Love, Sex and Dating (2/2)

Jun 09, 2010 23:07

Title: Love, Sex and Dating
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Santana
Rating: R
Words: ~11.100 (total)
Summary:The world of sex, love and dating according to Noah Puckerman and Santana Lopez during every episode of season 1.
Spoilers: season 1
Disclaimer: don't own Glee. I've used quotes from this website.
A/N: in this universe Funk happened before Theatrically

“Are you mad at me?” She approaches him in the parking lot after their practice with the deaf kids. She is actually more than a little nervous that he really is mad at her, that maybe she overstepped an invisible line by bitching out his baby mamma. She doesn’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get to be a father to his child but she was just so afraid to lose him, especially after what happened last week, that she panicked.

“You could have just told her to back off and leave it at that.” She knows that’s what she should’ve done because as far as Quinn knows, Santana and Puck have been over for months. “But I’m also not down with the fact that Quinn gets pissed about me sexting another girl when she is in no way saying she’s going to tell Finn the truth and break up with him.”

She was so busy panicking that she didn’t realize that maybe she was unconsciously trying to show him how hypocritical Quinn was being by testing Puck, because she knew that’s what Quinn was doing when he told her that Quinn asked him to babysit with her. “So..?” she asks slowly.

“So I think we should take this fucking ugly wig and the leftover pot from Artie’s bake sale and get naked so we can find out what the hell the musical Hair really was about.” She lets out an relieved little sigh and stares up at him seductively as she pushes herself up against him. “Really?” she asks him. He doesn’t answer her but instead picks her up and throws her over his shoulder and walks them to his truck.

Later that afternoon they are laying tangled together in the three house in his backyard and he is feeling completely blitzed out on pot and sex. “What is going to happen if Quinn does tell Finn the truth?”

He is still wearing that ridiculous wig but other than that they’re both completely naked. Not exactly the best moment for this conversation, but then again when is it ever a good moment to talk about this? “I don’t know. They’ll probably break up.”

She nods and asks him what will happen if Quinn wants to date him after that. It’s not like he hasn’t thought about it, hell he even told Quinn he wanted to be with her. What he really wants is to meet his daughter and be able to openly love her and to take care of her if they decide to keep her, or to have a say in the choice of the adoptive family if they decide to give her up.

He knows that the reason behind Santana telling Quinn about the two of them sexting has to do with the fact that she’s afraid to lose him and he hates that this fear isn’t unfounded, because if he has to date Quinn to get what he wants, he is going to do so. “I would date her to get closer to the baby..” He winces when he feels her tense against him. “.. but that wouldn’t mean I’d love you any less.”

She tries to mask it but he hears the soft gasp of surprise. He tilts her head up with one of his hands and looks into her eyes searchingly. “You do know that right? That I love you?” She continues to look up into his eyes unblinkingly and she seems to be too stunned for words to talk. “I know that you love me too and I also know that the fact that the two of us love each other doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

He sees the spark of recognition in her eyes and then she is softly repeating the words he told her pretty soon after they started dating last year. “Sex doesn’t always mean dating, dating doesn’t always mean love, love doesn’t always mean sex. I remember.”

Good girl.

He wonders how Rachel got them this gig. He doesn’t see her as the type to get on her knees, but that director guy is seriously giving off creepy vibes. As he’s bouncing around on the mattresses in the store he thinks about what kind of people will buy these things. People who are not having sex probably, one hard stroke and you both get projected right out of the bed down to the floor. Maybe he can test that theory with Santana later.

“I’d even bet you for it. All I’m saying is you better make sure your mom knows, because Quinn will be on your doorstep before you know it.” It started with her making sure that his face wasn’t going to be bruised too badly, but it ended with them both getting naked and him teasing the fuck out of her with the ice cubes. How could it not, really? “At least you knew it was going to come out. I on the other hand was totally unprepared to come out.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He doesn’t have any idea what she is getting at, like not at all. “Britt announced to the original Gleeks that if sex would be dating, Santana and I would be dating.”

Brittany is the light of his day sometimes, he has seriously never loved her more. “She did not.” He can just imagine the look on their faces. He didn’t know it and he’s sure Britt couldn’t have known it either, but this is exactly what he needed to hear to pull himself together.

