Love, Sex and Dating (1/2)

Jun 09, 2010 23:05

Title: Love, Sex and Dating
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Santana
Rating: R
Words: ~11.100 (total)
Summary:The world of sex, love and dating according to Noah Puckerman and Santana Lopez during every episode of season 1.
Spoilers: season 1
Disclaimer: don't own Glee. I've used quotes from this website.
A/N: in this universe Funk happened before Theatrically

He is such a dumb jock. Chicks don’t have prostates. If only it wasn’t Mrs. Hudson who explained this to him while he was standing before her with flowers in his hand. He is going to bully Finn out of Glee ‘cause he’s not going to defend his ass to the team all the time if the dumb little fuck doesn’t own his shit. It would be kind of badass if Finn just joined Glee and didn’t give a fuck about the shit that’s sure to come his way, but he is already lying about even joining. Why the fuck is he the leader of all the sports teams again?

Now that he thinks about it, the way that Schuester was stuttering and quivering while he asked people to join his little singing group did remind him of Finn. Huh, what do you know? He feels Santana start to move next to him. He’s been waiting for her to wake the hell up because she’s going to have a major hangover and he wants to celebrate her pain with her.

“How do you feel baby?” Her head is pounding when she wakes up in Puck's bed. She doesn’t have to turn her head to know that he has a smirk on his face. “Get me water and some aspirin, asshole.” He starts to chuckle, but he does stand up so score for her.

She’s wondering why all those shots of tequila seemed like such a good idea last night. It must have been the same logic that led her to calling Puck to come get her at Mike’s because she was too drunk to leave by herself, but also didn’t want to stay there and have to keep looking at Britt and Mike being all cute together.

When he comes back into the room, he hands her a glass of water and two pills, and announces he fucked Quinn. She groans and rolls her eyes before she pops the pills into her mouth and chases them down with a large gulp of water. “Why?”

“Because she’s hot and she wanted me.” It’s a good enough reason to fuck anyone, but she’s not so sure that Finn will share this opinion. “You do realize that Finn is going to have a problem with this?” He grabs a football and jumps next to her on his bed. “Yeah, well I’ve got a problem with Finn too. Fucking Glee Club.”

He tells her about prostates and Football practice and Glee club and that people have to own their shit and Quinn wanting to get back at Finn. “But why does she have to get back at Finn with you?” He stops throwing the football around and looks over at her. “Shit, you’re not mad at me, are you baby?”

He can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants as long as he stays clean and is available when she needs him. She is free to do the same and it’s not like she didn’t fuck Matt last night before Puck picked her up so no, she isn’t mad at him.

She is mad at Quinn though, because Quinn doesn’t know about this arrangement. “Not at you.” She does hear the quiet Thank fuck he murmurs under his breath, but she chooses not to comment on it. They have better things to do than talk anyway because orgasms still are the best cure for a hangover she knows.

It was just a suggestion he’d whispered in Santana’s ear while Rachel was ranting about girls wanting sex just as much as boys, (“Let’s see if angels are going to cry when I fuck you from behind while we hold a balloon between your back and my chest.”) but it turned out to be a fucking hot game to play. He seriously wins at life.

She’s on her way home when she decides to give Puck a call. She’s been thinking about the break up ever since it happened. It’s not that she doesn’t like him anymore or that she doesn’t want to fuck him anymore, it’s just the fact that she can’t deal with the pressure that relationships bring. It’s like she has to sabotage them because pure happiness is overrated, to her at least.

It’s the same with her reasons for joining Glee. She likes to sing and dance and she’s always thought Glee club sounded kind of fun, but she didn’t join until the opportunity came along to sabotage the club and participating in it at the same time. She’s only been in the club for a few weeks and it’s already a tangle of different roles and responsibilities.

There’s Quinn who she has to help with keeping an eye on the “Finn and Rachel situation”, and for who she has to pretend that she gives a fuck about Q’s relationship. There’s Brittany who she has to help understanding what she can and can’t say to the Glee clubbers. There’s Will Schuester who she has to charm but at the same time undermine. There are the other Glee members who she has to pretend to be friendly with, but who she at the same time has to pick apart to detect weaknesses she can report and exploit. There’s Sue for who she has to pretend to be a mindless tool to use. There is the rest of the student body to who she has to defend her choice to join Glee.

