(no subject)

Dec 14, 2011 21:16

Open-air gym equipment has been built in park nearby. I'm confused as to why this is a thing. Surely it can't be hygienic - you, cold steel, and the sweat of 10 000 strangers...


Pirates! I've been having a good time of them lately. I rediscovered one of my favourite Pirates of the Caribbean authors whose fic site had gone offline. Time to sigh about Gravity and Levity again. Ah, Norrington/Jack. Also found a rec for a really nice Norrington/Elizabeth fic that goes into how they almost, maybe could have been great together, which is something I believe in:

The pirate captain and his nemesis from Hark! A Vagrant! came back: http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=327. I was hilariously happy about nemesis reciprocating the pirate's feelings, and to that level. Last strip, second panel: ♥♥♥♥♥

The Gokudera: Enormous Asshole Y/Y? wank inspired me to take a look at KHR again. I'm right before the chapter where suddenly, somebody called Elena gets involved. All I really want to say so far is THANK YOU FOR LETTING CHROME DO SOMETHING. Thank you for letting Chrome decide of her free will to do something. I like that she went against Mukuro to do it and that it involved making Enma blush tremendously.

Did a mini catch-up on Gunnerkrigg and this page where Shadow and Robot got hurt went to town on my heart.

Smitty using the nickname "Pearl" made me roar from the rooftops, and I would like to enter them in a cage match for Cutest Gunnerkrigg Duo. Surprise contenders in this contest: Shadow and Robot! Those two always being together never registered to me as interesting or important. I mostly paid attention to Robot being weird about Kat, and took Shadow as being present to provide a contrasting voice and show that yep, this is freaky.

Then that page happened and I shrieked privately about AAAAAHH THEY'RE FRIENDS THEY LOVE EACH OTHER IT'S SO CUTE!!! There is something about Shadow reaching out to touch Robot's face, when Shadow has just been dumped into life in 3D and doesn't really know the mechanics of HOW to reach out, that makes me explode. Then the page happened where Robot actually said 'I love my good friend Shadow' and it was CUTE AS BALLS! So today's page with the hugs and smiles got rainbows beaming straight outta my heart.

Homestuck moments that I laughed at inappropriately:

- The Mergoatdad species can come on land: LOLOLOLOL SORRY GAMZEE. It's horrible, really, but the kind that's horribly funny. I wonder if there's a reason, or if Hussie was still on a high from making fun of people for demanding justice for Gamzee's crimes.

- Hussie strikes again: Jane blows up. well sure that is one way to end the first part of the act!

It was not inappropriate to laugh at Bec Noir ♥ PM. Somewhere between horror and delight is laughter. Jack Noir, your taste in women is excellent and will only end in your incredible pain! PM ♠ Bec Noir, on the other hand, goes straight to my mind: she is blown. It would be awful if the comic made her want to have a relationship with him, I rather dislike the development, and yet I just really really really really want to see where it's going. Maybe it's less dislike, and more 'doubtful but highly intrigued'.

Characters I now adore: the auto-responder (it counts as a character! IT DOES.), young Mom (so smart, so fun, so honest), and Bro (who I never expected to like as much as I do now).

Jane and Jake have very interesting circumstances but the characters haven't grabbed me, and UU is creepy. But really, all I want is guardian Rose and Dave. Firstly guardian Rose interacting with Mom 2.0, then interaction between guardian Rose and Dave, then Dave and Bro. I want it so much.

Plot developments:
- This timeskip for John and Jade (and I'm assuming the other kids and trolls will get in on it too) weirds me out. It's one thing if they age three years but perceive it as a short time, but it's creepy to think of them tooling around for three years with so little contact with other people. Also, SOMEONE TELL JOHN ABOUT VRISKA! :(

- I deeply and abidingly want PM to keep the queen's ring and fight Jack. When she first put it on I was going 'wait no the hell is this, give it to WV so he can heal'. Now I'm so invested in this boss fight being Postal worker vs. Dog! but mostly that it should be PM vs. Bec Noir. She can, she should, it would be satisfying and epic, and with the romance that just entered the equation it has a chance of being even more epic and bloody hilarious, too.

And of course, where would we be without memes. Taken from aramis-chan and makeste.

The Lazy Fan Person's Meme: 1. My favorite character.
2. ANOTHER favorite character!!
3. My favorite character relationship.
4. The moment/character/THING/WHATEVER that first hooked me on the fandom.
5. One of my favorite moments.
6. A song or track that reminds me of this fandom.
7. One miscellaneous awesome thing about the fandom.
8. One completely random thought I have regarding this fandom.
9. One fic/essay rec, fanart, or fanvid that depending on the fandom I either had lovingly bookmarked or saved onto my hard drive, or only just now found during a two-minute Google search.

Domesticity meme: Leave a 'ship in comments and I'll tell you the following!
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Who uses all the hot water in the morning: (is this a US thing? I get the impression from movies and sitcoms that the water heating system over there sucks)
What they order from take out:
What is the most trivial thing they fight over:
Who does most of the cleaning:
What has a season pass in their DVR:
Who controls the netflix queue:
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
Who steals the blankets:
Who leaves their stuff around:
Who remembers their anniversary:

i can't shut up!, fan babble, piraaaates, reborn!, recs, homestuck, gunnerkrigg court

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