“Oh yes she did.”

Like Santana predicted Quinn’s independent woman act lasted not that long. Not even a day, just until she had packed up her things in the Hudson household. So now Quinn is living in his house and she doesn’t want Santana to come over. She actually doesn’t want Puck to see Santana at all, but he has already told her that’s just not happening. Puck is on constant craving duty and Quinn wants them to pretend to be a couple at school to at least maintain the illusion that the baby is created out of love.

God forbid he suggests doing something more than giving a chaste kiss on the cheek or holding her hand though. She’s surprisingly good at playing the weak little victim of the Big Bad Puck for someone who not that long ago felt she was better than everyone, who was always looking for the weaknesses in people she could use to her own advantage.

Luckily for him, his mother is one of the few people who don’t buy into her ‘innocent virgin taken advantage of’ act. “What’s done is done.” she had said, “I don’t imagine either of you planning this, so now all we can do is look at the options and move forward.” He is relieved how calm his mother is about the situation, but not that surprised to be honest. His family knows that the poker of life sometimes deals you the worst hand, but if you play your cards right and bluff successfully, there is always the opportunity for you to run a pot.

Quinn is expecting his mother to dote on her and his mother expects Quinn to take charge of her own life. It’s safe to say they don’t get along.

He has escaped the madness of his house to Santana’s. They’re sitting against the pillows on the head of her bed while she is telling him about Coach Sylvester’s newest scheme and he definitely doesn’t like the sound of it. He doesn’t like the fact that she has to seduce his ex-best friend Finn Hudson. His feelings are a mix of jealousy but mostly concern for her, so when she asks him what he thinks about it, he tries to be as honest as possible without telling her what to do. “Look, I know you want to be head cheerleader and all. I get that. I just hope that what you get is worth more than what you give.”

It’s clear he doesn’t like what Coach Sylvester wants her to do but she’s not really sure why. It could be jealousy about Finn, only he doesn’t look that jealous, just kind of conflicted. He has told her in the past that he trusts her judgment on all things Cheerio’s and Sue Sylvester. He also told her that he’ll never just tell her what to do when she asks for his advice on something, that the only thing he can do is to give his opinion on the matter and that she has to draw her own conclusion and course of action. That were not his actual words of course (“I can’t live your life for you, but as long as you own your shit, I’ll be there to back you up.”), but she can read between his lines.

It’s why he didn’t defend Finn’s decision to join Glee to the football team, because Finn lied about it. It’s why he likes Artie the best out of the original Gleeks, because Artie doesn’t want people to feel sorry for him because he’s different, he just wants people to understand his situation. It’s why he is so frustrated with Quinn, because she still acts like he is the only one who fucked up in the baby drama.

She doesn’t get what the difference is between what Sue is asking her to do now and all the other things she has asked her to do before, but he is feeling uncomfortable about it. She can tell. She just doesn’t understand why. His advice is also cryptic as hell. “I don’t understand.” she says. He only confuses her further when he pulls her into a hug and tells her to just be careful. They drop the subject after that and he begins to tell her about the latest drama between Quinn and his mother.

After Finn drops her off at her house the weird churning in her stomach doesn’t go away and she finally comes to the conclusion that she wasn’t feeling hungry after Finn and her finished, she was feeling used.

Not by Finn really. Technically he did use her to forget about Rachel (and maybe other recent betrayals), but it’s not like he is the first boy to do something like that to her, and it’s not like she hasn’t used sex to forget about things in the past. No, she is feeling used by Coach Sylvester who used her desire to become head cheerleader against her.

She suddenly realizes that Puck was just trying to warn and protect her, but that she didn’t listen carefully to what he was trying to tell her. She wants so badly to be pissed at him because if he’d just told her she wouldn’t feel this way now, but she knows that she wouldn’t have believed him and that she probably even would’ve been pissed at him for insinuating that she’d be getting hurt by something that was just supposed to be a means to an end.

So now she is feeling like a whore and a stupid one at that. People have called her a whore before, but she has never felt like one.

