... written for the
Rewriting History Ficathon at
fictorium ...
Title: Moment.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis.
Character/Pairing: SPARKY (otherwise known as Sheppard/Weir).
Prompt: Elizabeth doesn't get left behind in Lifeline.
Word Count: 350
There was a moment of choice. Go back and risk the crew, the mission, or go on and lose... her.
No matter what they said, John stood by his choice. The IOA, the US military chiefs, even his team-mates couldn’t make him regret his decision. Because he saved her, and that was all that mattered.
Their base was depleted now, but they struggled on. The first losses they suffered in the raid on the Asuran city later paled in comparison to the near-destruction of Atlantis in the first Asuran attack. Despite the odds though, they beat the replicator hybrids back. Now, the city is calm, rebuilding, and John takes a deep breath to finally pluck up the courage to talk to her.
Blue room, open door. Just step in and tell her. She looks up, eyes shining, with that smile only for him.
Be brave and take that leap...
“I love you.”
She grins like she knew it all along.
“That may be, Sheppard, but don’t you think it’s a little inappropriate to declare it in the workplace? Others might get jealous...”
Then there’s secrets and little moments, quiet smiles to each other in briefings, meetings in corridors with hidden meanings, snatched passions in bedrooms and labs and closets.
Then there’s discovery, dealing with politics, pressure and pain, but always love underneath it all. Always love.
Then there’s proposals by candlelight, weddings in sunlight, honeymoons away to distant stars. Perfection wrapped up in her arms in the delicious nights.
Then pregnancy, tests, negotiating ‘Gates, choosing a home, knitting and painting and making ready.
Then children and silliness and happiness and arguments and sadness and nostalgia. But they always have to leave, to spread their own wings, and John’s happy for them.
Then there’s just the two, aged but loving, curled up together on the moonlit porch.
Then sleep, rest, peace at last. But always together. Always love.
There was a moment of choice. And although he knew his whole world, his perfect life, would disappear, he chose to leave her. The rest just melted away and was lost. Forever lost.
Not too sure about the ending, but still there it is. Hope you enjoyed :D
Also, I'll soon be posting a draft for a philosophy test I have at some point. It'll be about the concept of truth, and how I don't think it exists. So look out for that!
PS: HOW THE FUCK DO I FIX MY LJ USERS?! For some reason, whenever I post links to multiple users in a post, LJ combines them and erases anything in between!!!! So if I creditted something to softly_me, then did a spam with a mention to dance_the_dance at the end, LJ would combine the two, putting dance_the_dance at the beginning and erasing my spam!! HOW DO I FIX THIS? It's really pissing me off and it's why I can't put texture credits any more. HELP!!!!!