And lastly there is herself who she has to remind all the time not to get sucked into the joy of doing what she loves, because at the end of the day that’s not the commitment she has made. It’s a messy situation but it’s the only way she can deal. because messy is all she’s ever known her whole life.

There’s only one person in her life she doesn’t have to pretend with, ever. She loves Brittany because she is such a sweet friend and Santana herself can learn a lot from her about listening to your heart, but she’s always afraid she’s going to break Britt’s spirit with her meanness and spite. She is a very bitter and angry person and her harshness sometimes even scares herself and that’s why she clicks so well with Puck. He has the same walls and defense mechanisms, he is loud and he is rude, he lashes out at you when he needs you the most. Maybe people look at the two of them and say that they bring out the worst in each other, but she doesn’t care about that, because the simple truth is that she cares for him deeply.

She just can’t be in a relationship with him, because it’s too much and they’re only sixteen years old for God’s sake. She wants to explore other people and while she was free to do so when they were together, she always felt like she had to report back to him. She wants to be free but at the same time she doesn’t want to lose the right to be jealous when he’s with someone else, so she calls him. “What’s up?” he asks her when he picks up just before it goes to voicemail. He sounds sleepy. “I’m coming over.”

“I just don’t understand why you keep playing lackey to Quinn fucking Fabray. She is just a stuck up little girl who thinks she’s all that but really isn’t more than Sue Sylvester’s little pet.”

He was taking a nap when she called to tell him she was coming over. He was expecting her to want to start dating again, but instead he gets a fucking long, boring story about choreography and tanning privileges. As if he cares about those things.

“Well, you did fuck her.”

You know what, fuck this. “Is that why you broke up with me?” Her mouth opens in surprise, “What? No!” Then why is she bringing it up? He just doesn’t get her sometimes or maybe it’s not her but just girls in general.

“When you called I thought you were coming over to talk about our break up because I think we both know that a bad credit score isn’t the reason. Also not true. But you’ve been talking about Glee and Coach Sylvester for over the last twenty minutes and then you randomly throw me fucking Quinn in my face. What’s going on Santana?” She visibly deflates before his eyes and it’s actually a little scary.

He understands her snarky attitude is just a front for the passionate but broken girl inside and he loves whatever she chooses to be at any giving moment. He knows that by breaking up with him she’s trying to shut him out to protect herself. He has the same defense mechanism, but unlike him she’s not just trying to protect herself from getting hurt, she’s also trying to protect herself from having feelings period. It doesn’t matter if those feelings are positive or negative.

“I just can’t..” she whispers. She sighs and throws her arms in the air out of frustration. “I know baby. Come here.” He says the words and a second later she is in his arms. “I cried when Coach Sylvester took away my tanning privileges.” He snorts and asks her if she wants to take a nap with him. She did wake him up after all.

They are tucked beneath the blankets when she whispers she just wants to still mean something to him. He wonders how she can’t know that while he does say that he doesn’t want to deal with high school girls, he does want to deal with her because she is his high school girl. Just because they’re not dating anymore doesn’t mean she isn’t still number one in his heart.

He’s been miserable ever since he found out for sure that he’s going to be a father. They’ve won their first game and now he doesn’t even get to enjoy it. Santana confronts him at the after party. “What’s up with you? You’ve been sitting around like a little angst-whore all night. It’s like a scene straight out of a Twilight movie in here.” she snarks at him. He smirks, she’s such a diabolical bitch. God forbid he should think she actually cares about him. He revels in it.

“We have a situation, Q’s pregnant.” Her whole face light up and he swears he can see the clogs in her mind turning to formulate a plan on how and when to use this new information. “Not so fast Regina George, it’s mine.”

He is such an idiot sometimes, just such an idiot. It’s not like she can’t see that having the opportunity to fuck the president of the Celibacy Club must have felt like some sort of accomplishment for him, but couldn’t he at least have wrapped it up? “What the hell Puck? What the fuck happened?”

