently has it coming with the landscape that I grew kind of inured).

General fanart ideas, applicable to any ship in this letter: any AU - restaurant, genderswap, fantasy creatures, nearly anything. Domestic scenes. Outfit swaps/sharing clothes. Completely gratuitous True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys* AU (this could also work for fic).

* True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - everything I know about this is from the My Chemical Romance album and the two music videos based around the concept; I'm not familiar with the comics. I just like the aesthetic with cartoon-colourful rebels driving around the desert as they escape the attentions of a totalitarian state that came over from the discount costume shop.

Crossover ships - the sign-up said that crossover ships can be requested under optional details, so on the off chance that sounds interesting to you, I'd be into fanworks for these ships. (They're not all fandoms/characters I requested, but they are all in the tag set for this year's fest.)

Aisha al-Fadhil (The Losers)/Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Jim Kirk (Star Trek AOS)/Chuck Hansen (Pacific Rim)
Jim Kirk (Star Trek AOS)/Anamaria (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Jim Kirk (Star Trek AOS)/Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Gaila (Star Trek AOS)/Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (art, fic)

Art ideas for either ship: the dancing days at Lost-hope, with creepiness and menace all around the edges, and fancy/odd outfits. How they'd look in an AU set in a modern day JSAMN-world, where magic has long been part of everyday life (this would also be cool as fic).

Arabella/Lady Pole
I want them to be basically happy after their lives were not their own for so long, enjoying being back in touch with the world and navigating the changes to society brought on by magic returning to England. I'd love something set a few years after the end of the book. I see Lady Pole as having a massive fixation on Arabella without necessarily realising that or that it's romantic, while Arabella is aware of it, so anything along the lines of "accidentally dating" would be awesome. Or Emma getting seduced without properly realising it for some time. It also interests me that this book is a "history", so it would be cool to see something that plays with how they're remembered in other texts, or perhaps ways they interact during interviews with popular writers or historians.

Stephen Black/the gentleman with the thistledown hair
Romantic feelings can be fully one-sided from the gentleman's side but I do like when Stephen feels ambivalence about their relationship rather than 110% DNW. Maybe only 99% DNW.
It would be cool to see snatches of the gentleman remaining after death, whether at the brugh Stephen now rules, or perhaps in England if he goes visiting there; and whether in a purely magical way, or in more physical things he left behind. Or a History's Worst Roadtrip type thing with Stephen getting dragged along to various places while the gentleman is alive, with the gentleman being History's Worst but Most Extravagant Sugardaddy. I like non-human POVs so something from the gentleman's perspective could be interesting.

Marvel Cinematic Universe (art, fic)

General art/fic prompt: I like role-swap AUs in this fandom (e.g. an AU with Clint as the Asgardian foundling prince mind-controlling Loki, agent of SHIELD).

Jane/Darcy - it charms me that they stuck together for years. Is it more fun than being apart? Does it feel like no one else gets their lives? Maybe Darcy just can't find a new damn job in the US or UK, but she and Jane are relieved to some extent because it gives an excuse to stay with each other.
Prompts: Jane's research into finding ways to cross time and space cause something unexpected to happen. Or, if there's any fanfic romance classic you might want to employ for these two, go for it - sex pollen, a/b/o, pretending to be dating, accidentally married, sharing a bed, etc. Art of them sharing iPod earbuds to listen to music together would be cute. Or to science podcasts (whether or not Darcy is asleep is up to you).

Jane/Loki/Thor - please god no Loki-as-Odin/Thor. Platonic mindfuck is cool, but while I'm down with Thor having socially unacceptable feelings about his brother, his dad is a different story. It's okay if not all relationships in the triad are romantic, as long as there's a sense they're all in it together.
Prompts: Loki grows up on Jotunheim and they all meet due to politicking with new kid on the inter-realm-relations block, Midgard. The Aether leaves Jane with powers and then Things Happen (PS: I would be down with totally/semi/temporarily evil Jane). Outrageous domesticity that doesn't even have to answer the question of why they're all getting along or explains it via AU; canon is not going to make them all happy, so fandom is good for indulging that urge. Loki nabs and mind controls Jane through Avengers and various messed up emotions ensue (no mind control sex, please). Bonding through fighting Thanos.
Art: outrageous domesticity goes triple for art, so something like all three sitting around in their pyjamas braiding hair = joy in my heart. Dark Aether Queen Jane and her two soldiers/prisoners/pets also makes for a nice image (whether she's in a fancy outfit or still dressing in flannel).

When Steve called him "Nick" in Winter Soldier I had a moment. A moment of shipping. And then Fury shows up at Steve's flat because he knows that it's a good place to go to ground when he can barely trust anyone. They're guarded and cynical soldiers - Steve more so because of his interactions with Fury - but there's still a connection, trust, and finding ways to work together.
Prompts: filling in the time between movies. The first time they called each other by name. Bonding and quite possibly fighting about dealing with having really fucked up best friends in Alexander Pierce and the Winter Soldier, if in different ways. (I read that Anthony Mackie played Sam as if he was Fury's son, which could be interesting to take as fact in this scenario.) Other bets like "I bet nothing will surprise me anymore" in Avengers. PWP with BDSM, either one of them topping. And somewhat randomly, ever since Fury said "like the pharaohs of old" in Avengers, I've been into the idea of royalty AUs with Fury as the royalty, or treasure hunter AUs.

