(no subject)

Apr 24, 2009 12:26


aramis_chan did this meme: "Comment to this entry and I will pick a character you know. Then you answer the same questions I have posted" and gave me Yami Bakura from Yuugiou.

1. Do you like this character?
Not at all - he's a horrible person, so to speak. But the character and his situation are interesting so er, I like seeing him do his thing. Plus in the dub he has this pseudo-British hoity-toity accent, which is fun coming from a guy who gives the impression he'd just as soon shiv you or get something supernatural and gross to eat you.

2. What name/names do you call this character?
The spirit of the Millennium Ring, the spirit, the Voice. Dark Bakura, because I feel silly when I say 'Yami'; who am I fooling, I don't know Japanese. And in the privacy of my head and writing notes, because I have a weakness for alliteration, Badass Bakura. I think that counts as my deep, dark fandom secret. I don't do the 'Ryou & Bakura' thing, generally, because canon doesn't so I can't get used to it.

3. What image-color do you associate with this character?

4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
I'm going to assume that 'image song' means ... just a song. Dark Bakura is so gangster. A lot of hiphop and gangster rap have the same hilariously huge egoism and casually positive approach to horrible violence. My song for him is "Ready Or Not" by the Fugees, mostly for these lines:

"A born-again hooligan only to be king again."

"I play my enemies like a game of chess!"

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
This seems like a meme from the Japanese side of fandom. Isn't there a Japanese superstition that blood type entails certain personality traits? In answer to the question, he's bloodless. He's dead.

6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, which characters do you like to put this character with?
/Marik: because Dark Bakura was the closest to being a person when he was with Marik during Battle City, and that argument they had before the duel with Dark Marik was cute.
/Dark Necrofear: sort of. When my headcanon dial isn't set to having her as his sister or mother.
/Bakura: I like to pair them up as an exercise in horrible mindfuck (literally! figuratively! Therein lies the beauty of YGO fandom.), but I can't say I ship it because man, I can't see affection in that relationship.
/Yugi: they have that strangely awesome friendly-enemy thing going on in mangaverse where Dark Bakura pretends in a half-assed, creepy way that he wants to help Yugi, and Yugi doesn't really buy it but goes along with it anyway.
/Thief King Bakura: "wheeeeeee LET'S END THE WORLD!" love! Or, Dark Bakura gets his jollies using the Thief King in a narcissistic and yet vaguely disgusted way. It's so funny that one time as he watches Thief King DYING, GUSHING BLOOD and just floats along upside-down and looks annoyed.

...But I just realised Dark Bakura is probably the only character I wouldn't write with Kisara. Not my baby! :(((

7. What would you want to say to this character?
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? No, really, are you made of Thief King-and-Zork or only Zork or what how huh? And at which points did you let Bakura be in control of the body, and when was it you?

8. Which do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug or kiss?
Shake hands if I must, then run like hell.

...o man I still love this junk. I want to watch the anime.

HEY that reminds me! A while back I downloaded a YGO doujinshi I've been meaning to for ages (and I'd credit, but I don't have a clue who drew or who scanned it). It's Nyan to Wan-derful Romance and is disgustingly cute. Jounouchi, Yami and Kaiba get turned into animals, and - and Kaiba is

kaiba is a

he is--

You will never guess.

XD foreverrrrrrrrrr

recs, yu-gi-oh!

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