He lets his head fall back against the wall, closes his eyes and sighs. “Not sure, apparently the fucking condom broke or what the fuck ever. You know, at first I thought Finn maybe didn’t tell me that they fucked. Since he joined that fucking Glee club he suddenly feels so much better than me. Like the fucking defender of the weak. So yeah, but then I asked Q.” He sighs again and his face twists up in an expression she never wants to see on his features again. It’s a combination of anger, hurt and resignation.

She suddenly realizes that this is not the best place for this conversation. “Let’s go.” They walk to the entrance of the house and she looks around for Brittany. She spots her in the hallway with Mike. “We are going to leave, Mike make sure Britt’s safe.” They walk to his Jeep and get inside it in silence, but when they pull away he tells her he’s sorry.

“What for?” It’s a good question but he can’t find the words to answer her. He’s sorry that it’s Quinn he knocked up and not her, but he didn’t want to knock up anyone so he can’t tell her this. He’s sorry he slept with Quinn, except not really because he did work hard for it; while she had invited him over to have sex, she changed her mind at least ten times. He’s sorry he didn’t feel the condom breaking, but then again he had given Quinn a morning after pill just in case, but she apparently didn’t take it. In the end he just tells her he’s sorry for being such a Lima loser.

“Is that what she said?” He nods. “Well than we have to show her you’re not, because I’m assuming you want involved?” It’s a mystery to him why he didn’t go to Santana immediately instead of sulking around. “Join Glee.” she orders. Say what now? “To keep an eye on her and to show her you’re more than a jock.” Well, that’s a fair point actually, but he is going to insult Quinn about putting on weight first.

They reach his house as he is telling her about the weird story Quinn has given Finn and they laugh a little bit about Finnessa’s Finnocence. “You’ve got to tell Matt and Mike before they tip off Finn that it doesn’t work like that.” she warns him. He can totally see why that’s a good idea, but he isn’t telling them anything until they join Glee with him. Right now he’s going to not be making a baby with Santana.

He is walking down the hallway with Matt, Mike and April Rhodes. She’s a good lay and he is glad she served him with a good last memory about the three of them before Matt and Mike kill him and bury his body. Santana was right when she told him they should know in case Finn tells them how he thinks he impregnated Quinn, but that doesn’t mean he’s looking forward to his death. As soon as April gets lost he tells them to come to his house after school.

“I’m going to tell you guys this fucked up story only one time so just listen to all of it before you punch me.” So he tells them the whole story, from Quinn calling him to the three of them joining Glee. They don’t punch him when he’s done, they don’t do much of anything really, they just sit there.

“Dude..” Mike says, “.. this is messed up.” Matt is just staring at him, like he still can’t really believe any of this. After a few minutes of the three of them just sitting there in his backyard, Matt finally opens his mouth. “Does Santana know about this?” He just nods his head in the affirmative and then tells Mike that he can tell Britt but only if he makes sure she doesn’t get confused or upset about it. Mike asks him what he wants the two of them to do, how they can help him even. “You guys don’t have to do anything, besides not helping Finn with figuring things out.”

“Look, I know you think that we joined Glee because you suggested that the three of us should back Finn up, but you should just know that we didn’t join Glee to help Finn, we joined because it sounded like fun and you asked. The fact that you had another reason to ask us doesn’t matter. Got it?” Matt is a naturally quiet person, but when he talks, you better make sure to pay attention because he isn’t just saying something to make noise. “He’s right man, don’t put us up on that list in your head of things you think you’re fucking up.” Mike adds.

Speaking about fucking, he suddenly realizes how incestuous this little group of jocks and Cheerio’s that joined Glee is. Matt fucks Santana on a regular basis, but she is Puck’s girl even if they’re no longer dating. Santana has sex with Brittany from time to time, but Mike is off limits to her. Brittany isn’t allowed to hook up with Puck or Matt anymore because it all became too confusing to her and she’s really just Mike’s. Matt, Mike and him fucked April Rhodes together just this afternoon and it’s not the first time something like this has happened either. Still, him knocking up Quinn takes the fucking cake.

