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Comments 4

dance_the_dance May 15 2011, 23:58:16 UTC
YAY, congrats and good luck! :D

You like who you like, and it doesn’t matter what gender they are, or even if they identify as gendered.

I think this would make a lot of the world’s problems go away. I mean, sexism wouldn’t be a problem either if we just accepted gender is fluid and abolished gender stereotyping.
I admit, I adore the sound if it, it's so beautifully idealist. :D 100 years sound too optimistic to me though, heh, more like 300? But maybe we will get there one day. :D


longerthanwedo May 15 2011, 23:58:18 UTC
Preach. Also, congrats!


findmeneverland May 16 2011, 00:31:44 UTC
Word. Problem being we are SOOOOOO HUNG UP on labels and don't know how to deal without them.

In Santa Cruz in one of the crazy all-night restaurants the bathrooms have a picture of a robot and a dinosaur on them (instead of a man/woman outline). It makes people FREAK OUT. They CANNOT deal with it (well, most SCians can, but that's cuz they're all hippies in the first place). But you get what I mean.



bluemage55 May 17 2011, 01:37:11 UTC
That comic is awesome. It sums up my biggest gripe with Willow's "Gay now!" moments.

Congrats on the offer to do a feminist column! You should totally do it! You're an excellent writer, and the fact that you come from outside the movement is a good thing since you're contributing a different viewpoint!


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