2008-09-09 Tuesday

Sep 12, 2008 03:42

The phone rang at 4:45 am this morning. It was my bright spot for the day. It was my son on his way to school. I know its early to be taking calls but I really feel strongly that I need to hear his voice. I also feel that I need to be there for him. He seems to enjoy the calls as much as I do. As I have said before I define myself as a Dad first. Therefor I need to be Dad and talk to my boy at least every morning and before bed time. I think, I believe that this is good for his sense of security.

Most of the day went as planned. Left for work at 6:30. Worked a full day with no surprises. Had a small issue between 2 of my team mates. (Resolved quickly after work with an e-mail that evening.) Finished work at 5:00 pm and headed home. Met with the C family for dinner at a pub right on the beach. Watched the sunset ate a burger, had a drink and then walked home. Around 9pm I was exhausted and laid down on the bed. Fell asleep with the lights on, clothes on and my phone on my chest. Woke up at 10:30 got ready for bed and was back in bed by 11:30.

Once again I saw the clock read 2:13, 3:55. I had very restless dreams. My stomach is still upset and I had the beginnings of a migrane starting at 3:55.

delaney, grief, death, travel, father, daughter, work, sadness, daddy, mourning

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