i had to

Dec 17, 2011 20:36

I'll get to meme answers soon but, sadly predictable though it is, I need to relieve my feelings regarding tonight's Homestuck update.

Okay, that was cheesy and silly and doesn't even make sense but

KARKAT'S FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace *choke*

I am glad Davesprite, the carapace people, and consorts are all right. (Why does that one blue iguana-thing have Ahaba's crosshairs? And Casey's there!!)

But Karkat's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccceeeeeee. He's going to live the next three years with that proposition. And his ffffffffffffaaaaaaaaace.

that ain't right, ahahaha!, r-e-a-l-l-y, i should be better than this, homestuck, that's wrong

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