Historical slash...

May 16, 2011 03:18

I have evidence that slash, or women getting turned on by male homoerotica, is not as modern as we thought!

In Great Expectations, the first time Pip and Pocket meet, Pocket challenges Pip to a fight.  They proceed to fight (Pip beats up Pocket, whose reaction is hilarious.  There is so much gay/S&M subtext it makes me XD).

As he is leaving, Estella comes up to Pip with her face "flushed" and says he may kiss her.

It is (much) later revealed that she was watching the fight.

Gay subtext!  Fight Club-esque homoerotica!  Estella enjoying slash!

Needless to say, it's my absolute favourite part of the book :D


PS: that's something to say to the haters - slash is in DICKENS! 

book!otp: pip/pocket, slash, book!otp: pip/estella, book: great expectations, dickens rules

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