Ficlets: In Brief [Futa, 5927, 5980, 27, erm.]

Jan 17, 2010 12:35

I love this kind of meme and there will be more of these ficlets eventually, but for now I need the ones below out of my skull.

In Brief
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters/Pairings: Futa, Tsuna, Gokudera/Tsuna, Gokudera/Yamamoto, and, well...
Rating: R
Warnings: sex, violence, language.
Notes: spoilers up to early Millefiore arc.

Meme: Write 10 different categories of fic, in as few words as possible.


1. Angst
The Vongola Tenth looked nice enough on paper...

Futa pulled his scarf snug around his neck, because warmth could feel the same as luck, and crept onto Namimori Middle School's grounds.

2. Alternate Universe
"I came here because you're listed as number one Boss Most Likely to Take in Little Boys."

Dino looked at Futa's smiling face and felt distinctly aggrieved. Romario coughed.

3. Crossover
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Ford/Arthur, BTW.
Arthur touched his lips, hand shaking. "That's the, the most unlikely - I never thought that you'd-"

Ford snarled. "It's not even in the top fifty most unlikely things to happen on a spaceship housing Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent for more than five minutes (or local equivalent)!"

"Mr Prefect's right, you know," Futa said helpfully.


Star Trek Reboot (current fandom preoccupations collide! And limiting the word count goes out the window.)

Jim was trying to be professional about this, he really was, even as his eyebrows fought their way upwards. "And the ... planet tells you things how, exactly?"

Bones stood behind the ensign, giving his professional medical opinion, which was to circle his temple with his forefinger. (Jim had totally known that learning historical hand signals would let the command staff communicate better.)

Ensign De La Stella appeared not to notice anything was wrong, though the entire bridge was staring at him and Ensign Bovino was supportively dying of contact embarrassment beside him. De La Stella was staring outwards to space with that look Jim had heard about - as if he saw more stars than anyone else, and also saw every reason to never tire of them. He was a legend-slash-oddity on Enterprise, but Jim had spent his whole youth with a worse reputation. At the moment he was slightly jealous.

"Stranger things have happened," said De La Stella, and added, "Captain," as his feet looked more firmly settled on the floor. He was listed as human. People had asked Jim to check.

Professionalism was losing the battle. "All things considered, crew-members," Jim said, looking around the bridge, "that's a good argument." And a decent excuse; he'd commit it to memory. "Okay then--" he flashed a grin to the now-hopeful ensigns "--Sulu, Chekov, get your information: let's go chat with the Ranking Planet."

4. First Time
"You learnt a lot at the library today," Reborn said to Futa. "Didn't you."

Tsuna looked at the teenager's wide eyes, gaping mouth, and hair all askew, thought of the intern librarian that Futa always talked about, and blushed terribly as he hissed at Reborn about the invasion of privacy. But Futa, even more starry-eyed than usual, grew a dazed smile.

5. Apocalypse
Sometimes when he looks into the night sky, his eyes grow wider and sadder and his face pales; sometimes it's all too easy to read the final facts in the downward spiral of stars.

6. Gen
"Ready?" Bianchi asks. The word is an amazing concession, with the way that Reborn's and Tsuna's deaths, and her brother's devastation, have hammered the softness out of her.

"Of course." Futa smiles, because it's what comes the easiest - then holds his breath as her eyes sharpen viciously - and sighs with relief as she gives another concession, turning away. Then he forces himself to be less soft, and follows her into the mission.

7. Hurt/Comfort
The Kokuyo Land nightmares don't last long; but for those nights, Reborn manages to know that he should switch off the booby traps in Tsuna's room, and Tsuna makes only vague grumbling noises as Futa crawls into his bed and then makes space for him.

Futa had known he'd get a real brother if he travelled to Namimori.

8. Next generation
As he neared his eighth birthday, the boy woke up in the middle of most days (because who could sleep at night, with everything there was to read in the sky?), and looked for his father, unsure why his heart was beating so fast, unsure if he should cry or smile - and he was unsure of very few things.

Father had a gentle voice, and though the boy had buried his face in Father's neck, he knew that his father also wore the most gentle smile. "Not yet," he murmured to the boy each time. "You don't need to leave. The world doesn't need you yet."

9. Action
The Todd family underling smirked nastily.

Futa slammed the Ranking Book into the man's crotch with all his might and scampered off.

10. Fact
"Of course Futa-kun takes the scarf off when he has a bath, Lambo!" Nana laughed behind her hand, and then stopped and thought again. She gave Futa a questioning glance.

He merely looked mysterious.

And a take on the meme with different themes: Take a person or ship and write one sentence of ten genres for them. The genres are:
1. Angst
2. Alternate universe
3. Crack
4. Future fic
5. First Time
6. Fluff
7. Humor
8. Hurt/Comfort
9. Smut
10. UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension)

Notes: This is where the serious semicolon abuse begins. And I'M STILL BAD AT HURT/COMFORT. The entire genre escapes me. All of it! Hmph.

