The Static Trapeze

Oct 12, 2009 21:30

I've found a Trapeze Glossary on line, and several Circus Glossaries, but while they list some very cool-sounding tricks and moves (Angel; Reverse Angel; Bird's Nest; Amazon--and a bunch more I wrote down on a piece of paper somewhere that I now can't find), they don't say what they look like.  And I'd like to know what they look like, otherwise, I'm liable to write something unforgivably foolish, and we can't have that, can we?  No, we can't.

Anybody out there in LJ-land know anything about trapezes?  The circus I'm positing is a boutique circus, one tiny ring, not enough room or height for flying, so it's got to be stuff you can do on a static trapeze, preferably a frame rig (see, I've picked up something in all this research, just not enough).  There has to be a book out there, but I'm coming up empty--except for a book in French, available only in the UK, with pictures, for far too much money.

Back to You-Tube.  It doesn't give me the names of things, but it sure does give me the visuals.  And I need something to kick this story into life.  It's currently lying there on my desk with little x's over its hypothetical eyes.

writing, research question

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