
Oct 16, 2009 10:55

New on The Interfictions Annex, Mark Rich's "Stonefield" ( about a man who haunts a small town, or perhaps a town that haunts a man.

". . . how strange, though, Michael thought, how he walked into the livery stables and saw himself so strongly sitting on a crate beside a short barrel, playing cards."

I've certainly felt that way in some of the historical places I've visited--perhaps most strongly at Gwydir Castle, and on a farm in Normandy, 15 years ago.  It couldn't be uncommon, or nobody would believe in past lives.  Take that feeling one step further, run it through the unique filter of a writer's consciousness, and you get. . . .  Well, a story Chris and I liked a lot.

And if you haven't read the earlier stories, you can do that, too.  They're all dandy.

interfictions, signal boost

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