Later that night he calls Santana. “It’s weird like, Finn is my best friend, but Mike and Matt are the best friends someone could have.” She tells him she gets it and that she’s naked. So yeah, things kind of go from there.

The girls are doing their mash-up performance and he’s just swaying from left to right. One look into Santana’s eyes told him that Nurse Schuester had struck again, so he just popped two leftover ‘Vitamin D’ pills in his mouth before practice.

They’re out of the door as soon as Schuester dismisses them and five minutes later he has her clenching down on his cock in the locker room. The situation with Quinn has learned him that hindsight is truly 20/20, but right now he is learning that foresight? Is pretty fucking A.

When she comes home from school two days after Quinn’s pregnancy became public knowledge, she finds a package waiting for her.

To Santana Lopez, the new HBIC of McKinley High.

Inside the package she finds a corset with matching panties, a garter belt, a blindfold and a pair of handcuffs. Across the room her phone beeps.

Puck 4:14 p.m.: 4 the dom u r ;)

Puck and Rachel. Rachel and Puck. The last few days she didn’t really know if she should be horrified or entertained. This afternoon she saw Puck storming out of the bleachers while Rachel stared after him with a conflicted look on her face before she turned back to the field and smiled and waved to Finn who was talking to Schue. So she called Puck who was pissed he didn’t get to introduce Rachel to his mom to get her off his back about dating a Jewish girl.

Now she’s sitting in Puck’s living room with his family and they’re about to have dinner. “Wait, shouldn’t we say our thanks first?” She closes her eyes and recites the words she’s been practicing before she came here.

“Baruch ata Adonai elohaynu melech ha’olam she’hakol nihiyeh bidvaro.*”

She hears a soft Oh Noah on her left and when she opens her eyes she sees that Puck’s mom has the biggest smile on her face and that her eyes are shiny. He owes her. Big time.

He wants to have this devious little creature sitting next to him in his life forever. It doesn’t even matter if he never gets to fuck her again, not that he is planning on stopping with that anytime soon, but she has to stay. This afternoon he was so pissed off that yet another girl had chosen Finn over him and that he didn’t get to make his mom happy. It’s only a few hours later and his mood has done a total 180. If he had known that this was what she had in mind when she told him she was coming over for dinner, his response would’ve been a hell of a lot more enthusiastic.

He’s actually a little relieved that Rachel broke things off. He’s come to find that under the layers of sheer determination to be a star lays a fragile girl. He can relate to building an image to protect yourself, only his image makes people fear him, her image makes people torment her. He has decided he won’t bully her anymore, but he also knows that he could never be what she would want him to be as her boyfriend, nor does he really want to be that person.

Innocent girls he can teach things, shy girls he can get to let their wild side out, self-conscious girls he can get to love their own body, but fragile girls he can only shatter more.

He’s pulled out of his musings when he hears his mother say that his sister is having a sleepover at a friend’s house and that she herself has to pull a night-shift, but that the two of them should have fun together. Score! As soon as his mother and sister are out of the house, his mouth is on hers. “That was badass! Come on!” he mumbles against her lips. She’s smirking against his mouth as he thugs her up the stairs.

* Praised are you, Adonai our G-d, Sovereign of the Universe, at whose word all things come into existence

They sit together at the bake sale table after Finn stormed out and Quinn wheeled away. “I kind of want you to ride me while I sit in this thing. You know, just to get the full experience of Artie’s life.” She just shakes her head and grabs his hand. “In that case I’d like to introduce you to your new lover. Just keep your eyes closed and if you keep the glove on and pretend hard enough it’ll feel like there’s someone else there with you.” He just laughs at her and tells her to keep an eye out on the table ‘cause he has to do something real quick.

A few days later, after he tells her about his specialties crime and lying and how he tricked Mr. Ryerson into giving him pot, she grants him his wish. Just because she is proud of him and also because he did kind of beat her to the punch when he suggested it, but she’s not going to tell the latter to him.

