Failed Attempt

Dec 09, 2008 22:25

Bah. My venison jerky did not turn out so well. I think that is due to the fact that venison is so lean so there is no fat to hold it all together. Or it could be that I didn't use only dry ingredients. I made more of a marinade kind of. Which is supposed to be used with strips of meat as opposed to ground meat I suppose. I couldn't get it to stick together enough to use the jerky gun so I ended up putting it between two pieces of wax paper and rolling it out. Then i cut it into strips and carefully put them in the dehydrator.

Not bad for kinda making up a recipe for jerky. I did base it off of several recipes I found online. Perhaps we will end up throwing it all out, but at least I tried. Next time I will mix it half and half with ground beef or try to stick to mainly dry ingredients.


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