Dec 10, 2008 11:36
I did it. I attended an orientation for substitute teachers. Lots of paperwork and in the end, I still didn't know what age group I wanted to be in charge of. I could be substituting as early as Tuesday, just got to pass the background check and be approved by the school board and all. Guess I can't commit a crime now, as I got fingerprinted. Darn. Though the cop did say I had nice fingerprints. So, does that mean they are easy to identify? Eh, whatever.
Still working on my monologue and song(s) for my upcoming audition. I'm worried/nervous and not worried/nervous at the same time. Still need to get some copies of my headshot made, decide what songs I am going to sing, oh and memorize/practice my monologue. It's so hard to concentrate on that though, since I found out I'm in this other show. All I want to do is jump ahead with that. Yeah, I'm impatient and excited to get started.