“Did you see how Rachel looked at Schue during that ballad they did?” They are both down to their underwear and she wants to talk about Rachel and Mr. fucking Schuester? Did she fall down the pyramid in Cheerio practice and hit her head?

He doesn’t bother answering her and instead he slides his hands up her back to open the clasp of her bra. She arches up to him and he slides one hand back down so he can press his thumb against her clit through the fabric. He tangles his other hand in her hair and guides her mouth to his.

They make out lazily until she begins to pant into his mouth. It’s time for stage two. He tugs her panties down her legs and bends his head so he can take one of her nipples in his mouth, but before he can do so, she opens her mouth. “Mr. Schuester, my lady bits have reached a certain humidity level that is very pleasing to me and I am ready for the next stage in our relations.”

“Jesus Christ San, you’re making my dick go limp.” She is interested in all things sex, so naturally she is also curious about role-playing. It’s been in her head for some time now. She knows that Puck only dated Rachel to make his mom happy, but he must also find her attractive on some level, otherwise he would never have even thought about her as an option. She herself would be lying if she said she has never thought of Will Schuester as something other than their Spanish teacher and Glee coach. It’s the puppy dog eyes and his earnest believe in all off his students. So yeah, she wants to do this. She is not going to spell it out for him though.

She just smirks and brings one of her hands between them and slips it into his boxer briefs. “No, I’m not” she says while she takes him in her hand and begins to slide up and down his erection. He hardens further.

“You’re really not.” he snorts. “This what you had in mind?” he asks when he slides two of his fingers inside of her. “I believe in you Rachel. It excites me to know that when you’re famous, I’ll be able to say that I was your teacher.” He’s in. Yes!

She lets go off him when he speeds up his rhythm and curls his fingers just the way he knows she likes it. “Oh..oh..oh.. Mr. Shue..” she moans. He stills his hand just before she comes and pulls his fingers out. He pushes her hair away from her forehead with his other hand. “You can call me Will, my little star. So tell me, what do you want me to do?”

"I’m currently hoping that your quick wit and quicker tongue may be of use to me between my thighs at this precise instant." He shakes his head in amusement and begins to trail kisses down from her neck and over her stomach until he is down between her legs.

He doesn’t know what this is about exactly , maybe it’s about him dating Rachel or maybe she’s just hot for Schuester, but he’s not going to question it or stop it either way. If this is what she wants, this is what she gets. He will never turn Santana down or make fun of her. He likes that she seems to know that, she would never have trusted him with this if she was afraid about that.

He lets his tongue make one long slope across her pussy before he sucks her clit into his mouth. She was already close so it doesn’t surprise him that she begins to clench down on his fingers as soon as he slides them back into her. It takes only a few thrusts and she is screaming Will’s name as she comes. It doesn’t make him feel aggravated like it did when Quinn moaned Finn’s name in his ear all those weeks ago, instead it makes him feel accomplished. Also, the polite version of dirty talk she uses is weirdly hot. He’d like to think he could screw all the eloquent words out of Rachel’s head though, if the situation he had that opportunity would ever arise.

He slides back up her body and positions his cock right in front of her entrance, but instead of entering her he takes her head between his hands and looks into her eyes. “Are you absolutely sure about this Rachel?" he asks, "I’d hate to feel like I would be taking advantage of you in any way.” He thinks that if this would be going down between the real Rachel and the real Will Schuester, there’d be no way their teacher wouldn’t be taking advantage of their teammate, but it adds to the illusion. "Yes I’m absolutely sure. I’m very eager to experience the sensation of your priapic key being inserted into my properly prepared and lubricated lock."

He keeps his eyes on her while he slowly begins to push in. “Now this will hurt, but only for a moment. We can take all the time that you need. I promise to be as gentle as possible.” She can only nod, because her throat suddenly feels tight. She hadn’t thought about Rachel being a virgin but now that Puck has brought her attention to it, she can’t help but think back to her own first time.

There were no words of encouragement there and Davy Anderson certainly hadn’t been gentle whatsoever. She didn’t even like the guy but he was a senior and he had chosen her. He had chosen her, a lowly freshman. She had been so desperate to fit in that of course she had said yes.

