Heya! Check out my new layout by
milkgloves :D
And ofc the header is by moi!
Thanks to
sidriel for reccing me to
freelayouts :D
Also, sorry I've been a bad flister - not replying to comments and not commening myself :( Just got back to uni and swamped with a TON of work (yes, that should have been done sooner, yes). I should be back soon though, with plenty of icons, 2 20in20 batches (ah! more deadlines!!) and I think a banner or two too :D
Oh, and also, for those of you following it, chapter 2 of Mary-Jane Bright is on its way! It's been written for my Creative Writing assignment, so I can't post it until it's been submitted on thursday, otherwise the internet plagiarism scans might catch it on here. Actually, I have no idea how that works, but I don't want to risk it! In any case, keep an eye out for it!
Hope you guys are all ok.