She doesn’t know how she got there, but suddenly she is standing on the front porch of Puck’s house, ringing his doorbell. When he opens the door, he takes one look at her face and immediately takes her into his arms.

She smells the familiar scent that is a mixture of his mother’s washing powder, his deodorant and something that’s just Puck. It’s weird how the combination of his scent and the feel of his arms around her is so comforting to her, but it is. They just stand there on his doorstep for a few minutes while he is drawing circles on her back and she is crying into his shirt a little bit. “Want to come inside?”

“I didn’t get what you were trying to say a few days back. I do now.” They are sitting on the couch in his living room. She doesn’t have to explain any further for him to get the picture. She actually didn’t even have to tell him this, because when he opened the door and saw her standing there with that lost look on her face, he already understood what had happened. He just has to ask her one thing to be sure though. “He.. didn’t like.. do anything weird though, right?”

It’s not like he thinks that Finn would intentionally hurt her, but he also knows that Finn’s like the king of unintentionally hurting people. In Puck’s opinion every high school boy is basically a self-observed asshole looking for options to get laid. You can go around pretending to be a good guy, but that’s just false advertisement in his opinion, so Puck doesn’t even try to go there. It does frustrate him at times that no one sees Finn for the asshole he is. At school they see Puck as the bad guy and Quinn and Finn as his victims. He knows there’s no way he isn’t the bad guy, but he also knows that both Quinn and Finn aren’t exactly his victims.

Finn joined Glee and while he didn’t tell Puck about it, he did tell Quinn and for the duration of two weeks the only thing he could talk about was Rachel fucking Berry. Quinn was pissed at Finn and to get back at him she decided that while he was going away on a field trip to Vocal Adrenaline, she was going to sleep with Puck. He was also pissed at Finn for lying about joining Glee and making him feel embarrassed in front of Mrs. Hudson, so he didn’t care that much about the fact that Quinn was Finn’s girlfriend but more about the fact that she was hot.

Finn wanted to do Glee and Football at the same time, but he also wanted to be with Quinn and Rachel at the same time, because while Quinn represented Football to him, Rachel represented Glee. When Quinn joined Glee and turned out to be pregnant, Finn could have had her represent both Football and Glee to him, but it wasn’t enough for him, he still kissed Rachel and wanted to be with her. If there wouldn’t have been a baby, you could say that while Quinn cheated on Finn one time, Finn engaged in an emotional affair during half the time of their relationship.

He’s not sure which one is worse and it’s also a moot point because there is a baby, a baby who’s father Quinn lied about and that Puck didn’t tell the truth about. So yeah, in his opinion they are all the bad guys. There’s no use in trying to explain all this to people at school though and it’s also not important at this moment. Santana still hasn’t said anything so he grabs her hand and squeezes it.

“Finn.. no, he didn’t.. when I asked him how he felt he said he didn’t feel anything because it didn’t mean anything, but.. that’s not..” Why she is upset, he knows. Sue fucking Sylvester. Her obsession with Glee club is mildly amusing to him so he normally doesn’t tell Santana not to do what Sue wants her to, but he already knew that this was different. He is pissed at himself for not pushing the issue further last week but he also knows it would’ve been useless.

“You slept with Finn? Let me make one thing clear, just because I made one mistake doesn’t mean you have the right to go after my ex-boyfriend. I think you know that Santana, it’s girl code.”

Quinn Fucking Fabray.

“That may be true but since I’m still waiting for an apology from you for fucking my boyfriend since like the day after it happened, you’ll have to excuse me for not caring about your feeling on the subject of me having sex with Finn.”

The expression on Quinn’s face is a mixture of shock and hurt. “You.. you.. told her?” Quinn sputters out when she turns her attention away from her to Puck. “You didn’t tell Finn?” he shoots back with a smirk.

Santana sees tears gathering in Quinn’s eyes and while she has been giving the girl a wide berth since she found out about the pregnancy, she just can’t deal with her antics tonight so she tells her to sit down. “Look, I know that you feel like your life is spiraling out of control ever since you realized you missed your period..” She sees Puck wincing in the corner of her eye. “..but lashing out at the few people who have your back isn’t helping you to gain that control back.”

