Delia At The WFC

Oct 16, 2009 14:38

Here are my panels for WFC:

Friday    1:00 PM    Invention vs. Tradition

Readers like original stories that surprise them.  Readers like comfortable formulas that fulfill their expectations. What are the ways authors and editors deal with these two competing impulses?    John  Kessel, Richard  Lupoff, Beth  Meacham, Delia  Sherman, Daniel  Waters

Sunday    4:00 PM    Awards Postmortem

The judges of this year's World Fantasy Awards (Jenny Blackford, Peter Heck, Ellen Klages, Chris Roberson & Delia Sherman) will discuss the process of determining the nominees and the winners.

I am  looking forward to what everybody says about Invention vs. Tradition.  Maybe I'll moderate.

And I'm really looking forward to having a good old chin-wag with my fellow WFA judges.  We had a great time together in cyberspace, and I'm very excited about actually meeting Chris and seeing Jenny again (we met at Worldcon).

world fantasy, convention

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