(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 05:36

Oh, manga, you've come back to me!

And you give me this? Giotto vs. Hyper Tsuna? GIOTTO VS HYPER TSUNA? Voters, YOU SUX. I thought an absurdly flame-covered, shadowy, be-hatted Adult Reborn vs TYL Tsuna fight was inevitable!

Giotto vs. Hyper Tsuna, huh. At least Tsuna's got an interesting outfit.

(Would have liked Gokudera vs. Tsuna too; Gokudera could've been drawn crying like a baby. And Hibari vs. Dino, because Dino is the one person I can think of offhand who Hibari has not beat in one chapter. Actually, Dino needs to have a proper show-off fight, because what does he accomplish with a whip? We hardly got to see with VS Daisy. Though that would involve more pages than a colour spread of this sort would be allowed, anyway.)

Haru & Kyoko & Tsuna <3. It was good to have that moment. Also, you see those Tsuna-faces? Bring on the icons.

WOAH Gokudera is being practical - I need a fainting couch, he's the guy who starts talking to the enemy?

Kikyo's not too bright, it seems, and how many ways can he and Byakuran find to say "HE'S FROM A PARALLEL WORLD?!" Lots! Lots and lots! Because Ghost is from GUESS WHAT a parallel world. Obviously. The barely-human plus destroyed-world (was it only the planet, or should it really be 'universe'? ooh) thing is kinda cool. Also, the fact that the Vindice took Ghost out in an apparently instant way, and Byakuran co-operated with that turn of events without even trying to go against them... :D Next arc/the final arc is going to involve Vindice vs. hell rings vs. Cervello in some kind of combo, I'm calling it.

Just what the hell is with Fran's box? It's always coming up. I guess it's nice to know that Fran will actually be a plot point as well as hanging out being a (loveable) brat.

Kusakabe! No one's calling his name, poor man. He should be carrying Squalo - being a packhorse for the injured is his specialty! (Aside from Hibari-wrangling, of course.)

Ooh, Mukuro looking worried, now there's something that doesn't happen often. I like how Luss and Xanxus just expected Squalo to show back up, and one can always rely on Fran to be helpful.

There's no discernible reason to have Lal in that shot, I think, except HOT DAMN. Hi Lal. (Thx Amano.) Well, maybe she has lingering tutor-feelings.

Oh right, Zero Point Breakthrough! Forgot about that. That was the obvious place to go. Neato.

*holds thumbs for Bianchi, Spanner, and Giannini for next week*

In other news, my sister and I have entered the lottery for buying Soccer World Cup tickets and I'm dying of tension. Since it's right here it feels like I HAVE to see at least one game! Hopefully if this round doesn't work out for us, the normal ticket sales come February will.


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