Quinn is full on crying now, but she is also nodding, so Santana knows she is hearing her. “Who else knew?” Quinn hiccups. “We had to tell Mike and Matt, because while we knew that Finn would never give an answer to the rest of the jocks, we felt like he would tell the two of them the hot tub story if they’d ask him about ‘tapping’ you. I think you know what that conversation would’ve been like.”

To her relief the tears have stopped and Quinn even starts to smile a little. “Thank you. I’m going to go up to my room now if that’s ok. I’m tired and I have some new things to think about.” Quinn states softly. She smiles at Quinn until she’s up the stairs and then she lets herself fall against Puck. She suddenly feels exhausted herself.

“How did you know?” she asks as he trails his hand up and down her arm. His hand stills but he doesn’t pull away from her.

“You know that my pool cleaning business comes with extra services.” He sighs deeply and when she looks up she sees that his jaw is clenched and that he’s staring off into space. She isn’t so sure she wants to hear this story all of a sudden.

“Word got out about it and then one day a new client asked me for my adult pricelist. I figured since cougars had paid me before that it didn’t matter so I just told her fifty bucks and fucked her later, but afterwards, on the way home, I suddenly felt dirty, used. Before I only fucked the clients that I selected and if they paid me extra afterwards that was fine. This time I felt like she selected me. I was just a plaything to her and while I was also just a plaything for the cougars I fucked before her, that was OK because I chose to be their plaything. This felt totally different, she took my sense of control away.”

She’s glad that he hasn’t told her this story before this night, because she wouldn’t have truly understood the difference that he is talking about but after experiencing it firsthand she knows exactly what he means.

“Thanks for telling me.” He gives her a weak smile and kisses her on her forehead. “Sure. You up for a movie?” She nods and snuggles deeper into his side as he turns on the TV.

Coach Sylvester is telling Britt and her that April Rhodes has spend the night at Mr. Schuester’s house and how she is waiting for the best moment to reveal this new little fact to Miss Pillsbury. She wants to tune her out, but you can’t let your attention slip in front of Sue. It’s when she is most dangerous.

After what happened with Finn she has decided to stop going along with everything Coach says. She hasn’t even asked Santana about Finn after Rachel began dating Jesse. There also hasn’t been talk about who is going to be the new head cheerleader. She is extremely frustrated with the whole situation and she doesn’t even have a proper outlet. She hasn’t had sex with Puck in weeks. That is going to end tonight. She begins to type him a message under the table.

He doesn’t care that Rachel used the three of them for her shit-fest of a video because that was actually kind of bad-ass. If the video wasn’t so goddamn awful, he would give her a pet on the back. He is lashing out at her is because he’s frustrated that he is sitting in the choir room with a fucking hard-on.

The only thing he’s been able to think about since the start of the video is how Santana was waiting for him on his bed when he came home from shooting his scenes with Rachel and Sandy Ryerson (who was fucking surprised he could walk again by the way) in nothing but those angel wings.

“Are you still mad?” He is standing on her doorstep with a bag in his hand and a pleading expression on his face. She has already forgiven him, but she doesn’t uncross her arms. “She broke up with me, if that’ll make you feel better.”

It does. It really does, so she lets him into the house. He says he has to go to the bathroom first, so she waits for him on the couch in her living room. She’s fidgeting. When he comes back into the room, he takes a seat beside her, careful not to touch her. She just kinks her eyebrow, he has some explaining to do.

“Since we broke up, I dated Rachel to make my mom happy, I pretended to date Quinn because she felt like a whore and I dated Mercedes to gain back popularity. How do you figure those reasons are threatening to you? That I’m not yours anymore?”

Her mind knows that what he’s telling her is the truth, but her heart is afraid of believing him. She just doesn’t understand why he didn’t pick her if he wanted to date a Cheerio. She decides to open herself up and to just ask him. “People at school wouldn’t spread rumors about you if they wouldn’t be absolutely sure that they knew the truth. They’re afraid of you. Besides I wouldn’t date you for any other reason than the fact that I love you.”

