I was only dreaming - of another place and time, where my family's from.

Aug 18, 2010 19:08

An Inception post, because apparently I feel compelled. This is the last this fandom will see of me! By now it is almost certainly bigger than some cities and I don't have the time.

...This statement will be due for revision when the DVD's available, probably. Anyway, spoilers, foolishness, meta:

- This section on the infobar of inception_kink leaves me dead of laffo:

You're waiting for a fill.
A fill that will take your prompt far away. You can't be sure where it will take your prompt, but it doesn't matter - because your OTP will be together.

- thelovemafia's got a post of Inception macros of gold medal quality and also Saito/Cobb recs. :DDD.

- Short video about Inception-ending hilarity: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1939234

- Édith Piaf aside, I hated that soundtrack. Calm down, Hans Zimmer, you're going to hurt yourself.

- The names for the female characters: DIDJA HAVE TO, CHRISTOPHER NOLAN. "Ariadne" is bad enough, but "Mal" is beyond the pale. I hope the latter wasn't intentional.

- The way the medium of film worked with the concept was pretty great, like when the scene cut from Ariadne and Cobb being in real time to being in dream time with no intervening signal about the switch. It casts a bit of uncertainty all scene breaks, which of course there are a ton of.

- The use of Every Possible Location Except the US must have been intentional, which is - interesting. The US is tied with home for Cobb and thus with reality in the movie, and I think the way the movie kept being set in different global locations was a way to make everything feel off-balance for the audience. The bugger of it is that it works quite well for me, even not being from the US, because you get so used to seeing the typically US settings (or at least, what the movies dish up as typically US settings), that it does feel a little odd not to be seeing that, in spite of seeing so many other places.

The trick totally worked, too - best moment in this fandom: when I saw someone mention a fic they'd backbuttoned out of that talked about "Mombasa or some other obscure country". Stay gold, fandom! (Oh all right, I didn't remember right away that it was a Kenyan city, but at least I knew it was an African city!)

- Silly crossover shipping, because there's always gotta be some: Cobb/Lee (Hanna is Not a Boy's Name), for SUCKKIINNNNNNG, in much the same way that I ship Lee/Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist). YOU'RE SO BAD AT LIFE, Y'ALL.

- Realised who my favourite characters are when I found an excuse to think 'Saito/Ariadne' and spontaneously exploded on the spot. She's so boss. He's so boss. Together they can turn suave into a verb (the hottest verb) and proceed to 'suave' through the world until it swoons at their profoundly awesome feet.

- It's hard to pick a personal name for Eames. I don't know why, but nothing comes to mind as fitting. I'm fighting back the idea that 'Darling' is Arthur's surname, because obviously it's something Eames says to be mildly annoying - but it suits him!

- Is it odd how much characters in Inception are defined by another character? Ariadne is basically revolving around Cobb, Cobb is mostly defined by Mal, and Mal is of course entirely defined by Dom. There is leeway for Cobb, as there are other relationships for him - the kids, Arthur, and to a lesser extent Miles and Eames - but he's very much wrapped up in Mal. The kids tie in with that, really. I guess this is why Saito/Cobb appeals to me from Cobb's side; there's the impression that he's finally reaching out enough to make a new connection to another person, free of the association with the devastation caused by Mal's death.

- Headcanon: Eames is the newest, happy reincarnation of Mukuro, for no real reason. It's just that in my head forger = illusionist, which is perhaps why I didn't think much about Eames at all.

- One of the reasons there really should be a prequel to this flick is Mal. She'd be great alive -- wouldn't she? Maybe? I FEEL IT IS SO.

And then there's also Gunnerkrigg discussion, just ... because:
Of all the mysteries in Gunnerkrigg, the one I care about most* is ANNIE'S MAKE-UP. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT. There was that bit during Kat's bird boyfriend chapter (;___;) about how Kat shouldn't try to make herself beautiful with the makeup when she was already beautiful as she was - so what does Annie feel like she's hiding? Is she trying to stay close to Surma? The other thing that could be interesting is when it comes out is that Annie's copying off Kat. I DON'T KNOW WHY THESE THINGS INTEREST ME but maybe 'cause it's like a canon high school AU? There can be normal epic drama in between all the supernatural, actually epic drama!

*Okay, so this changes every time I bring up the subject, but seriously this time. I have decided!

Speaking of High School AUs, some more random meta - I think the above-mentioned "normal epic drama" is why I like the idea of these particular AUs and squeed ridiculously about finding the High School Bingo fic challenge. HS AUs are a great excuse to treat normal things as if they're events of staggering proportions. There's all the drama with no need for plots about e.g. drug addiction or the world ending. The story can go on as if it's about the Truest of Love Feelings because that's pretty much how it feels, the first time (and possibly the 2nd, 3rd), without having that guilty feeling that the concept of True Love is creepy and weird and responsible for some very wrong thinking.

...So I guess it's like Twilight, except hopefully without the rampant badness. Well, Twilight *is* pure id-fic, after all.

And a rec! A KHR comic of Gokudera singing one of his character songs. I don't think I'd listened to "...loop" before this, and I have to say: AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The comic is perfect for how ridiculously serious business the song is. THE DARK CLOUDS ... THE RED, RED ROSE... Congratulations, mister voice actor, for doing that song without bursting out laughing. *salute*

fan babble, inception, meta, recs, recs: katekyo hitman reborn!, gunnerkrigg court

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