She definitely never regretted it and when he never called her afterwards, she definitely didn’t feel used and when she saw him hitting on someone else on a party just a week later, she was definitely not disappointed and who is she kidding? It just really sucked.

Puck seems to sense her change in mood because he hasn’t moved any further. Suddenly the air around them is charged and to her mortification she feels tears well up in her eyes. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed Rachel. I’ll still talk to you during Glee after we do this, if that’s what you’re worried about.” And just like that he breaks her out of the spell of unpleasant memories that were threatening to overtake her. It’s like the roles they play make it possible for them to be gentle with each other in a way they both wouldn’t allow when they are just themselves. She locks her legs around his thighs and he slides his cock further inside of her until he is all the way in.

He had always assumed that Santana wasn’t a virgin when they started sleeping together. She had said she thought he was hot and knew that she was hot and that they would be even hotter together. He couldn’t argue with that logic so he went for it. He still can’t argue with that logic, but now he is feeling like a dick, because what if she was a virgin? He definitely hadn’t said anything about being gentle and not feeling embarrassed the first time they slept together.

He’s pissed at himself for not asking her back then, because it doesn’t matter if it was him or some other fucker, the way she reacted just now tells him her memories of her first time aren’t good ones. There’s nothing he can do about that anymore though, so he’ll just have the make the memory of this first time a good one.

He keeps his eyes locked on hers while he slowly pushes in and out of her and lets go off her face with his hands. He doesn’t fondle her nipples or pinch her clit like he would do any other time. Instead he slowly brings their hands together, tangles their fingers and brings their joined hands over her head. He keeps the rhythm slow but steady, the way they are still looking into each other’s eyes is extremely intimate and wildly arousing.

He sees her eyes widen when he hits a certain spot so he does it again and again and again. “It seems that you’ve managed to hit the elusive G-spot. I’ve come to realize, during my extensive research on all the subjects a teenage girl with a healthy sexual appetite should be aware of, that this is a very rare occurrence.”

“I’m glad we get to experience this together. You deserve the best in everything you undertake so I want to make your first time as enjoyable as possible.” She knows what he is trying to do and she loves him for it really. It’s scary and new and also a little bit confusing.

They’ve had slow, drawn out sex before. Hell, they have had all kinds of sex before. They’ve tied each other up, they’ve withheld each other orgasms, they’ve had phone sex, they sext each other regularly, they have done each other in all kinds of positions at all kind of locations, but they have never ever made love. And now, while they are under the disguise of pretending to be other people, it seems like they are.

She closes her eyes because it’s too much and it’s too intense and it’s exactly why she broke up with him, because she can’t deal with these kind of feelings. Not now, maybe not ever.

She is so deep in thought that she’s surprised when she suddenly comes so hard that it sets off his orgasm and the feeling she gets when they lay panting together in a heap on her bed is so raw that it leafs her feeling breathless. She doesn’t even realize she is crying until she feels him kiss the tears away. “Shh baby, relax, I’ve got you.” he whispers in her ear.

It only makes her cry harder and it makes her feel embarrassed so she tries to pull away but he doesn’t let her and then she’s just laying there, crying into his chest, feeling completely exposed and vulnerable. “You want to sing a song about it?” He helps her, of course he does, so she raises her head and gives him a soft kiss on his jaw. “Thank you, Puck.”

She’s thanking him for all kinds of things, for indulging her with her role-playing idea, for trying to erase the bad memories of her first time, for still being there for her after she randomly breaks up with him, for telling her about Quinn and the baby and of course right this instant for not pushing her and giving her an out. He tilts her head so he can look into her eyes. “Anything for you, baby.”

He pulls a blanket over them and the only thing she can think about while she is falling asleep, is how complicated things are going to get after the truth about the paternity of Quinn’s baby comes out. Because it’s going to come out. She doesn’t like to think about it much, but she knows things are going to change after that and not necessarily for the better.

(part 2)

tv: glee, pairing: puck/santana, character: puck, character: santana

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