(no subject)

Aug 21, 2010 07:59

fannish5, 20 Aug. 2010: Every bad movie or series seems to have one character that's too good for it, or even makes an otherwise dreadful thing worth sitting through. Who are your five favorite characters from things you otherwise hated, or would have hated without them?

There are other surely characters I'd want to rescue from their canons, but my immediate and overpowering thoughts are:

1. HALF OF BLEACH oh all right - Orihime
2. Chad
3. Kon.
4. HALF OF NARUTO well fine then, - Sakura
5. Ino. Years later, I think "Why do boys try so hard?" and still have to take a break from typing to make little strangling motions. Ino's not one of my favourites, in spite of what the meme says, but I want her and Sakura out of there together. Even if ... I'm kind of liking Naruto again...

If I could rescue a romance - Orihime/Ulquiorra. Sometimes I'll see fanart or a fic and find it amazing how a pairing that should have jumped up and down on my buttons was so poorly executed that I can't even be bothered to fanwank it into something exciting. (Stumbling on Summer Fest by Rusky-Boz made me think of this pairing again, in fact. SO CUTE.)

And since I had random Gunnerkrigg thoughts the other day I couldn't resist catching up, and alksejfh;asdkfdvkm, next chapter. next chapter!!

(www.gunnerkrigg.com, if you want to know what I'm talking about. For something more in-depth there's a rec post here, or for a summary that is shorter! exciting! filled with spoilers! then check out this image by wavedash: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y114/mintshaped/wallpaperfinal.png. :D

I'm apparently linking art this entry. Let's go with that. KHR things:

GAINED A LEVEL. by ~HeyThereYoungDreamer
aahhh. dying. Best Varia fanart, or best evil mirrorverse Varia fanart? You be the judge.

Anticipation by HappybeeJrr
A colouring from KHR 302. They look like such sad yet intrepid Power Rangers. And there's apparently canon art of half-naked Ryohei and Aoba about to fight. I don't remember seeing this before - I guess nobody was willing to scan it?

And now it's time for deep thoughts on KHR 302:



Oh Reborn, LOLOL. I swear he scouts the tallest person around and picks that one as a perch - so easily are you replaced, Yamamoto. He must miss being tall himself. The first thing he does when he turns back into an adult will totally be to put on his old favourite pair of stilettos and heave a sigh of relief. (The second thing will be to get jumped by Bianchi. The stilettos will stay on ... both of their pairs of stilettos can stay on. Bianchi gets a wardrobe upgrade for the special occasion.)

And thoughts on names brought on by recent KHR chapters. The name Simon originates from Hebrew, which led me to this:

Q. Does that mean the story could contain some kind of Jewish vs. Christian thing with Simon Primo vs. the most likely Catholic Vongola Primo?
A. Shut up shut up shut up forever.

I deeply don't want that to happen, and luckily it's probably deeper than Amano would go. I wouldn't trust her or Shounen Jump with elements of real-world persecution. Look at Eyeshield 21 - the Amazingly Racist arcs Mk I and II (you know, the Panther arcs) make me FLINCH.

Google found me a site that says that Cozart is generally a surname and probably of Dutch origin (which "Adelheid" would tie in with) and that it is "a nickname for a confidante, sweetheart, or flatterer, from an agent derivative of Middle Dutch cosen 'to whisper' ", to which I can only say l-lol, except that I can also add fuck yeah.

"Just call me 'Sweetheart' Simon, Giotto.'
"I ... I've been waiting to hear you say that!"

I'll happily settle for confidante, though. XD

naruto, reborn!, recs, bleach, recs: katekyo hitman reborn!, gunnerkrigg court, omg heart

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