For Tsuna #5, I couldn't help myself; for the last set, I couldn't help myself x10. I apologise for reducing Italy to ice cream (but at least it's particularly delicious ice cream).


1. Angst
"You-" says Tsuna, "I-", with his eyes growing bigger and his face paler, and it's obvious before he finishes: "That - it's not like that for me, Gokudera-kun, I th-thought ... we're friends..."

2. Alternate Universe
"We should ready the cannons, Captain; I'll show you how!" Hayato advised, close to his ear, and Tsuna almost couldn't manage a grateful smile to the cabin boy because of how the whisper made him squirm.

3. Crack
"Fuck it, Spanner, would you stop--OF COURSE the Tenth wants you to build a life-size fully poseable android replica of himself, wh-who ELSE is going to use something like that?"

4. Future fic
Gokudera regained consciousness hours after it happenec - not that he'd fainted, but suddenly he was astonished to find that he was on his feet, the ground below and the world all around, with a steady grip on the unbreathing body hauled over his shoulder.

5. First time
Those wide (amazing) green eyes make it look like doing this is still a shock - but Gokudera doesn't nearly pray for permission, doesn't hesitate too nervously, and lets his hands touch absolutely anywhere, and Tsuna holds him close and even closer in the relief of being certain that 'Tenth' could mean 'Tsuna', too.

6. Fluff
The smudge of watermelon gelato at the corner of Tsuna's grin makes Gokudera grin back, elated, because he knows what this is a good excuse for; he leans in for a quick kiss, and begins to love Italy for the first time.

7. Humour
(goes with #3)
The Tsuna-robot stood in a bizarre stance in front of a bunch of voodoo dolls -- Tsuna slumped against the doorframe like someone who only had the strength to stare -- and it was a long moment before Gokudera said, in a subdued voice, "It's for coming up with battle strategies."

8. Hurt/Comfort
Gokudera lies a lot - but under everything that goes wrong and above the wild outbursts of reassurance, Tsuna listens to his voice, always there and always determined, and there's definitely something to believe in.

9. Smut
Gokudera's probably never let himself say "please" before to anyone in his whole LIFE, Tsuna thinks--and the distracted thought hits him so hard his vision blurs, and he folds up with the last movement of his hips, crying out and crouching against Gokudera's bare back.

10. UST
Early in the morning Tsuna was grouchy, pliable, and unworried; he leaned closer as Gokudera neatened his tie or cuffs, and Gokudera marvelled at the half-conscious ease as he tried hard not to copy it.


1. Angst
Don't mess this up, he'd been saying the whole time, and now that Yamamoto had the gun trained on the target and his trigger finger squeezing, Gokudera said, too quiet to hear, "Don't shoot."

2. Alternate Universe
"You're one helluva grumpy whore," the guy remarked, grinning - but it looked like he really was satisfied to sack out on the couch, had his pants on and everything, so Gokudera offered him a cigarette and kept ignoring the gunshots in the street that had started right before the guy ran in.

Notes: I saw that description of Gokudera somewhere - I think fanart of girl Gokudera was involved - but the origin is uncertain.

3. Crack
"The kid gave me special training - it was intense - and said I could join you on the undercover Valentines assignment like this!" said Yamamoto, amused and relieved, and Gokudera bit his tongue to avoid reacting to the smooth thigh displayed by the slit of the dress.

4. Future fic
To his own dim relief, Gokudera couldn't find a shred of remaining resentment towards the baseball idiot for leaving the family behind to be an even bigger baseball idiot; now that the Tenth was ... all he wanted was what Yamamoto said: "I'm coming home."

5. First time
"I swear to God, IF YOU LAUGH--!"

6. Fluff
"Damn cat!" Gokudera growled, making Yamamoto hold back a sigh for the end of the peaceful moment - but Uri sneezed adorably under the localised downpour the rain swallow was giving it, and Gokudera settled back into the couch with a badly suppressed smile and said, "You deserve it."

7. Humour
"I'm glad you accept me as a - a--" ("Say it, or she'll never shut up!") "--brother-in-law, Bianchi, but as for 'a meal in my honour', well, ahaha--"

8. Hurt/Comfort
Gokudera's mouth firmed into a line and he gave a terse nod, and his seriousness - the way he treated this simple thing as a duty to consider and make plans about - almost let Yamamoto forget his injuries enough to laugh; instead he took the offer and crashed into Gokudera's arms.

9. Smut
The motion of hips and hands and mouths was almost always gentle; the sight of so many scars disarmed them both and took the bite out of pleasure and pain.

10. UST
Yamamoto's arm-around-the-shoulders and pats on the back had recently started going wide of one particular target; Gokudera watched those movements turn into awkward stretches from the corner of his eye, and they both felt the summer heat pressing down like a heavy hand.


1. Angst
"You wouldn't, you - HE wouldn't," she clarified, "my Tsuna would never do something like what they said--" and then her voice had cracked and his mother had put the phone down, and they hadn't spoken since.