Steve seems pretty much Jane's type if you judge by Thor. Jane doesn't strike me as much as Steve's type right off the bat, but I think she could get in under his radar until some point he realises he is into this steadfast nerd, especially the way she takes all the weirdness in his life and her own pretty much in stride. And they could just be hot awkward dorks together.
Prompts: the two of them are stranded in Some Place and/or Some Time and have to work together to get back to where they want to be. PWP with cuteness and size kink. Having dates based purely on discussing how difficult dating is. Aftermath to Cap2 and the collapse of SHIELDRA - maybe Jane's research was being misappropriated to godawful horrifying proportions and she wants help making things right? She becomes the target of another organisation entirely due to people reading about the details of her work online?

I hadn't thought of it before seeing it nominated, but then it suddenly seemed intriguing. And potentially adorable. I like the "opposites attract" quality to it, and the idea of comrades in arms being in love.
Prompts: what they do in the aftermath of TDW, with Thor being gone and lots of rebuilding and possibly interrealm-defending still needing seeing to. And then there's dealing with whatever it is Loki's up to while pretending to be Odin. Anything set pre-canon - adventures, relaxing around the city, fighting in battles and patching each other up. Arguing about and/or helping each other with beard maintenance. Since Hogun is from Vanaheim and I've read fics where Fandral is from Alfheim, something with the two outsiders bonding in Asgard could be cool.

Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (art, fic)

General fic prompt: the Academy Survival Training trope where one or all characters involved go one-on-one with Mother Nature and later, cuddles and recovery ensues.

I have a deep need to see them play out a romcom. Like, accidentally in love - Carol keeps ending up injured and needing treatment, McCoy keeps ducking behind Carol during shoot outs because she's an excellent shot, and they keep bonding. Kid fic featuring Joanna McCoy, and/or the unplanned appearance of David Marcus. Meetcute at the Academy. More bad pick-up lines are a plus. For a more serious angle, fic dealing with ST:ID fallout would be great - McCoy playing a part in why Carol thinks of the Enterprise crew as a family, them working together again to deal with the Augments' cryogenic storage (and possible moral conundrums from that), both of them simply recovering from everything, etc. I am also fond of fusions with the movie Doom, with McCoy and John Grimm being the same person. He and Carol could nerd out about historical heavy artillery together!
Art prompt: I find it adorable that Carol paints her nails Science division blue, and seeing her doing the same to her significant other would be great.

One day I saw this pairing tag and that minute became completely hung up on the idea of the ship. I don't know, I think it's because Carol feels like a potential "+1 scenario where it went differently" to TOS and AOS canon's apparent positions of "X times Chapel's love life pretty much sucked". I like the scenario of Carol pining for Chapel just for switching things up. Also, dislike for how Chapel was written off in AOS makes me want a storyline for her, any storyline.
Prompts: Carol --> Chapel pining would be fantastic. My kid fic desires and terrible sense of irony would be satisfied if it turns out Chapel got pregnant when she slept with Jim, and then Carol ends up co-parenting (with Jim as involved as you like). I read a fic, Arithmetics by CobaltKicks, where Carol didn't know Chapel and mentioned her as a tactic to get a feel for Jim Kirk's personality (since she'd sneaked onto his ship and all), which could be interesting in a scenario where they meet and Carol gets to know the name she picked off a list.
Art prompt: I find it adorable that Carol paints her nails science division blue, and seeing her doing the same to her significant other would be great.

I think of them as being different kinds of total perfectionists, and while the differences in perspective means that they can clash spectacularly, they also find they can work really well together. Possibly when Uhura has to spend a lot of time trying to be diplomatic with patients' families in the local language as McCoy is swearing up a storm in Standard. Drawing from TOS, they both take pride in their roots, which could be an interesting thing to explore - maybe homesickness brings them closer together, they go visiting each other's homes, etc. Academy-fic could be fun, probably with them as the (self-appointed) sensible ones in any given gathering - although it would also be great to see them cut loose.
I'd prefer this without any Kirk/Spock, and not as PWP.

Their personalities seem like they could bounce off each other and there is a bit of understandable friction in ST2009, but I'd also like to see more of how they got to know each other and the ways in which they get along, and eventually mean a lot to each other; buddyshipping is one of my weaknesses. I love stuff with xeno oddities and cultural exchange. I am also way into the backstory mentioned in interviews for Gaila, that she escaped from being a slave, so anything with that would be great. Maybe she runs across someone from her old life who tries to take her back. I keep seeing Captain Uhura + trusted officer Gaila (and also Carol, to make a triumvirate) AUs on Tumblr, which would be great to see fic of. Total AU would also be cool, e.g. pirate kidnaps feisty prisoner she can't bring herself to get rid of.
Please ignore the deleted scenes with Gaila, as I've never watched them and what I've picked up of them makes Jim that much more of a jerk. I'd also prefer no PWP.