He takes her hand and leads her to the bathroom. When she walks through the door, she sees that he has prepared a bath for her. He takes off his shirt but the wife beater underneath stays on. Then he turns to her and tells her to take off her uniform and to go sit in the bathtub. “I’m going to show you that it’s nice when someone else washes your hair.”

Her head is the only thing that is above the water. He softly lathers up her hair and gives her a head massage. Then he carefully rinses the soap out of her hair before taking a sponge in his hand. She doesn’t know how long she lays there in the bathtub with her eyes closed while he runs the sponge over her body, but after some time the water is getting cold.

He helps her out of the bathtub and envelopes her in a big fluffy towel, before he picks her up and leads her to her bedroom. After he puts her on her bed, he takes the towel off of her and gets a bottle of lotion. The massage he gives her makes her fall asleep.

When she wakes up, she’s alone, but there’s a note on the other pillow.


You broke up with me, so the ball is in your court if you want to date me again. I also dated Mercedes to provoke you because I wanted to prove that you lied when you said I didn’t turn you on.


They are at the mall and she is telling Matt about the fact that Puck has told her he loves her and about the note he left. “Do you remember that when we were in kindergarten there were days we could bring our own toy?” She is wondering where he is going with this. “Most of the kids didn’t let anyone else play with their toy but you weren’t like that. You would let anyone play with your toy until you thought they wanted to keep it, then you took it back. Puck was exactly the same way.”

She gets what he means. It’s not like she only wants Puck when he is with someone else and that it’s the same for him with her. When they were officially dating Puck did have sex with other people but he came always back to her, and she always came back to him. Now that they aren’t dating anymore, they still have sex with each other and he has told her he loves her, but he has also dated two other girls and pretended to date another. Somewhere in her mind she has formed the fear that he will choose dating someone else over having love and sex with her.

“Are you and Finn butt buddies again?” He asked her to stay behind after practice to talk, but the smirk on his face and the fact that he locked the choir room tells her he has something else planned.

“Very clever.” He pulls her to him and walks the two of them towards the drum set until they stand at the exact spot where he humped the floor during his performance earlier. “I was thinking about you. I’ve missed you.” He reaches under her skirt with one hand and pushes her panties down.

This may be exactly what she needs to cheer her the fuck up since Coach Sylvester pulled out of Nationals, so she begins to fumble with his belt buckle. He takes off his jacket and spreads it out on the ground, before he motions her to lay down. He positions himself on top of her and keeps his weight off of her by supporting himself on one of his forearms. He flips her skirt up with the hand of his other arm.

They are both naked from the waist down, except she still has her sneakers on and his jeans and boxer briefs are bunched around his knees. He grabs his cock with his free hand and slides it up and down her pussy a few times before pushing in. They find an easy rhythm and she clasps her legs around the downside of his back. She suddenly hears a buzzing sound and just as she starts to turn her head to detect the source, he presses a finger vibrator against her clit. He softly starts to sing into her ear. “It’s such a good vibration. It’s such a sweet sensation…”

He’s preparing for their Shout it! performance with Matt, Mike and Artie. Finn is suspiciously absent. “You figured out a way to comfort Rachel about finding her mom yet, Matt?” he asks casually.

Matt’s head whips up in shock and Puck thinks that he would’ve turned pale if he was able to with his skin-color. “Aren’t you too busy trying to convince Quinn to let you meet your daughter since she moved out and getting Santana to ask you out, to get up in my business?” His amusement only grows now that Matt is acting defensive.

“Why didn’t I notice this?” Mike asks.

“I think she’s a cool chick, but I’m trying to keep it on the down-low. She’s all up on Finn like nobody’s business.” Matt answers him dejectedly. Well, Puck just won’t stand for that. “Mark my words, as soon as Quinn pushes out my bastard spawn, Finn and her are getting back together. After that she’s all yours man.” Matt just nods his head.

“Aren’t Santana and Brittany together?” Artie pipes up suddenly.

“Nah man, they both like the pussy, but they love the cock.” he answers him.

Mike pumps his fist as Artie’s eyes widen behind his glasses. That’s the exact moment that Finn storms into the auditorium, all the while muttering about Azimio and Karofsky.

