(no subject)

Oct 15, 2010 19:59

From pen_over_fist: Leave a comment saying, "PEANUT BUTTER" and I will give you five words I associate with you. Then post about what they mean to you, along with this, at your journal.

- Shimon.
They're interesting because of their sense of history, and the way they stick to their plan despite the reasons not to. I love 'em. Lady Manga Gaga, Kozato "Stand me up, will you?!" Enma, Kusakabe's Baseball-Playing Cousin, and Heidi, Mistress of Pain. I'll probably love O. Large soon. The other two, though... Julie needs to DIAF. Kouyou's annoying.

And I like Cozart! If you think about what we know about him, he was out of his goddamned mind. Highlight for spoilers up to Target 303: He used himself as fertiliser for Kouyou's plants? He found some island when shipwrecked and called it "the holy land"? He and Giotto signed a pre-nup that would be managed by the Vindice? Lawyers work for most people, you guys, not time-travelling Dementors. I like fictional characters who are a little bananas.

- Inception.
*shakes fist* The fandom that I don't want to be in because I object to ... everything. All the Arthur/Eames, and the complaints about it because of course that's the popular pairing, since the movie was practically shipbaiting. The flat characters - sure, limitations of a heist movie, but e.g. Ocean's 11 was better about it. But the flatness was probably to make it believable that they might all be in Cobb's mind. Lack of Yusuf in fandom, and people complaining about the lack of Yusuf; just write the guy, don't ask for a gold star. And I hate the way the main female characters were named, no caveat.

I am awash with contradictions. And I'm a bit in the fandom despite the above! The volume of output makes it hard to miss. All I really want, though, is: 1) sob more of that one Saito/Cobb telepathy fic and 2) a sequel movie, or a prequel if the director feels precious about the sliver of a hint that maybe ... it was a dream...

I will settle for the musical.

- Books.
A friend and I once agreed that books were our equivalent of drugs. I read and reread - not as much anymore, though, between work and internet. It's mostly genre fiction, because I like stories more than being told other people's philosophies (at least, I like stories to disguise them). Nonfiction can be great except that reading it often feels like being gagged during an argument. Reading academia is fun because academics are super bitchy, but obviously it's more challenging to read, and my desire to argue with the author gets worse.

- Book... covers... this counts separately, right...?
Well, most people probably don't bliss out over book covers, so sure, it counts. My admiration was mostly for the Queen's Thief covers - I marked my place in Queen of Attolia like every twenty minutes to look at the front - and it surprised me too. Basically they struck me as representing the kind of decisions I'd like to contribute to at work (a publishing company). I shall learn to speak up in meetings!

- Apples.
I'm so confused. And I kind of hate apples...! Unless this is about my fig icon?

inception, reborn!, baa baa memesheep

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