Prompts: Goofy happy fun times at the academy. Unsettled relationships and misaimed expectations revolving around Gaila and Jim's "I love you" / "That is so weird!" exchange (or something like it), with McCoy accidentally entering into it much more than he expected to by helping out one or both. A stable poly triad years in the future, pretty much a surprise to all three of them. I love stuff with xeno oddities and cultural exchange. I am also way into the backstory mentioned in interviews for Gaila, that she escaped from being a slave, so anything to do with that would be great. Maybe she runs across someone from her old life who tries to take her back.
Please ignore the deleted scenes with Gaila, as I've never watched them and what I've picked up of them makes Jim that much more of a jerk. I'd also prefer no PWP. All the relationships within the triad don't have to be romantic, as long as there's a sense they're all in it together.

The Losers (art, fic)

(I'm working off movieverse.)

Art: simple badass posing would completely suffice.

I assume this makes no sense to people who are not me, so here's the explanation: The process of Aisha getting closer to the Losers intrigues me. She probably wants to remain apart what with the possibility of eventually killing Clay, but already feels for the team. This strikes me as a distinct contrast to Cougar who comes across as very loyal to Clay and satisfied in following his lead, which makes me want something where that difference sparks some resentment, jealousy, desire in Aisha. I also think Cougar would quietly contemplate something along the lines of "welllll if I can give in to my authority kink-cum-crush on Clay, and also be with this hot woman who I would usually avoid due to her being kind of vicious..." Clay is probably having trouble trying to corral all the mileage he's getting out of Aisha being volatile. Messy feelings getting all over the place, and never managing to really get together, would make me as happy as something more established where they've worked out their issues, or a pure pornorama. I don't have specific prompts here, and all I can say is that for this one I'd prefer fic to be in canonverse.

Apparently Aisha yelling "DONUT, DONUT, DONUT!" gives me nascent shipping feelings. She doesn't get many comedic moments so her having one with Pooch made me feel like they could be pretty normal together - a dynamic where he's not quite as aware of her in the sense of Extremely Dangerous Hottie as the rest of the team, which leads to her responding to him in a somewhat more normal way. I feel vaguely guilty because Pooch is so very married, but I still want it! Preferably with no relationship/infidelity drama with the canon significant others, but I'd also prefer that Jolene and Clay not be killed off.
Prompts: Pooch seems to be the one in the team who tries to keep things stable and everyone getting along, so it would be cool to see him adjusting to the presence of a new team member (and the absence of Roque), especially with Aisha having a stated vendetta against Clay but also blatantly developing affection for the lot of them. PWP and/or humour with Pooch improvising sex toys (duct tape: always useful?). Day to day life as fugitives on a vengeance bender/teammates hanging out. Working together to deal with Max's latest bizarro doomsday device.

Homestuck (fic only)

I really love heiresses dating and I don't know why. For some reason the potential intrigues me a lot - these different people that have all been raised with some expectation of power and influence, and who are similar enough to all be heroes of Life. Where would the sparks fly, how would they clash, when would they get along? Preferably this is all redrom, though Jane ♦ Meenah and Feferi ♠ Meenah would also work. I'm happy with anything from canon-based fic to wild AU to plotless fluff.
Jane/Meenah possibilities: anything that amps up the xeno. Or the exact opposite, humanstuck with a classic good girl/bad girl romance. Anything that plays with how the Nannasprite & Condesce relationship might impact a potential relationship between them. Something creepy with Jane having remnants of the Condesce's mind control and Meenah being amoral enough to take advantage somehow (but no sex, please).
For Feferi/Meenah/Jane: AU where they are all in line for the same leadership position and fight for it, or all try to abdicate. Established relationship fic with crack or dark humour about Meenah actually getting wild murder urges when interacting with Feferi (even though they never seem to manifest in canon). Anything with horrorterrors. The first morning-after with all three of them.

Red-, black-, or ashenrom would be great, but preferably not pale as I like Nepeta♦Equius and am clinging forlornly to hope for Gamzee♦Karkat. Platonic frienemy fic would also be great. Preferably no humanstuck AUs where they were born human.
Possibilities: Their journey to actually tolerating each other, because I don't even know why they would keep each other on their chumprolls to start with, but eventually they pretty much get along and it's cute. The game ends and the trolls are turned human; troll physical prejudices are challenged. AU with no game about growing up in the Alternian Empire, especially if they run into situations that the information they got planetside didn't prepare them for. Writing this scene Karkat describes as if it actually happened rather than being Karkat hyperbolically making a point:

star trek (reboot), marvel cinematic universe, books, homestuck, fanwork fests

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