hi i'm back from a really really really long hiatus

Aug 09, 2012 20:55

High school has taken so many times away i barely can go to internet. Especially livejournal. It's been a year since i didn't wrote anything. Sometimes i still went to fanfics community and read some fics but that's it. No more writing.

I have to say it, i miss writing terribly. Sometimes i have an idea for new fics and wrote the main idea in my handphone, but then, most of the time that idea is gone the second time i looked upon my notes. My handphone's notes is full of unwriten fics, so i got to delete them once in a while. So yeah, no more writing.. until this time. But i will post another fics... soon :)
Well one year. What's in a year huh? Let me tell you. Lot of things have changed. I'm now an eleventh grader in sma 3 yogya. i'm not a middle school-er anymore, in fact i already forget how it feels to be one hehe. I was busy doing stuffs and shizz.. but now i'm trying to cut out some of my activities to focus on what i want in the future. That also means i have more time to check on livejournal too!

But lemme tell you one thing I didn't change from the old me. I'm still a fangirl. And i still do spazz a lot. And I was just spazzing about to the beautiful you which is AWESOME because guess what? MY SUPER BIASES ARE OUT THERE AND THEY'RE THE MAIN CHARACTERS ASDFGHJ it's truly a happy thing and also a stress reliever. I'm just so happy because my otp is finally become true. creys ;~;

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minli for the win y'all~~ can't wait for the premiere X))))))

hiatus, personal, otp

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