2. Alternate Universe
"It'd be better if he came with me," said Iemitsu (his voice measured and flat in a way Nana had never heard before), "since it's ... well probably the best of a lot of bad options, if Tsuna's in the family business from the start."

3. Crack
"You know, brat, my favourite thing to eat," Squalo said, planting his hands against the wall on either side of Tsuna's head, tongue flicking over his lips, "is tuna."

Note: It's true.

4. Future fic
He must have known it would happen, Tsuna thought as he looked at the gravestone and all the flowers laid on it, because Reborn knew everything; now the rest of them were left to know nothing at all in these ever-shortening days.

5. First time
Why a guy, why a guy, it's the first time, WHY a GUY, Tsuna keeps thinking - but with the way those lips close over his, he can't think there are many people who'd say no to James Bond.

6. Fluff
Sometimes Lambo could be tolerable - and sometimes, like now, when he held out a lollipop with only a couple of hairs stuck to it and looked up with wide eyes, Tsuna forgot to wonder what he was being bribed for and hugged him while accepting the sweet.

7. Humour
"NO, KYOKO-CHAN, NO, Reborn is CRAZY and a LIAR, wearing only underwear is not the new fashion everyone's following -- no, Gokudera-kun is ALSO crazy!"

8. Hurt/Comfort
The flames of wrath burnt blindingly with ferocity; but as Tsuna struggled to get to his feet, Xanxus finally turned away from the wreckage of the enemy to approach him, hesitant like Tsuna never would have thought he'd see, and then reached down and dragged him upright with hands only warm enough to soothe.

9. Smut
The bites peppered his skin - shoulders, thighs, and one livid brand on his hip; Tsuna covered his face in mortification, but before he could form the apology (I thought I could - I thought you would), Hibari looked up from contemplation of the tooth marks all over his own body - and grinned.

10. UST
She never stopped wearing miniskirts and he never grew out of blushing easily, and for some reason (for many reasons) that they smile to each other about, Chrome had never stopped kissing Tsuna hello.

.................................................. TYL Tsuna/James Bond .......................................

Damn your eyes, Daniel Craig. (Your blue, blue eyes, and also the square jaw.) I probably wouldn't have watched the new movies if Brosnan stayed on as Bond. Actually I wanted to write a legit fic for this pairing - and I don't know why my brain insisted on a pairing rather than a relatively normal crossover - except coming up with a coherent plot is impossible. On the one hand, there must be blood and devastation; on the other, there would have to be Tsuna-inna-dress because he'd be acting as the Bond girl.

1. Angst
Tsuna gives his trust unflinchingly, determinedly, repeatedly; still Bond watches him from the corner of an eye, never setting his gun aside, and it makes Tsuna more tired than should be possible.

2. Alternate Universe
"You're in a unique position, Sawada Tsunayoshi, believe it or not, and so you won't be allowed to escape: I will tutor you, and you will do exactly as I say."

3. Crack
See: Pairing.

4. Future fic
In execution: On your knees is an order that would leave the body in a way his superiors would approve of, humbled and neat, and a grinding mutter in the back of his head says that the phrase would recall pleasant moments; but Tsuna slumps into the gun barrel without so much as clasping his hands in prayer, ancient in a young man's body, and Bond grits his teeth and shares the last second of silence with him.

5. First time
"By God, they still manufacture virgins in Japan?"

("I thought they manufactured polite people in the UK," Tsuna muttered, and then looked away from Bond's startlingly brilliant grin before he made an embarrassing noise.

"Goes to show how appalling stereotypes are. Now lie back, and think of..."

"Shut up.")

6. Fluff
If all his kidnappings by secret government agents involved having martinis on a Madrid beach in peace and quiet, Tsuna thought he might go along willingly.

7. Humour
"We're already wearing the suits, Sawada; it's either a wedding or a funeral, so what do you pick?"

8. Hurt/Comfort
When the men they're hunting say the name 'Vesper Lynd', Tsuna sees Bond's face contort and knows he'll never ask about it, no matter what effect it might have on the mission; but when Bond bites out bitter words of pain and explanation in the small dark hours he listens as well as he can, and allows it to make a thread between them that keeps them still and recovering for that night.

9. Smut
It's not what he's fondest of and would in fact approach boring, this act made up of slowed motion with kindness in each touch, except that Sawada will not give in to goading nor coaxing nor tricks, and keeps holding him with an increasingly heavy grip to pin him and fuck him - and the biggest shock, even here and now and in spite of everything that had happened, which wrenches an odd sound from Bond's mouth, is to realise that this man is still afraid.

10. UST
Bond keeps a hawk's eye on the young don in the expectation that fear will turn him into a liability, but Sawada submits to his place in a fight with a straight back and awareness of all the power contained in his steady legs and slender hands; he inhabits his slim body easily even in times of danger, and Bond finds that afterwards, he keeps watching.

i can't shut up!, star trek (reboot), fic, reborn!

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