“No one is judging you Noah. We understand if you are sad despite the fact that the existence of Glee club is established for another year.” Rachel says.

After Mr. Schuester made the announcement that they have another year, Rachel invited the whole Glee club to her house to celebrate. He was just taking a moment for himself but Rachel probably thinks she has to try and make him feel better, because she thinks that’s her duty as co-captain or some shit like that. He tells her that since he just gave up his baby girl to her mom, he thinks that he’s allowed to be sad thank you very much. She looks taken aback. What did she expect?

“Of course Noah, that’s also very unfortunate but I was actually talking about the fact that Quinn is currently reconciling with Finn in my Daddy’s study. I for one feel completely blindsided by this occurrence because I was unaware that the possibility of reconciliation was still on the table. I am saddened by the fact that Finn doesn’t seem to realize what I can see so clearly. In my opinion our on-stage chemistry alone is proof enough for our compatibility. He even told me he loved me, but later clarified he had just meant that he loves me as a friend. I know that you’re in love with Quinn, she told us you told her. I’m very sorry, Noah.”

He feels a little bit sorry for her actually. All she could talk about all year long - besides Glee - was her ‘epic romance’ with Finn and it’s still not happening. Of course she feels like this is the end of the world and even more important than losing your baby girl, because Rachel is a high-school girl and a drama queen on top of that.

Ever since he found out that Quinn was pregnant, he has felt his childhood slipping away from him and after meeting Beth and then giving her way, he really doesn’t feel like a kid anymore. They haven’t talked about it, but he can imagine Quinn feels the same way. Even if he was in love with Quinn, he still would be more upset about giving up his baby than the fact that she is making up with Finn. Since he isn’t in love with her, he’s just happy for her but still upset about the baby.

“I’ve told you this before, those two will never break up. Of course I love Quinn, she brought my child in this world for fuck’s sake, but I’m not in love with her.” He turns his attention from Rachel to Santana and looks her straight in the eye. “I’m already in love with someone else.” he states.

Her turn.

She feels her heart pounding in her ears. What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? She isn’t able to do anything except staring into his eyes.

“Why aren’t you moving? You’re scaring me, Santana.” Brittany says beside her. She does hear Brittany and she absolutely doesn’t want to scare her, but it’s not enough to break her out of her trance.

“Puck wants them to be like us.” Mike answers as he pulls Brittany away from her. “Sex, love and dating?” Britt’s question makes the people around her start to gossip and then Puck is walking towards her until he stops right in front of her. As he takes her hands in his she realizes that they are shaking.

“You heard the girl. We already have two of the three down, let’s make a full set. What do you say?” Someone gasps behind her. She has never said the words to him, but he seems to instinctively know that she loves him too. And she does, she so does. Her mouth begins to form a smile and she nods her head up and down. “Yes.”

His mouth is on hers instantly and she distantly hears their teammates whooping in the background, but she can only concentrate on the feel of him and the fact that they are really doing this. He whispers in her ear that he loves her. She can’t say it back to him yet. Soon though.

“Congratulations Noah, Santana.” Rachel says to them.

He figures since Rachel incessant yammering triggered his public declaration of love, that he somehow owes her a little. So he is going to do her and his buddy a solid. “Thanks Rachel. Now that you’re here, I want to ask you a favor. Matt told me he wants to work on his singing technique to fully prepare for next year. Maybe you could help him out this summer?”

Rachel scurries off hurriedly because the prospect of having the opportunity to properly introduce someone to the wonderful world of music is like crack to her. He follows her with his eyes and he sees her approaching Matt. “Matthew, if I could have a moment of your time, please. Noah alerted me to the fact that you want to expand on your musical horizon. I feel like it would be an exceptionally wise choice if you would allow me to assist you with your endeavors.”

Santana snorts next to him. He just grins and kisses her temple.

Sex doesn’t always mean dating. Dating doesn’t always mean love. Love doesn’t always mean sex. But if you’re in love with the person you have sex with, you should try to get that person to date you, because then you’ll have found yourself a keeper.

He wonders if his mom is going to cry when they tell her Santana’s not really Jewish.

(part 1)

tv: glee, pairing: puck/santana, character: puck, character: santana

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