May 12, 2009 13:45
I took my last final an hour ago and now I'm DOOOONNNEEE!!! While I kill time before I head into boston to see Children of Bodom, I think there's no better time than now then to sum up the semestar. Here's some of the awesome/strangely odd moment from the past few months:
-DAN: Mr. McQuackster has turned into Yellow Submarine: silly child-like lyrics [cups hands over mouth] AND A GUY IN THE BACKGROUND TALKING LIKE THIS!
-An Ideal Husband at ACTF
-My first time [voluntarily] speaking in public. Thank you Henry.
-Kenny Dignard = David Hasselhoff
-Gay dance party, where it really does rain men.
-I don't get that reference!
-Operation: Scottish Play
-The cast of Equilibrium is making up lines at this point!
-Big Bad Bobby's first recordings/shows in two years!!
-If the theatre thing doesn't work out, at least I can make a decent living at sweeping up rose pedals.
-Dance parties stage right during Kaliedescope
-Henry is sabataging DK form beyond the grave.
-"You dance exactly like a hooker." -DR. Moses
-Alistar Cookie crashes the Theatre Banquet.
-Someone needs to make t-shirts that say "I got roped into the Insect Comedy."
-Twin Quinns! Starring Mike Lacey & Jim Quinn.
-Al + Kenny = Team Awesome
-It's a dance for social justice, but not a dance for working sound equipment.
-[some ridiculous product] by DYNAGON!
-Only one word can describe Picasso at the Lapin Agile: Rock & Roll.
-Captain K-hab.
Feel free to add anything you feel I left out.