Sorry about the double post, but I didn't want to lump them into one

Apr 19, 2009 11:40

I think Yamamoto's Amano's new favourite character, and it worries me. Look how much Gokudera bled when it was him, and that was mostly in the crack arc! :((( I like Yamamoto as Mr Mostly Harmless (thank you, Douglas Adams); I don't want to see him become some raging fierce, apparently like the Pacific Ocean crazy hitman!

Hmm. My regret about the Millefiore arc is that we might not see the things that happened in the 9-years-10-months gap and I so bad want Yamamoto to leave the mafia for baseball. Or think seriously about doing so, whatever it was that happened.

Tangent: these lines from G. K. Chesterton's The Last Hero for Yamamoto, y/n?

You never loved your friends, my friends, as I shall love my foes.
Or, "SQUALO :D!!"

One sound shall sunder all the spears and break the trumpet's breath:
You never laughed in all your life as I shall laugh in death.
It would be neat.

Quite inappropriately, the bits about rain in the first verse don't really fit him. And of course Yamamoto is not remotely as awesome as the last hero, but that is pretty much the point of the last hero.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Lambo tries to tolerate with his dying will but is overcome with sorrow so unbearable it must be let out? That would mean he could be crying harder. The other option is that Lambo's going on the inside, "T-to-tole-THE HELL WITH IT CRYIIINNGG LIKE I'M DYIIIIINNNNG". (Perhaps I should accept that Amano is handwaving so we can get a move on.)

Also, cue retrospective crush on TYL Lambo.

They are so cute and so stupid I love them forever. I bet they were really serious and depressed, and then they made PLANS, and STRIKE NOTICES, and barely stopped short of making full-on beard-and-glasses disguises because enthusiasm is well and good, but they ran out of materials! (Reborn stole their stuff to make the fairy costume.)

Further thoughts were shorted out by chapter 237.

Sorry, Amano's plan of distraction totally worked on me. :(

Oh hey, you know that's exactly what Squalo looks like when he bathes, minus the obvious of course. ALSO THANK YOU PEKORI FOR POINTING OUT THE BUTT-TATTOO, I MEAN O_O oh Bianchi. So wrong, so right.

...But Giannini's thoroughly wrong. guys i think futa helped dress him--

Ah, my distraction is broken. Now I can be disappointed about how Amano feels like she has to make up for the fact that the women have personalities by pointing out that it's okay: they're still hot!

I think I prefer it when the girls' character development is off-screen, because Amano seems unwilling to have them be as great as they could be. They protested, but it's a mostly passive. They could have tried to access Giannini's computers, nicked Futa's briefcase - something more serious.

...But maybe I don't prefer off-screen happenings, because that brings to mind that time Kyoko went nuts. I love that it happened, but haaate that there's no foreshadowing and Tsuna barely reacts. Sure he's distracted by the warm fuzzies of the moment, but he ought to have had a moment later where he thinks that must have been awful for her. Just a panel! "Hmm my dream girl/buddy/ONLY SANE PERSON I KNOW lost her effing mind, CURIOUS. (Also, it's a bit my fault!)" Then he could continue training, even more motivated!

It's just so irritating how this chapter was written. The back-and-forth between the two parties made them look like they were thinking EH, WELL, WHATEVS--but those are important decisions to the characters and it's the action for this chapter. It should have been written and drawn for more impact.

But I am weak. A great deal of my irritation was healed by the following exchange.
Tsuna: My box animal is really mean... If I try and let it out the box it might kill me.

OH HONEY. ♥__♥ This kink meme prompt is officially canon.




Also my real series OTP is Bianchi/me, and go Ryohei go go! Relieve those feelings!

Rules of the Katekyoshi Hitman REBORN! universe

  • Go shorty, it's your birthday; we're going to ruin your life. ( See the timeline for how Gokudera spends 9 Sept and what misfortune befell Tsuna on 14 Oct.)
  • Gola Mosca are supremely dangerous robots with the very real capability of killing you dead THEY ARE A HUGE DEAL and ... don't worry they're not that hard to beat.
  • The path to growing as a person is blocked only by your molars.

If anyone wants me, I'll be weeping with hysterical laughter until further notice.

fan babble, that ain't right, meta, reborn!, that's wrong

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